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Temperment vs. Temperament — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Temperment" is incorrect. The correct spelling is "Temperament," which refers to a person's nature or disposition.
Temperment vs. Temperament — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Temperment or Temperament

How to spell Temperament?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

It's "temper" + "ament", not "temper" + "ment".
Envision someone of calm temperament, focusing on the "a" in calm and "a" in temperament.
Use mnemonic: "A temperate person has a good TemperAment."
Link it to words ending in "-ament" like "ornament" or "fundament."
Remember it as "tempera-ment," thinking of the word "tempera" from tempera paint.

How Do You Spell Temperament Correctly?

Incorrect: He has a calm temperment.
Correct: He has a calm temperament.
Incorrect: Her artistic temperment is reflected in her work.
Correct: Her artistic temperament is reflected in her work.
Incorrect: His temperment changes quickly.
Correct: His temperament changes quickly.
Incorrect: A good leader needs a stable temperment.
Correct: A good leader needs a stable temperament.
Incorrect: The dog's friendly temperment makes it a great family pet.
Correct: The dog's friendly temperament makes it a great family pet.

Temperament Definitions

The combination of traits forming one's character.
His temperament was a mix of enthusiasm and patience.
A predisposition to respond in a particular way.
His artistic temperament was evident from a young age.
The manner of emotional response to stimuli.
The dog's gentle temperament made it ideal for families.
In psychology, temperament broadly refers to consistent individual differences in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes. Some researchers point to association of temperament with formal dynamical features of behavior, such as energetic aspects, plasticity, sensitivity to specific reinforcers and emotionality.
A person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behaviour
She had an artistic temperament
The adjustment of intervals in tuning a piano or other musical instrument so as to fit the scale for use in different keys; in equal temperament, the octave consists of twelve equal semitones
This temperament became standard tuning for all the new organs
The manner of thinking, behaving, or reacting characteristic of a specific person
A nervous temperament.
The distinguishing mental and physical characteristics of a human according to medieval physiology, resulting from dominance of one of the four humors.
Excessive irritability or sensitiveness
An actor with too much temperament.
(Music) See equal temperament.
A person's usual manner of thinking, behaving or reacting.
A tendency to become irritable or angry.
(music) The altering of certain intervals from their correct values in order to improve the moving from key to key.
(psychology) Individual differences in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes.
(obsolete) A moderate and proportionable mixture of elements or ingredients in a compound; the condition in which elements are mixed in their proper proportions.
(obsolete) Any state or condition as determined by the proportion of its ingredients or the manner in which they are mixed; consistence, composition; mixture.
Internal constitution; state with respect to the relative proportion of different qualities, or constituent parts.
The common law . . . has reduced the kingdom to its just state and temperament.
Due mixture of qualities; a condition brought about by mutual compromises or concessions.
However, I forejudge not any probable expedient, any temperament that can be found in things of this nature, so disputable on their side.
The act of tempering or modifying; adjustment, as of clashing rules, interests, passions, or the like; also, the means by which such adjustment is effected.
Wholesome temperaments of the rashness of popular assemblies.
Condition with regard to heat or cold; temperature.
Bodies are denominated "hot" and "cold" in proportion to the present temperament of that part of our body to which they are applied.
A system of compromises in the tuning of organs, pianofortes, and the like, whereby the tones generated with the vibrations of a ground tone are mutually modified and in part canceled, until their number reduced to the actual practicable scale of twelve tones to the octave. This scale, although in so far artificial, is yet closely suggestive of its origin in nature, and this system of tuning, although not mathematically true, yet satisfies the ear, while it has the convenience that the same twelve fixed tones answer for every key or scale, C$ becoming identical with D$, and so on.
The peculiar physical and mental character of an individual, in olden times erroneously supposed to be due to individual variation in the relations and proportions of the constituent parts of the body, especially of the fluids, as the bile, blood, lymph, etc. Hence the phrases, bilious or choleric temperament, sanguine temperament, etc., implying a predominance of one of these fluids and a corresponding influence on the temperament.
Your usual mood;
He has a happy disposition
Excessive emotionalism or irritability and excitability (especially when displayed openly)
An adjustment of the intervals (as in tuning a keyboard instrument) so that the scale can be used to play in different keys
A person's nature, especially as it affects their behavior.
Her calm temperament helped in stressful situations.
An inherent quality of mind or character.
His fiery temperament often led to passionate debates.

Temperament Meaning in a Sentence

Pets with a gentle temperament are preferred by families with small children.
Managing one's temperament is crucial in stressful situations.
A person's temperament is often evident from a very young age.
Some believe that star signs can predict a person's temperament.
The athlete's competitive temperament was key to his success.
A calm temperament is beneficial for jobs that require high levels of patience.
Children's temperament can greatly influence their learning style.
People with a choleric temperament are seen as natural leaders.
The musician's fiery temperament was well known in the industry.
A good teacher adapts their approach to fit the temperament of each student.
Team dynamics can be affected by the temperament of its members.
Artistic temperament involves sensitivity, creativity, and often mood variability.
Temperament testing is sometimes used in selecting pets for adoption.
Understanding temperament is key in developing effective communication skills.
Understanding your own temperament can lead to better interpersonal relationships.
Melancholic temperament individuals are often detail-oriented and analytical.
Therapists consider temperament when designing treatment plans.
Certain dog breeds are known for their specific temperament traits.
The Phlegmatic temperament is characterized by reliability and thoughtfulness.
A sanguine temperament is marked by enthusiasm and social affinity.
Cultural differences can influence the expression of temperament.
Adaptability is a common trait in those with a flexible temperament.
The temperament of a leader can significantly impact organizational culture.
Parenting strategies often need to be adjusted based on a child's temperament.
A balanced temperament is sought after in many professional fields.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Temperament?

"Temper," which means to moderate or keep within limits.

What is the verb form of Temperament?

There's no direct verb form for "temperament," but related verbs include "temper" or "moderate."

Which vowel is used before Temperament?

"a" as in "a temperament."

What is the singular form of Temperament?


Which conjunction is used with Temperament?

Standard conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used.

What is the plural form of Temperament?


Which article is used with Temperament?

"the" or "a" depending on context.

Why is it called Temperament?

It comes from Latin "temperamentum" meaning "a mixing in proportion."

What is the pronunciation of Temperament?


Which preposition is used with Temperament?

"of" as in "temperament of a child."

Is Temperament a collective noun?


Is Temperament a noun or adjective?


Is Temperament an abstract noun?


Is the word Temperament a gerund?


Is the word “Temperament” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Can be used as a direct object, as in "She admired his temperament."

What is another term for Temperament?


What is the opposite of Temperament?

There isn't a direct antonym, but "indifference" might be used in some contexts.

What is the first form of Temperament?

Not applicable as "temperament" is a noun, not a verb.

Is Temperament a negative or positive word?


Is the word Temperament imperative?


What part of speech is Temperament?


Is Temperament an adverb?


Is Temperament a vowel or consonant?

"Temperament" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Temperament a countable noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Temperament?

The first syllable "Tem."

How many syllables are in Temperament?

Four syllables.

How do we divide Temperament into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Temperament?

"This" or "that" depending on context.

Is the Temperament term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically.

How is Temperament used in a sentence?

"Despite the challenges, she maintained a cheerful temperament."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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