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The Atlantic vs. The New Yorker — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 8, 2023
The Atlantic is a magazine focusing on news, politics, and culture, founded in 1857. The New Yorker, founded in 1925, is known for its commentary, fiction, and cartoons.
The Atlantic vs. The New Yorker — What's the Difference?

Difference Between The Atlantic and The New Yorker


Key Differences

The Atlantic, founded in 1857, has established itself as one of the leading voices in news, politics, and cultural discourse. It is renowned for its in-depth features, analysis, and opinion pieces. The New Yorker, on the other hand, established in 1925, has a distinctive blend of news, arts, commentary, and fiction, often presenting a sophisticated take on global and local events.
In terms of content, The Atlantic often leans towards in-depth journalism, exploring a wide range of topics from technology to politics. Its articles are known to provide comprehensive insights, making it a favorite among those who seek deep dives into subjects. The New Yorker is unique in its incorporation of fiction, poetry, and humor, making it not just a magazine for current events but also for literary and artistic appreciation.
The Atlantic's style is direct and informative, aiming to elucidate and inform its readers about the complexities of the world. It also holds a strong online presence, engaging with audiences through digital articles and podcasts. The New Yorker is recognizable by its iconic cover illustrations and its inside cartoons, which offer a satirical take on various topics. Its prose, whether fiction or non-fiction, is polished and often leans towards literary.
Historically, The Atlantic was birthed in Boston with a mission to champion "The American Idea," promoting a forum for challenging and progressive thought. The New Yorker, rooted in New York City, embodies the spirit of the city with its cosmopolitan, witty, and urbane content, often shedding light on the nuances of urban life.

Comparison Chart



Content Focus

News, politics, culture
News, commentary, fiction, cartoons


Direct, informative
Literary, polished, satirical

Known For

In-depth features and analysis
Fiction, poetry, iconic cartoons


New York Cityv

Compare with Definitions

The Atlantic

A platform that champions "The American Idea" through progressive thought.
The Atlantic's pieces often spark discussions on pressing societal issues.

The New Yorker

Recognized for its iconic cover illustrations and satirical cartoons.
The New Yorker's cartoons always offer a humorous take on current events.

The Atlantic

A magazine that combines news, analysis, and opinion pieces.
The Atlantic's analysis of the economic downturn was enlightening.

The New Yorker

A magazine that provides a sophisticated perspective on global and local events.
The New Yorker's take on the international summit was insightful.

The Atlantic

An American magazine known for in-depth journalism on politics, culture, and more.
The latest issue of The Atlantic offers a deep dive into the implications of climate change.

The New Yorker

A renowned American magazine known for its commentary, fiction, and art.
The New Yorker's latest fiction piece has been the talk of the literary world.

The Atlantic

A magazine with a strong online presence, offering digital content and podcasts.
I listened to The Atlantic's podcast on my way to work this morning.

The New Yorker

A blend of journalism, literature, and arts in a polished presentation.
Reading The New Yorker is both an informative and artistic experience.

The Atlantic

A publication founded in 1857 with a rich history of political and cultural commentary.
The Atlantic has been a staple in American journalism for over a century.

The New Yorker

Established in 1925, it captures the essence of New York City in its content.
The New Yorker often features stories that resonate with urban dwellers.

Common Curiosities

Are The Atlantic and The New Yorker daily publications?

No, both The Atlantic and The New Yorker are published on a regular but not daily basis.

Which magazine incorporates fiction into its content?

The New Yorker incorporates fiction, while The Atlantic is more focused on news and analysis.

Where did The Atlantic originate?

The Atlantic originated in Boston.

When was The Atlantic founded?

The Atlantic was founded in 1857.

What's a distinctive feature of The New Yorker's appearance?

The New Yorker is known for its iconic cover illustrations.

Who is the target audience for The Atlantic?

The Atlantic appeals to readers interested in in-depth journalism on various topics.

How has The Atlantic adapted to the digital age?

The Atlantic has a strong online presence, with digital articles and podcasts.

What is The New Yorker known for?

The New Yorker is known for its commentary, fiction, and iconic cartoons.

Does The Atlantic cover topics beyond politics?

Yes, The Atlantic covers a range of topics including culture, technology, and more.

What kind of stories can one expect in The New Yorker?

Stories in The New Yorker range from commentary on current events to literary fiction.

Is The New Yorker strictly about New York City?

No, while it captures the essence of New York City, The New Yorker covers global topics as well.

Does The New Yorker publish poetry?

Yes, The New Yorker publishes both fiction and poetry.

Which magazine leans more towards a literary style?

The New Yorker often leans towards a literary and polished style in its content.

Are the cartoons in The New Yorker satirical?

Yes, The New Yorker's cartoons often offer a satirical take on events.

Is The Atlantic's content more analysis-driven?

Yes, The Atlantic is known for its in-depth features and analysis.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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