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Supress vs. Suppress — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 22, 2024
"Supress" is the incorrect spelling, while "Suppress" with two "p's" is correct. Suppress means to forcibly put an end to or prevent.
Supress vs. Suppress — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Supress or Suppress

How to spell Suppress?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the word "press" within "suppress"; pressing down requires strength, hence two "p's".
Remember that “suppress” is similar to “oppress”, both have double “p”.
Visualize suppressing something as pressing twice, emphasizing the double "p".
Associate "suppress" with "pressure," both contain double "p's".
Note that in grammar, adding the prefix “su-” doesn’t change the base word's letters.

How Do You Spell Suppress Correctly?

Incorrect: He took medication to supress his cough.
Correct: He took medication to suppress his cough.
Incorrect: She tried to supress her laughter during the serious meeting.
Correct: She tried to suppress her laughter during the serious meeting.
Incorrect: The government attempted to supress the news from spreading.
Correct: The government attempted to suppress the news from spreading.
Incorrect: They tried to supress their emotions during the sad movie.
Correct: They tried to suppress their emotions during the sad movie.

Suppress Definitions

To stop by force, put down or subdue.
The government tried to suppress the rebellion.
To hold back or restrain.
She suppressed her urge to shout.
To prevent the dissemination of information.
The media was accused of suppressing the truth.
In medicine, to stop or reduce the intensity, as in suppressing a cough.
The medicine helped to suppress his symptoms.
In electronics, to reduce or eliminate unwanted signals.
The device suppresses background noise for clearer audio.
To put an end to forcibly; subdue
Suppress a rebellion. See Usage Note at repress.
To curtail or prohibit the activities of
Suppress dissident groups.
To keep from being revealed, published, or circulated
Suppress evidence.
Suppress a film.
To deliberately exclude (unacceptable desires or thoughts) from the mind.
To inhibit the expression of
Suppress anger.
Suppress a smile.
To restrain the growth, activity, or release of
Suppress a virus.
Suppress a hemorrhage.
To inhibit the expression of (a gene)
Suppress a mutation.
To put an end to, especially with force, to crush, do away with; to prohibit, subdue.
Political dissent was brutally suppressed.
To restrain or repress, such as laughter or an expression.
I struggled to suppress my smile.
(psychiatry) To exclude undesirable thoughts from one's mind.
He unconsciously suppressed his memories of abuse.
To prevent publication.
The government suppressed the findings of their research about the true state of the economy.
To stop a flow or stream.
The rescue team managed to suppress the flow of oil by blasting the drilling hole.
Hot blackcurrant juice mixed with honey may suppress cough.
To forbid the use of evidence at trial because it is improper or was improperly obtained.
(electronics) To reduce unwanted frequencies in a signal.
(military) To stop or prevent the enemy from executing unwanted activities like firing, regrouping, observation or others.
(obsolete) To hold in place, to keep low.
To overpower and crush; to subdue; to put down; to quell.
Every rebellion, when it is suppressed, doth make the subject weaker, and the prince stronger.
To keep in; to restrain from utterance or vent; as, to suppress the voice; to suppress a smile.
To retain without disclosure; to conceal; not to reveal; to prevent publication of; as, to suppress evidence; to suppress a pamphlet; to suppress the truth.
She suppresses the name, and this keeps him in a pleasing suspense.
To stop; to restrain; to arrest the discharges of; as, to suppress a diarrhea, or a hemorrhage.
To put down by force or authority;
Suppress a nascent uprising
Stamp down on littering
Conquer one's desires
Come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority;
The government oppresses political activists
Control and refrain from showing; of emotions
Keep under control; keep in check;
Suppress a smile
Keep your temper
Keep your cool
Put out of one's consciousness

Suppress Meaning in a Sentence

It's not healthy to suppress your feelings for a long time.
The teacher had to suppress a smile when the student gave a humorous answer.
She managed to suppress her urge to shout in anger.
The government used force to suppress the protest.
The medication helps to suppress the symptoms of the disease.
The company's new policy aimed to suppress any negative media coverage.
He took a deep breath to suppress his nervousness.
She used a pillow to suppress the sound of her crying.
The new law aims to suppress illegal activities online.
The sound of the rain helped to suppress the noise from the street.
She had to suppress her curiosity and not ask too many questions.
It's hard to suppress excitement when you receive good news.
He used earplugs to suppress the sounds while studying.
The software can suppress unwanted pop-up ads.
The organization aimed to suppress corruption within its ranks.
The fire department worked hard to suppress the wildfire.

