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That vs. It — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 9, 2024
"That" is used as a demonstrative pronoun or adjective to specify or distinguish something mentioned previously or something that is more distant. "It," is a personal pronoun used to refer to a previously mentioned or easily identified object or concept.
That vs. It — What's the Difference?

Difference Between That and It


Key Differences

"That" can point to a specific item or fact among others, adding a level of specificity or emphasis, particularly in distinguishing one item or idea from another. "It" is more neutral, referring to something already known or about to be mentioned without the need for distinction or emphasis.
In sentences, "that" can introduce a defining relative clause, providing essential information about the noun it follows. "It" is often used as a subject or object in a sentence, referring back to a noun mentioned earlier or to a broader concept or situation.
"That" is also used to introduce a clause that expresses a statement, opinion, or fact. "It" can be used as a placeholder subject in sentences that express conditions, times, distances, or feelings, or to refer to the overall situation.
The choice between "that" and "it" can depend on the context, the need for specificity, the formality of the language, and the flow of the conversation or text.

Comparison Chart


Demonstrative pronoun/adjective, connector in relative clauses
Personal pronoun, placeholder


Specifies or distinguishes among items or ideas
Refers to a known or general item or concept


Often used for emphasis or clarity, especially in distinguishing items
Used for immediate or general references without the need for distinction

Usage in Clauses

Introduces defining relative clauses, statement clauses
Used as subject or object, introduces conditions or feelings

Example Usage

"I prefer the cake that you baked yesterday."
"It is raining outside."

Compare with Definitions


As a demonstrative
That book over there is mine. – Specifies which book.


Referring to a subject
It is my favorite painting. – Refers to the painting being discussed.


In relative clauses
The movie that we watched was thrilling. – Provides essential information about the movie.


As a placeholder
It's important to be kind. – 'It' refers to the act of being kind.


For emphasis
I didn't expect that outcome. – Emphasizes a specific outcome.


Expressing time and distance
It's ten o'clock. / It is a long way to the store. – 'It' refers to the time and distance respectively.


Introducing clauses
She said that she would come. – Introduces a reported statement.


For conditions
It is cold outside. – Describes the weather condition.


The function word that is used in the English language for several grammatical purposes.These include: as a complementizer/subordinating conjunction. ("He asked that she go.") That can be omitted when used to introduce a subordinate clause—"he told me that it is a good read" could just as easily be "he told me it is a good read".


An animal that has been neutered
The cat is an it.


Being the one singled out, implied, or understood
That place.
Those mountains.


The third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to an inanimate object, abstract entity, or non-human living thing.
Take this book and put it on the shelf.
Take each day as it comes.
I found a poor little cat. It seems to be half starving.


Being the one further removed or less obvious
That route is shorter than this one.


A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a baby or child, especially of unknown gender.
She took the baby and held it in her arms.


To such an extent or degree
Is your problem that complicated?.


(obsolete) An affectionate third-person singular personal pronoun.


To a high degree; very
Didn't take what he said that seriously.


A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to an animate referent who is transgender or is neither female nor male.


Used to introduce a noun clause that is usually the subject or object of a verb or a predicate nominative
"That contemporary American English is exuberantly vigorous is undeniable" (William Arrowsmith).


Used to refer to someone being identified, often on the phone, but not limited to this situation.
It's me. John.
Is it her?
It is I, your king.


Used to introduce a subordinate clause stating a result, wish, purpose, reason, or cause
She hoped that he would arrive on time. He was saddened that she felt so little for him.


The impersonal pronoun, used without referent as the subject of an impersonal verb or statement (known as the dummy pronoun, dummy it or weather it).
It is nearly 10 o’clock.
It’s 10:45.
It’s very cold today.
It’s lonely without you.


Used to introduce an anticipated subordinate clause following the expletive it occurring as subject of the verb
It is true that dental work is expensive.


The impersonal pronoun, used without referent, or with unstated but contextually implied referent, in various short idioms or expressions.
Rough it
Live it up
Stick it out


Used to introduce a subordinate clause modifying an adverb or adverbial expression
Will go anywhere that they are welcome.


Referring to a desirable quality or ability, or quality of being successful, fashionable or in vogue.
After all these years, she still has it.


Used to introduce a subordinate clause that is joined to an adjective or noun as a complement
Was sure that she was right.
Persists in the belief that rates will rise soon.


The impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject, or less commonly, object; known as the dummy pronoun (according to some definitions), anticipatory it or, more formally in linguistics, a syntactic expletive. The delayed subject is commonly a to-infinitive, a gerund, or a noun clause introduced by a subordinating conjunction.


