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Thing vs. Thang — Which is Correct Spelling?

Thing vs. Thang — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Thing or Thang

How to spell Thing?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Thing Definitions

An object or entity that is not or cannot be named specifically
What is this thing for?.
An individual object, especially an inanimate object
There wasn't a thing in sight.
A creature
That baby is the sweetest thing!.
An entity or item
How many things are there on the test?.
Something referred to by a word, symbol, sign, or idea; a referent.
Things Articles of clothing
Put on your things and let's go.
Things Possessions, including clothing; belongings
Pack your things.
It's time to go.
Often things(Law) That which can be possessed or owned
Things personal.
Things real.
Things The equipment needed for an activity or a special purpose.
An act, deed, or work
Promised to do great things.
The result of work or activity
Is always building things.
A means to an end
Just the thing to increase sales.
A thought, notion, or utterance
What a rotten thing to say!.
A piece of information
Wouldn't tell me a thing about the project.
An end or objective
In blackjack, the thing is to get nearest to 21 without going over.
A matter of concern
Many things on my mind.
A turn of events; a circumstance
The accident was a terrible thing.
A particular state of affairs; a situation
Let's deal with this thing promptly.
Things The general state of affairs; conditions
"Beneath the smooth surface of things, something was wrong" (Tom Wicker).
(Informal) The latest fad or fashion
Drag racing was the thing then.
(Informal) A persistent feeling, interest, desire, or aversion
She has a thing for him and keeps talking about him. I have a thing about seafood and never eat it.
(Slang) An activity uniquely suitable and satisfying to one
Let him do his own thing. Mountain climbing is really my thing.
(Informal) Used to refer to something with disapproval or contempt
Where did you get that thing? I wouldn't drive that thing if you paid me.
That which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept.
A word, symbol, sign, or other referent that can be used to refer to any entity.
An individual object or distinct entity.
Bacon pie? Is that a thing?
Whatever can be owned.
Corporeal object.
The latest fad or fashion.
(in the plural) Clothes, possessions or equipment.
Hold on, let me just grab my things.
(informal) A unit or container, usually containing edible goods.
Get me a thing of apple juice at the store;
I just ate a whole thing of jelly beans
(informal) A problem, dilemma, or complicating factor.
The car looks cheap, but the thing is, I have doubts about its safety.
(slang) A penis.
A living being or creature.
You poor thing
Sweet young thing
She's a funny old thing, but her heart's in the right place
I met a pretty blond thing at the bar
That which matters; the crux.
That's the thing: we don't know where he went;
The thing is, I don't have any money
Used after a noun to refer dismissively to the situation surrounding the noun's referent.
Oh yeah, I'm supposed to promote that vision thing.
(informal) That which is favoured; personal preference. (Used in possessive constructions.)
It's not really my thing
(informal, with do) One's typical routine, habits, or manner. (Used in possessive constructions.)
Let me do my thing;
I'm here doing my thing
A public assembly or judicial council in a Germanic country.
(informal) A romantic relationship.
(informal) A romantic couple.
Are John and Jennifer a thing again? I thought they broke up.
(MLE) Alternate form of ting.
(MLE) Girl; attractive woman.
Look at the nyash on that thing!
(rare) To express as a thing; to reify.
Whatever exists, or is conceived to exist, as a separate entity, whether animate or inanimate; any separable or distinguishable object of thought.
God made . . . every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind.
He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
An inanimate object, in distinction from a living being; any lifeless material.
Ye meads and groves, unconscious things!
A transaction or occurrence; an event; a deed.
[And Jacob said] All these things are against me.
Which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things.
A portion or part; something.
Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom.
A diminutive or slighted object; any object viewed as merely existing; - often used in pity or contempt.
See, sons, what things you are!
The poor thing sighed, and . . . turned from me.
I'll be this abject thing no more.
I have a thing in prose.
Clothes; furniture; appurtenances; luggage; as, to pack or store one's things.
And them she gave her moebles and her thing.
In the garden [he] walketh to and fro,And hath his things [i. e., prayers, devotions] said full courteously.
Hearkening his minstrels their things play.
Whatever may be possessed or owned; a property; - distinguished from person.
In Scandinavian countries, a legislative or judicial assembly.
In Scandinavian countries, a legislative or judicial assembly; - used, esp. in composition, in titles of such bodies. See Legislature, Norway.
A special situation;
This thing has got to end
It is a remarkable thing
An action;
How could you do such a thing?
An artifact;
How does this thing work?
An event;
A funny thing happened on the way to the...
A statement regarded as an object;
To say the same thing in other terms
How can you say such a thing?
Any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence;
The thing I like about her is ...
A special abstraction;
A thing of the spirit
Things of the heart
A vaguely specified concern;
Several matters to attend to
It is none of your affair
Things are going well
An entity that is not named specifically;
I couldn't tell what the thing was
A special objective;
The thing is to stay in bounds
A persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion;
He has a thing about seafood
She has a thing about him
A separate and self-contained entity

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