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Tandum vs. Tandem — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Tandum" is incorrect. The right spelling is "Tandem," which refers to a configuration wherein two items are arranged one behind the other.
Tandum vs. Tandem — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Tandum or Tandem

How to spell Tandem?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Picture two items in sequence, like the two syllables in "Tan-dem."
Remember that it's like "tan-dem" - think of the tan color and then 'dem as in "them."
"Tandem" rhymes with "random" but starts with "tan."
Tandem bicycles have two seats, one behind the other.
Associate with the phrase "in tandem," which means "together."

How Do You Spell Tandem Correctly?

Incorrect: The two companies have been operating in tandum to develop the new technology.
Correct: The two companies have been operating in tandem to develop the new technology.
Incorrect: Riding a tandum bike is a great way to spend time together.
Correct: Riding a tandem bike is a great way to spend time together.
Incorrect: They performed the dance in tandum, perfectly synchronized.
Correct: They performed the dance in tandem, perfectly synchronized.
Incorrect: The investigations were conducted in tandum by the two agencies.
Correct: The investigations were conducted in tandem by the two agencies.
Incorrect: They decided to work in tandum on the project.
Correct: They decided to work in tandem on the project.

Tandem Definitions

In partnership or conjunction with.
The two scientists worked in tandem on the project.
A configuration where two things are arranged one behind the other.
They rode a tandem bicycle.
Originating from Latin, meaning "at last" or "finally."
Historically, tandem conveyed sequence.
In sequence or following.
Events occurred in tandem, one after another.
Two similar things operating at the same time.
The tandem processes ensured efficiency.
Tandem, or in tandem, is an arrangement in which a team of machines, animals or people are lined up one behind another, all facing in the same direction.The original use of the term in English was in tandem harness, which is used for two or more draft horses, or other draft animals, harnessed in a single line one behind another, as opposed to a pair, harnessed side by side, or a team of several pairs. The tandem harness allows additional animals to provide pulling power for a vehicle designed for a single animal.
A two-wheeled carriage drawn by horses harnessed one before the other.
A team of carriage horses harnessed in single file.
A vehicle, such as a bicycle or kayak, that is designed to be used by two or more people sitting one behind the other.
An arrangement of two or more persons or objects placed one behind or adjacent to the other
Driving horses in tandem.
Being designed to be used by two or more people sitting one behind the other
A tandem bike.
A tandem kayak.
Having two identical components arranged one behind or adjacent to the other
A tandem axle.
A tandem gene.
A carriage pulled by two or more draught animals (generally draught horses) harnessed one behind the other, both providing the pulling power but only the animal in front able to steer.
(transferred sense) A bicycle or tricycle in which two people sit one behind the other, both able to pedal but only the person in front able to steer.
(figurative) A group of two or more people, machines etc. working together; close collaboration.
(education) A method of language learning based on mutual exchange, where ideally each learner is a native speaker in the language the other person wants to learn.
(medicine) a hollow metal tube containing radioactive material, inserted through the vagina into the uterus for treatment of gynecological cancer.
One behind the other.
To ride tandem on a bicycle-built-for-two
The horses were harnessed tandem.
Together; working as one.
Their skillful tandem work made the project quick and successful.
One after another; - said especially of horses harnessed and driven one before another, instead of abreast.
A team of horses harnessed one before the other.
A tandem bicycle or other vehicle.
A bicycle with two sets of pedals and two seats
One behind the other;
Ride tandem on a bicycle built for two
Riding horses down the path in tandem

Tandem Meaning in a Sentence

A tandem parachute jump is an exhilarating experience for beginners.
They used tandem trailers to transport the oversized load.
Operating in tandem, the two charities maximized their outreach.
We bought a tandem so we could enjoy cycling together.
Their efforts in tandem brought the community project to fruition.
The brothers raced in a tandem kayak, moving swiftly down the river.
The software and hardware were developed in tandem to ensure compatibility.
A tandem skydive allows first-timers to experience freefall safely.
The two scientists worked in tandem to complete the research.
Tandem parking spaces are designed for two cars to park one behind the other.
Tandem learning pairs up language learners for mutual benefit.
The detectives worked in tandem to unravel the mystery.
The two departments will have to operate in tandem to meet the deadline.
In tandem, the dancers moved as if they were one.
The relay race was won by a pair running in perfect tandem.
They shared a tandem cubicle, making collaboration easy.
The new policy was introduced in tandem with a public awareness campaign.
Our success was due to our ability to work in tandem towards our common goal.
Tandem nursing involves breastfeeding two children of different ages.
The team worked in tandem to solve the complex problem efficiently.
We plan to travel across the country on our tandem bike next summer.
They enjoy tandem surfing, riding the waves together on one board.
In tandem with the diet changes, regular exercise is essential for health.
A tandem jump is often the first step into the world of skydiving.
The twin engines operate in tandem to provide enough power for the aircraft.

Tandem Idioms & Phrases

Ride in tandem

To ride a bicycle designed for two people.
They love to ride in tandem along the beachfront.

Move in tandem

To move together in synchronization.
The dancers practiced until they could move in tandem flawlessly.

In tandem

Working together or simultaneously.
The two organizations worked in tandem to provide relief to the affected areas.

Operate in tandem

To operate or function together in a coordinated manner.
The dual processors in the computer operate in tandem for faster performance.

Flow in tandem

To flow together harmoniously.
The rivers flow in tandem into the larger body of water.

In tandem with

Along with or at the same time as something else.
The new policy was introduced in tandem with changes to the curriculum.

Work in tandem

To work together collaboratively towards a common goal.
The community and police work in tandem to ensure safety.

Jump in tandem

Refers to tandem skydiving, where two people jump together with one parachute.
For her 18th birthday, she decided to jump in tandem with an instructor.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Tandem?

Tandem primarily serves as a noun or adjective; it doesn't have a conventional verb form.

Why is it called Tandem?

Derived from Latin, where "tandem" meant "at last" or "finally," indicating sequence.

Which vowel is used before Tandem?

"a" as in "a tandem."

What is the root word of Tandem?

The word "tandem" itself is from Latin origin, meaning "at last."

Which conjunction is used with Tandem?

Any conjunction can be used, depending on the sentence.

What is the plural form of Tandem?


What is the pronunciation of Tandem?

Pronounced as /ˈtænd.əm/.

Which article is used with Tandem?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is Tandem an adverb?


Is Tandem an abstract noun?


Is Tandem a negative or positive word?


Which preposition is used with Tandem?

"in" as in "in tandem."

Is Tandem a collective noun?


What is the singular form of Tandem?


Is Tandem a vowel or consonant?

"Tandem" is a word, not a single letter.

How do we divide Tandem into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Tandem?


What is another term for Tandem?

In conjunction with.

Which determiner is used with Tandem?

"this" or "that" when referring to a specific tandem configuration.

Is Tandem a noun or adjective?

It can be both, depending on usage.

How many syllables are in Tandem?


What is the third form of Tandem?

Not applicable.

What part of speech is Tandem?

It can be a noun or adjective.

What is the opposite of Tandem?


What is the first form of Tandem?

Tandem (it's primarily a noun, so typical verb forms don't apply).

What is the second form of Tandem?

Not applicable, as "tandem" is not conventionally used as a verb.

How is Tandem used in a sentence?

"They worked in tandem to complete the project on time."

Is Tandem a countable noun?


Is the Tandem term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, as in "working in tandem."

Is the word Tandem imperative?


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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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