Used to introduce an elliptical exclamation of desire
Oh, that I were rich!.


All or the end; something after which there is no more.
Are there more students in this class, or is this it?
That's it—I'm not going to any more candy stores with you.


Introducing a clause which is the subject or object of a verb (such as one involving reported speech), or which is a complement to a previous statement.
He told me that the book is a good read.
I believe that it is true. — She is convinced that he is British.
That she will come is almost certain.


(obsolete) Followed by an omitted and understood relative pronoun: That which; what.


Introducing a subordinate clause expressing a reason or cause: because, in that.
Be glad that you have enough to eat.


(obsolete) Its.


(dated) Introducing a subordinate clause that expresses an aim, purpose, or goal ("final"), and usually contains the auxiliaries may, might, or should: so, so that.


One who is neither a he nor a she; a creature; a dehumanized being.


Introducing — especially, but not exclusively, with an antecedent like so or such — a subordinate clause expressing a result, consequence, or effect.
The noise was so loud that she woke up.
The problem was sufficiently important that it had to be addressed.


The person who chases and tries to catch the other players in the playground game of tag.
In the next game, Adam and Tom will be it…


Introducing a premise or supposition for consideration: seeing as; inasmuch as; given that; as would appear from the fact that.


The game of tag.
Let's play it at breaktime.


Introducing a subordinate clause modifying an adverb.
Was John there? — Not that I saw.
How often did she visit him? — Twice that I saw.


Georg Groddeck}}


Introducing an exclamation expressing a desire or wish.
Oh that spring would come!


(colloquial) Most fashionable, popular, or in vogue.


Introducing an exclamation expressing a strong emotion such as sadness or surprise.


The neuter pronoun of the third person, corresponding to the masculine pronoun he and the feminine she, and having the same plural (they, their or theirs, them).
The day present hath ever inough to do with it owne grief.
Do, child, go to it grandam, child.
It knighthood shall do worse. It shall fright all it friends with borrowing letters.
The fruit tree yielding fruit after his (its) kind.


The (thing, person, idea, etc) indicated or understood from context, especially if more remote physically, temporally or mentally than one designated as "this", or if expressing distinction.
That book is a good read. This one isn't.
That battle was in 1450.
That cat of yours is evil.


As a substance for any noun of the neuter gender; as, here is the book, take it home.


(demonstrative) The thing, person, idea, quality, event, action, or time indicated or understood from context, especially if more remote geographically, temporally or mentally than one designated as "this", or if expressing distinction.
That's my car over there.
He went home, and after that I never saw him again.


As a demonstrative, especially at the beginning of a sentence, pointing to that which is about to be stated, named, or mentioned, or referring to that which apparent or well known; as, I saw it was John.
It is I; be not afraid.
Peter heard that it was the Lord.


The known (thing); used to refer to something just said.
They're getting divorced. What do you think about that?


As an indefinite nominative for a impersonal verb; as, it snows; it rains.


(demonstrative) The aforementioned quality or proposition; used to emphatically affirm or deny a previous statement or question.
The water is so cold! — That it is.
Would you like another piece of cake? — That I would!
We think that you stole the tarts. — That I did not!


As a substitute for such general terms as, the state of affairs, the condition of things, and the like; as, how is it with the sick man?
Think on me when it shall be well with thee.


(relative) (plural that) Which, who; representing a subject, direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition.
The CPR course that she took really came in handy.
The house that he lived in was old and dilapidated.


As an indefinite object after some intransitive verbs, or after a substantive used humorously as a verb; as, to foot it (i. e., to walk).
The Lacedemonians, at the Straits of Thermopylæ, when their arms failed them, fought it out with nails and teeth.
Whether the charmer sinner it, or saint it,If folly grows romantic, I must paint it.


(colloquial) Used in place of relative adverbs such as where or when; often omitted.
The place that [= where or to which] I went last year
The last time that [= when] I went to Europe


Clipping of that is; used to reinforce the preceding assertion or statement.
That's proper funny, that.


(degree) To a given extent or degree.
"The ribbon was that thin." "I disagree, I say it was not that thin, it was thicker... or maybe thinner..."


(degree) To a great extent or degree; very, particularly in negative constructions.
I'm just not that sick.
I did the run last year, and it wasn't that difficult.


To such an extent; so. in positive constructions.
Ooh, I was that happy I nearly kissed her.


