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Surmise vs. Survise — Which is Correct Spelling?

Surmise vs. Survise — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Surmise or Survise

How to spell Surmise?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Surmise Definitions

To make a judgment about (something) without sufficient evidence; guess
"In another pocket he came across what he surmised in the dark were pennies, erroneously, however, as it turned out" (James Joyce).
To say (something) as a guess or conjecture.
To make a guess or conjecture.
An idea or opinion based on insufficiently conclusive evidence; a conjecture.
Thought, imagination, or conjecture, which may be based upon feeble or scanty evidence; suspicion; guess.
Surmises of jealousy or of envy
This opinion, however, is merely a surmise, which may or may not be the case.
Reflection; thought; posit.
To imagine or suspect; to conjecture; to posit with contestable premises.
If, as I surmise, you see the ladies this evening, you might mention my intended visit.
A thought, imagination, or conjecture, which is based upon feeble or scanty evidence; suspicion; guess; as, the surmisses of jealousy or of envy.
[We] double honor gainFrom his surmise proved false.
No man ought to be charged with principles he actually disowns, unless his practicies contradict his profession; not upon small surmises.
Reflection; thought.
To imagine without certain knowledge; to infer on slight grounds; to suppose, conjecture, or suspect; to guess.
It wafted nearer yet, and then she knewThat what before she but surmised, was true.
This change was not wrought by altering the form or position of the earth, as was surmised by a very learned man, but by dissolving it.
A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
Infer from incomplete evidence
Imagine to be the case or true or probable;
I suspect he is a fugitive
I surmised that the butler did it

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