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Surrended vs. Surrendered — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Surrended" is an incorrect spelling, while "Surrendered" is the correct form, meaning to give up or yield control to another.
Surrended vs. Surrendered — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Surrended or Surrendered

How to spell Surrendered?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember it has two "r"s followed by "ender," like the end of something.
Associate it with the act of "ending" resistance, emphasizing the "end" part in the middle.
Recall other words that end in "-erred" like "referred" or "preferred" for consistent spelling patterns.
Think of "surrender" as "sure + render." Ensure you spell both parts in full.
The verb "render" is within "surrendered." If you know how to spell "render," you're halfway there.

How Do You Spell Surrendered Correctly?

Incorrect: The general surrended his sword in defeat.
Correct: The general surrendered his sword in defeat.
Incorrect: The army surrended the city after a long siege.
Correct: The army surrendered the city after a long siege.
Incorrect: He surrended to the police after a short chase.
Correct: He surrendered to the police after a short chase.
Incorrect: They surrended the stolen goods to the authorities.
Correct: They surrendered the stolen goods to the authorities.
Incorrect: She surrended her rights to the property.
Correct: She surrendered her rights to the property.

Surrendered Definitions

"Surrendered" refers to having given up in the face of adversity or challenge.
The army surrendered after a long battle.
"Surrendered" denotes yielding possession or control to another.
She surrendered the keys to the new owner.
"Surrendered" is to submit oneself entirely, especially in a spiritual or emotional sense.
She surrendered to the beauty of the music.
"Surrendered" also implies giving oneself up, especially to the police or authority.
The fugitive surrendered to the police at dawn.
"Surrendered" can mean relinquishing one's rights or claims.
He surrendered his right to the inheritance.
To relinquish possession or control of (something) to another because of demand or compulsion
Surrendered the city to the enemy.
To give up in favor of another, especially voluntarily
Surrendered her chair to her grandmother.
To give up or abandon
Surrender all hope.
To give over or resign (oneself) to something, as to an emotion
Surrendered himself to grief.
(Law) To effectuate a surrender of.
To submit to the power of another, especially after resisting; give up.
The act or an instance of surrendering
The general demanded the unconditional surrender of the fort.
(Law) The yielding of the possession of an estate to a party with a reversion or remainder interest in the estate, or of a lease to a landlord, prior to the term's expiration.
Simple past tense and past participle of surrender
Given up often unwillingly;
A relinquishment is a piece of relinquished or abandoned land

Surrendered Meaning in a Sentence

The wild animal surrendered to the rescuers.
The soldiers surrendered after running out of ammunition.
He surrendered his passport at the embassy.
The company surrendered its license to operate.
The team surrendered to the inevitable and accepted defeat.
She surrendered to her emotions and started crying.
The criminal surrendered peacefully when surrounded by police.
After a lengthy battle, the city finally surrendered.
She surrendered her claim to the inheritance.
She surrendered her intention to argue and agreed with them.
He surrendered his seat to the elderly woman on the bus.
The suspect surrendered to authorities early in the morning.
They surrendered the lead in the final quarter of the game.
They surrendered their hopes of winning the championship.
The guard dog surrendered to the intruder’s treats.
He surrendered to the beauty of the landscape.
The fortress surrendered after weeks of resistance.
The island surrendered to the invading forces without a fight.
After years of denial, he surrendered to the truth.
In the debate, he surrendered the point gracefully.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Surrendered?

The root word is "surrender."

Why is it called Surrendered?

It is called "surrendered" because it describes the past action of giving up or yielding to another.

What is the pronunciation of Surrendered?

It is pronounced as /səˈrɛndərd/.

Which vowel is used before Surrendered?

The vowel "a" can precede "surrendered" in phrases like "a surrendered fortress."

What is the singular form of Surrendered?

Surrendered itself is singular.

Which preposition is used with Surrendered?

"To" is often used, as in "surrendered to the enemy."

Is Surrendered a noun or adjective?

"Surrendered" is primarily a verb in its past form, but can also function as an adjective.

What is the verb form of Surrendered?

The verb form is "surrender."

Which conjunction is used with Surrendered?

Any conjunction can be used with "surrendered" based on context, such as "and," "but," or "or."

Is Surrendered an abstract noun?

No, it is not an abstract noun.

What is the plural form of Surrendered?

There isn't a plural form for "surrendered" as a verb, but as a noun, you could have "surrendered items" or "surrendered territories."

Is Surrendered an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb.

Is Surrendered a countable noun?

No, "surrendered" is not a countable noun.

Is the Surrendered term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

What part of speech is Surrendered?

It is primarily a verb (past tense), but can also function as an adjective.

Is Surrendered a vowel or consonant?

"Surrendered" is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is the word Surrendered is Gerund?

No, the gerund form is "surrendering."

How do we divide Surrendered into syllables?


What is the opposite of Surrendered?

"Resisted" or "defended."

Which article is used with Surrendered?

The article "the" can be used, as in "the surrendered fortress."

Is Surrendered a negative or positive word?

It is generally neutral, but can be negative depending on the context.

What is the first form of Surrendered?


What is the second form of Surrendered?


Is Surrendered a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

Is the word “Surrendered” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Surrendered" can function as a part of a verb phrase. The word itself isn't an object, but it can have both direct and indirect objects following it.

What is a stressed syllable in Surrendered?

The second syllable, "ren," is stressed.

What is the third form of Surrendered?


How is Surrendered used in a sentence?

"The enemy troops surrendered after a long standoff."

Is the word Surrendered is imperative?

No, it is not in the imperative form.

How many syllables are in Surrendered?

There are three syllables.

What is another term for Surrendered?

"Yielded" or "gave up."

Which determiner is used with Surrendered?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "his/her" can be used based on context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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