(philosophy) Something being indicated that is there; one of those.


As a demonstrative pronoun (pl. Those), that usually points out, or refers to, a person or thing previously mentioned, or supposed to be understood. That, as a demonstrative, may precede the noun to which it refers; as, that which he has said is true; those in the basket are good apples.
The early fame of Gratian was equal to that of the most celebrated princes.
That be far from thee, to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked.
And when Moses heard that, he was content.
I will know your business, Harry, that I will.
Two principles in human nature reign;Self-love, to urge, and Reason, to restrain;Nor this a good, nor that a bad we call.
If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this or that.


As an adjective, that has the same demonstrative force as the pronoun, but is followed by a noun.
It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.
The woman was made whole from that hour.
Upon a day out riden knightes two . . . That one of them came home, that other not.


As a relative pronoun, that is equivalent to who or which, serving to point out, and make definite, a person or thing spoken of, or alluded to, before, and may be either singular or plural.
He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame.
A judgment that is equal and impartial must incline to the greater probabilities.
We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen.
That I have done it is thyself to wite [blame].
The ship that somebody was sailing in.
I saw to-day a corpse yborn to churchThat now on Monday last I saw him wirche [work].
That that dieth, let it die; and that that is to cut off, let it be cut off.


As a conjunction, that retains much of its force as a demonstrative pronoun.


To introduce a clause employed as the object of the preceding verb, or as the subject or predicate nominative of a verb.
She tells them 't is a causeless fantasy,And childish error, that they are afraid.
I have shewed before, that a mere possibility to the contrary, can by no means hinder a thing from being highly credible.


As adverb: To such a degree; so; as, he was that frightened he could say nothing.
With singing, laughing, ogling, and all that.
The rank is but the guinea's stamp,The man's the gowd [gold] for a'that.


To introduce, a reason or cause; - equivalent to for that, in that, for the reason that, because.
He does hear me;And that he does, I weep.


To introduce a purpose; - usually followed by may, or might, and frequently preceded by so, in order, to the end, etc.
These things I say, that ye might be saved.
To the end that he may prolong his days.


To introduce a consequence, result, or effect; - usually preceded by so or such, sometimes by that.
The birds their notes renew, and bleating herdsAttest their joy, that hill and valley rings.
He gazed so longThat both his eyes were dazzled.
So wept Duessa until eventide,That shining lamps in Jove's high course were lit.
Is not this the dayThat Hermia should give answer of her choice?


In an elliptical sentence to introduce a dependent sentence expressing a wish, or a cause of surprise, indignation, or the like.
Ha, cousin Silence, that thou hadst seen that that this knight and I have seen!
O God, that right should thus overcome might!
To try if that our own be ours or no.
When he had carried Rome and that we lookedFor no less spoil than glory.

Common Curiosities

Can "that" and "it" be used interchangeably?

While there may be contexts where they seem interchangeable, their usage generally depends on the need for specificity ("that") versus a more general reference ("it").

How does the distance of reference affect the choice between "that" and "it"?

"That" is often used for more distant references, either physically ("That car across the street is mine.") or conversationally ("Remember the time we went hiking? That was fun."), whereas "it" is used for more immediate or general references.

How does formal language influence the choice between "that" and "it"?

Formal writing tends to prefer more specific references, potentially favoring "that" in situations requiring clarity and distinction.

Is "that" only used for objects?

No, "that" can refer to objects, ideas, situations, or actions, providing clarity or emphasis.

Can "it" refer to people?

Generally, "it" is not used to refer to people except in specific idiomatic expressions or when the gender is unknown or irrelevant.

How do "that" and "it" function differently in terms of emphasis?

"That" can add emphasis or specificity to the noun it references, making it stand out among others, while "it" serves a more neutral reference role without adding emphasis.

Can "that" introduce non-defining relative clauses?

Typically, "which" is used to introduce non-defining relative clauses in formal English, with "that" reserved for defining clauses.

Is "it" always a pronoun?

Primarily, yes, "it" functions as a personal pronoun, but it can also serve as a placeholder subject in sentences about time, weather, distance, and general conditions.

Are there cases where "that" is omitted in spoken English?

Yes, in informal spoken English, "that" is often omitted, especially in relative clauses ("The book you gave me is great.") or in reporting clauses ("She said she would come.").

How does context influence the choice between "that" and "it"?

The context, including preceding discussion, the need for specificity, and the formality of the situation, greatly influences the choice, with "that" often used for specificity and "it" for more general references.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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