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Tabify vs. Untabify — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 25, 2024
"Tabify" converts spaces in text to tabs, optimizing file size and aligning text, whereas "untabify" replaces tabs with spaces, enhancing compatibility and editing consistency.
Tabify vs. Untabify — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Tabify and Untabify


Key Differences

Tabify converts multiple consecutive spaces in a text into tab characters, which can reduce the file size and often aligns columns neatly in code editors. Whereas, untabify does the opposite by converting tab characters back into spaces, which is preferred for maintaining uniformity in text editing environments.
When using tabify, developers ensure that their documents are more compact, as tabs typically consume less space than equivalent spaces. On the other hand, untabify is used to avoid issues like misalignment that occur due to different tab settings across various text editors and development environments.
Tabify is often used in environments where file size is critical, such as when working with large code bases or limited storage scenarios. Conversely, untabify is favored in collaborative settings where multiple people work on the same files, to prevent rendering issues caused by different tab interpretations.
Some coding standards specifically recommend tabifying for the neat arrangement of code blocks and data. In contrast, other standards enforce untabifying to ensure that the code looks the same on any editor, regardless of how tabs are configured.
While tabify might be more efficient in terms of storage, untabify enhances readability and consistency, which is crucial in environments like open-source projects, where developers from different backgrounds contribute to the same code base.

Comparison Chart


Converts spaces to tabs
Converts tabs to spaces


Reduces file size, neat alignment
Enhances compatibility, editing consistency

Preferred Usage

Individual work, storage constraints
Collaborative projects, open-source environments

Impact on Readability

Can vary depending on editor settings
Generally improves readability across various editors

Coding Standards

Used per specific guidelines favoring tabs
Used in guidelines favoring space alignment

Compare with Definitions


Used to create consistent column alignment in code editors.
After running tabify, all code blocks were perfectly aligned.


Ensures that the document looks consistent across different text editors.
Untabifying the file prevented indentation errors on different IDEs.


The process of converting spaces into tab characters in a text file.
He decided to tabify the document to reduce its size.


Helps in avoiding misalignment issues caused by varying tab settings.
She untabified the document to fix the misalignment seen in different editors.


Can help in maintaining a cleaner look in tightly formatted documents.
Tabify made the structured data much easier to navigate.


The process of converting tab characters into spaces in a text file.
To prepare the code for her team, she ran untabify.


May lead to smaller file sizes when applied correctly.
Tabifying the script saved several kilobytes of storage.


Often required in collaborative coding environments.
The open-source project guidelines dictated that all contributions be untabified.


Often used in programming to adhere to certain coding conventions.
The software's style guide required him to tabify all source files.


Recommended for enhancing text readability and editing consistency.
Untabifying the article made it easier for editors to make changes.


To reformat (text) by converting spaces into tab characters.


To reformat (text) by converting tab characters into spaces.

Common Curiosities

What does untabify mean?

Untabify means converting tab characters in a text file into spaces, typically to improve text consistency and compatibility.

Can tabify affect the readability of a document?

Yes, tabify can affect readability if the document is opened in an editor with different tab settings.

Why is untabify important in programming?

Untabify is important for ensuring that code looks the same in various environments, aiding in collaborative development.

Should I use tabify or untabify for my code?

The choice depends on your team's coding standards and the environment in which the code will be used.

What does tabify mean?

Tabify means converting spaces in a text file into tab characters, often to save space or align text.

Why would someone choose to tabify a document?

Tabifying is chosen to reduce file size and align content neatly, especially in code files.

Is tabify suitable for collaborative projects?

Tabify might not be ideal for collaborative projects due to potential issues with text alignment in different editors.

How do tab settings affect tabify and untabify?

Different tab settings in editors can make the effects of tabify and untabify appear inconsistent, impacting alignment and space usage.

What are the benefits of untabify?

Untabify enhances compatibility across different editors and ensures consistent readability.

Does tabify improve the performance of text editors?

Tabify might slightly improve performance in handling large files due to reduced file size, though the impact is minimal.

How can I ensure my document is properly tabified?

Use editor settings that align with your tabification preferences and check alignment across different platforms if necessary.

Are there tools to automatically tabify or untabify files?

Yes, many text editors and development tools include options to automatically tabify or untabify files.

What is the difference in file size between tabified and untabified documents?

Tabified documents are generally smaller because tabs typically use less space than the equivalent number of spaces.

How do I convert a tabified document to untabified?

Most code editors and IDEs offer a feature to convert tabs to spaces, effectively untabifying the document.

What problems can arise from improperly tabified or untabified files?

Improperly managed files can lead to alignment issues, inconsistent readability, and difficulties in code maintenance.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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