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Thermal vs. Thermic — Which is Correct Spelling?

Thermal vs. Thermic — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Thermal or Thermic

How to spell Thermal?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Thermal Definitions

Caused by or affected by heat; as, thermal springs.
A thermal column (or thermal) is a column of rising air in the lower altitudes of Earth's atmosphere, a form of atmospheric updraft. Thermals are created by the uneven heating of Earth's surface from solar radiation, and are an example of convection, specifically atmospheric convection.
Of, relating to, using, producing, or caused by heat.
Intended or designed in such a way as to help retain body heat
Thermal underwear.
A rising current of warm air.
Pertaining to heat or temperature.
(fabric) Providing efficient insulation so as to keep the body warm.
Caused or brought about by heat.
(stone) Having a rough finish by treatment with a blow-torch.
(meteorology) A column of rising air in the lower atmosphere created by uneven heating of Earth's surface.
(stone) To create a rough finish on stone by treating it with a high-temperature blow-torch.
To fly an unpowered aircraft in a (thermal) column of rising air.
Of or pertaining to heat; warm; hot; as, the thermal unit; thermal waters.
The thermal condition of the earth.
Designed to retain heat; as, thermal underwear.
Rising current of warm air
Relating to or associated with heat;
Thermal movements of molecules
Thermal capacity
Thermic energy
The caloric effect of sunlight
Of or relating to hot a hot spring;
Thermal water
Caused by or designed to retain heat;
A thermal burn
Thermal underwear

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