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Surplanted vs. Supplanted — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 24, 2024
"Surplanted" is an incorrect spelling; the correct spelling is "Supplanted," which means to replace or take the place of.
Surplanted vs. Supplanted — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Surplanted or Supplanted

How to spell Supplanted?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Consider the word "supplement." To "supplant" is to replace, much like a supplement can replace a meal.
Remember the prefix "sup-" as in "superior," indicating something above or beyond.
"Sur-" as a prefix typically means "above," but in this context, "sup-" means to replace or take over.
Think of "plant" - when you "supplant," you're "planting" something new in place of the old.
There is only one 'r' in "supplanted."

How Do You Spell Supplanted Correctly?

Incorrect: He was surplanted as the lead actor due to his lack of experience.
Correct: He was supplanted as the lead actor due to his lack of experience.
Incorrect: The technology was surplanted by a newer version within months.
Correct: The technology was supplanted by a newer version within months.
Incorrect: She was surplanted from her position on the team after the new assessments.
Correct: She was supplanted from her position on the team after the new assessments.
Incorrect: The old software was surplanted after the update was released.
Correct: The old software was supplanted after the update was released.
Incorrect: Their traditional methods were surplanted by modern techniques.
Correct: Their traditional methods were supplanted by modern techniques.

Supplanted Definitions

Supplanted means to replace or substitute, especially by force or treachery.
The old software was supplanted by a new version.
Supplanted can refer to uprooting or displacing.
Traditional methods were supplanted by new techniques.
It suggests a forceful or sudden replacement.
The queen was supplanted from her throne.
To supplant implies ousting something or someone and taking its place.
He was supplanted as team captain.
Broadly, to supplant means to succeed something.
Smartphones supplanted regular cell phones.
To take the place of or substitute for (another)
Computers have largely supplanted typewriters.
To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics
In the Bible, Jacob supplants his older brother Esau.
Simple past tense and past participle of supplant

Supplanted Meaning in a Sentence

Streaming services have supplanted DVDs as the preferred way to watch movies at home.
The assistant manager was supplanted by someone with more experience.
Once smartphones became popular, they supplanted many older types of mobile phones.
The new manager's ideas supplanted the old policies, leading to significant changes in the company.
The new edition of the textbook supplanted the old one in the curriculum.
Electric cars are beginning to supplant gas-powered cars in some markets.
The theory proposed by the young scientist supplanted the old model that had been accepted for decades.
Social media has supplanted traditional forms of communication among teenagers.
The new law supplanted the previous ordinance, changing how businesses operate.
The internet has supplanted the library as the first place students go for research.
Digital photography supplanted film photography in most professional settings.
The latest software update supplanted the need for several older programs.
The novel's unexpected ending supplanted the predictable conclusion I had imagined.
The athlete's new record supplanted the previous world record that stood for ten years.
LED bulbs have supplanted incandescent bulbs in many homes due to their energy efficiency.
Touchscreen technology supplanted physical keyboards on most mobile devices.
The new highway supplanted the old road, cutting travel time in half.
The smartphone supplanted the need for a separate camera, GPS, and MP3 player for many people.
Virtual meetings have supplanted face-to-face meetings in many businesses around the world.
Email has largely supplanted traditional mail for everyday communication.
Streaming music services have supplanted CD sales.

Supplanted Idioms & Phrases

A king supplanted

When someone is replaced or ousted from a position of power or importance.
The young prince plotted to supplant the king and take the throne for himself.

Ideas supplanted

When new ideas replace old or outdated ones.
His innovative approach supplanted the traditional methods used by the company.

Supplanted by technology

When technology replaces a manual process, skill, or job.
Many factory workers have seen their jobs supplanted by technology, leading to unemployment.

Supplanted in popularity

When something becomes more popular or preferred over something else.
Video calls have supplanted in-person meetings in popularity among businesses.

Supplanted at the top

To be replaced or overtaken as the best or leading position.
The new athlete supplanted the previous champion at the top of the rankings.

Supplanted in the market

When a product or service replaces another in the market due to better features, price, or quality.
The new smartphone model quickly supplanted its competitors in the market.

Supplanted in favor

To be replaced by someone or something that is preferred or favored.
The old software was supplanted in favor of a more efficient and user-friendly system.

Supplanted by a successor

When someone is replaced by another person who takes over their role or position.
The retiring CEO was supplanted by a successor who had been groomed for years.

Supplanted in usage

When one thing is replaced by another in terms of how frequently or commonly it is used.
Text messaging has supplanted phone calls in usage among the younger generation.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Supplanted?

It is pronounced as /səˈplæntɪd/.

What is the root word of Supplanted?

The root word is "supplant."

Which vowel is used before Supplanted?

The vowel 'a' is used, as in "he supplanted."

Which conjunction is used with Supplanted?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence structure.

Why is it called Supplanted?

The term "supplanted" comes from the Latin word "supplantare" meaning to trip up or to overthrow.

What is the verb form of Supplanted?

"Supplant" is the verb form.

What is the singular form of Supplanted?

The singular form is "supplant."

Which article is used with Supplanted?

Typically, "the" can be used if referring to a specific instance.

What is the plural form of Supplanted?

Verbs don't have plural forms; "supplanted" is the past tense of "supplant."

Is Supplanted a noun or adjective?

Supplanted is a verb in its past tense form.

Which preposition is used with Supplanted?

"By" is often used, as in "supplanted by."

Is Supplanted a collective noun?


What is another term for Supplanted?

Replace or usurp.

Is Supplanted a vowel or consonant?

"Supplanted" is a word that includes both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide Supplanted into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Supplanted?

The second syllable, "plan," is stressed.

What part of speech is Supplanted?

It's a verb.

Is Supplanted an abstract noun?


Is Supplanted a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but can be negative depending on the context.

Is the word Supplanted a Gerund?

No, "supplanting" is the gerund form.

Is the word “Supplanted” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a verb, it can take a direct object. Example: "The new law supplanted the old one."

How many syllables are in Supplanted?

Three syllables.

What is the opposite of Supplanted?

To establish or institute.

Which determiner is used with Supplanted?

No specific determiner is typically associated with the verb.

What is the third form of Supplanted?


Is the Supplanted term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is the word Supplanted imperative?


What is the first form of Supplanted?


Is Supplanted an adverb?


Is Supplanted a countable noun?

No, it's a verb.

What is the second form of Supplanted?


How is Supplanted used in a sentence?

"Traditional mail was quickly supplanted by email as the preferred form of communication."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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