Suppress Idioms & Phrases

Suppress the urge

To resist the desire to do something.
He had to suppress the urge to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

Suppress a grin

To hold back a smile.
Even though the situation was serious, she had to suppress a grin when she saw the comedy of errors unfolding.

Suppress a sigh

To hold back a sigh of disappointment or relief.
She suppressed a sigh when she realized the extra work she had to do.

Suppress a chuckle

To prevent oneself from laughing softly.
She had to suppress a chuckle when she overheard the children's innocent conversation.

Suppress one's emotions

To control or hide one's feelings.
It's often difficult to suppress one's emotions during a heartfelt movie.

Suppress one's anger

To control or hold back feelings of anger.
Even though he was furious, he suppressed his anger and responded calmly.

Suppress a shiver

To control one's reaction to fear or cold.
Despite the chilling story, he suppressed a shiver and remained composed.

Suppress the truth

To hide or deny the reality of a situation.
The organization was accused of trying to suppress the truth about the incident.

Suppress a groan

To prevent oneself from making a sound of discomfort or displeasure.
He suppressed a groan when he saw the long line at the checkout.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Suppress?

Suppress comes from Latin "suppressus", the past participle of "supprimere", meaning to press down or stop.

What is the verb form of Suppress?

The verb form is "suppress."

Which vowel is used before Suppress?

The vowel "u" is used before Suppress.

What is the root word of Suppress?

The root word is from Latin "supprimere."

What is the pronunciation of Suppress?

Suppress is pronounced as /səˈprɛs/.

Which conjunction is used with Suppress?

There isn't a specific conjunction exclusive to "suppress." It can be used with conjunctions like "and," "but," "or," etc., depending on the context.

What is the singular form of Suppress?

Suppress is a verb, so it doesn't have a singular or plural form. However, the noun form "suppression" is singular.

Which preposition is used with Suppress?

"Of" is commonly used, as in "suppression of feelings."

Is Suppress a negative or positive word?

Suppress is generally neutral but can have a negative connotation depending on the context.

Is Suppress a countable noun?

Suppress is not a noun; it's a verb.

What is the plural form of Suppress?

Suppress is a verb, so it doesn't have a plural form.

Which article is used with Suppress?

Being a verb, "suppress" doesn't take an article by itself. However, the noun form "suppression" can take both "a" and "the."

Is Suppress a noun or adjective?

Suppress is a verb.

Is Suppress an adverb?

No, Suppress is not an adverb.

Is the word Suppress is imperative?

It can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Suppress that noise!"

What part of speech is Suppress?

Suppress is a verb.

Is Suppress an abstract noun?

Suppress itself is not a noun. However, "suppression" is an abstract noun.

Is Suppress a vowel or consonant?

Suppress is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

Is Suppress a collective noun?

No, Suppress is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in Suppress?

There are two syllables in Suppress.

What is another term for Suppress?

Another term is "repress."

What is the opposite of Suppress?

The opposite could be "express" or "release."

Which determiner is used with Suppress?

Suppress, as a verb, doesn't typically require a determiner.

Is the Suppress term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Is the word “Suppress” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Suppress" is a verb. However, it can take a direct object, e.g., "Suppress the noise."

What is a stressed syllable in Suppress?

The second syllable, "press," is stressed.

What is the second form of Suppress?

The second form is "suppressed."

Is the word Suppress is Gerund?

The gerund form is "suppressing."

How do we divide Suppress into syllables?

Suppress can be divided as su-press.

What is the first form of Suppress?

The first form is "suppress."

What is the third form of Suppress?

The third form is "suppressed."

How is Suppress used in a sentence?

She tried hard to suppress her laughter during the serious meeting.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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