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Swift Code vs. MICR Code — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 31, 2023
Swift Code is an international bank code for transactions. MICR Code is a technology for check processing and identification.
Swift Code vs. MICR Code — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Swift Code and MICR Code


Key Differences

Swift Code is an international standard that identifies banks globally, especially during international wire transfers, ensuring funds reach the correct institution. On the opposite, MICR Code, utilizes specialized ink and characters to streamline the processing and clearing of checks, primarily in domestic scenarios.
The core utility of a Swift Code revolves around its facilitation of international banking transactions, providing a unique identifier for every bank. Conversely, MICR Code focuses on expediting and ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of check processing through specialized magnetic characters.
Swift Code, an acronym for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, is composed of 8 or 11 characters, embedding crucial information about the bank’s location and name. MICR Code, standing for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, uses a 9-digit code to identify the bank and branch involved in a transaction within a country.
Utilizing Swift Code is essential for facilitating and securing international monetary transactions and communications between banks globally. In contrast, MICR Code primarily facilitates and accelerates the check clearance process within the country, utilizing magnetic reading technology.
Swift Code is universal, playing a pivotal role in the seamless operation of global financial transactions and ensuring that cross-border transfers are executed accurately and securely. MICR Code, while restrictive to national boundaries, ensures the reliability and efficiency of check transactions within those confines.

Comparison Chart


International bank identification code.
Domestic bank and branch identifier.


Primarily for international transactions.
Used in domestic check processing.


8 or 11 characters long.
Always 9 digits long.

Utility Focus

Global financial transactions.
Domestic check clearance.

Technological Aspect

Does not use technological reading.
Uses magnetic ink and character reading.

Compare with Definitions

Swift Code

A global banking identification system.
The Swift Code is crucial for international money transfers.


Is pertinent to domestic banking transactions.
MICR Code plays a vital role in local check clearance processes.

Swift Code

Enables global interbank communications.
Swift Code facilitates communication and transactions between international banks.


Used for efficient check processing.
MICR Code ensures accurate and speedy check clearance.

Swift Code

Ensures secure international transactions.
Use the Swift Code to avoid errors in international banking communications.


Provides a secure method for check verification.
MICR Code helps in reducing errors in the check clearing process.

Swift Code

Contains 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters.
The Swift Code identifies the bank’s name and country.


Contains 9 digits for bank identification.
Each bank branch has a unique MICR Code for identification.

Swift Code

Is utilized for sending money overseas.
To wire money abroad, you will need the recipient's Swift Code.


Employs magnetic ink character recognition technology.
MICR Code can be read by machines, expediting check processing.

Common Curiosities

Can MICR Code be used for international transactions?

No, MICR Code is used for domestic check processing.

What is a Swift Code?

A Swift Code is an international code used to identify banks in transactions.

How many characters does a Swift Code contain?

A Swift Code consists of either 8 or 11 characters.

Can I find a bank's Swift Code online?

Yes, a bank’s Swift Code is often available on its official website.

Is Swift Code used in domestic transactions?

Swift Code is primarily used in international bank transactions.

Is MICR Code secure for transactions?

Yes, MICR Code helps in securing and accurately processing check transactions.

Can Swift Code be used for receiving money from abroad?

Yes, Swift Code is used to receive money from international sources.

Where is the MICR Code located?

MICR Code is typically found at the bottom of a check.

How many digits are there in a MICR Code?

A MICR Code is always 9 digits long.

What does MICR Code represent?

MICR Code is a 9-digit code used for identifying banks and branches in check processing.

Why is Swift Code important?

Swift Code ensures that international transactions are secure and reach the correct bank.

What is the primary use of MICR Code?

MICR Code is used to facilitate and expedite the domestic check clearance process.

Are Swift Codes and MICR Codes public information?

Yes, both Swift Codes and MICR Codes are publicly accessible for transactional purposes.

Is MICR Code related to check transactions?

Yes, MICR Code is crucial for processing and verifying checks.

Is Swift Code unique for each bank branch?

Yes, each bank branch has a unique Swift Code.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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