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Thoroughly vs. Truly — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 10, 2024
Thoroughly means doing something completely and in detail, while truly means genuinely or sincerely, often emphasizing truth or authenticity.
Thoroughly vs. Truly — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Thoroughly and Truly


Key Differences

Thoroughly is used to describe an action done with great attention to detail, leaving no part unattended. It often implies a comprehensive, meticulous approach. Truly, on the other hand, refers to the authenticity or sincerity of something. It is used to affirm the truthfulness or genuineness of a statement or feeling.
Thoroughly is typically used in contexts where depth and completeness are required, like in research, cleaning, or learning. It emphasizes the extent and completeness of an action. Truly is used in contexts where honesty, sincerity, or heartfelt truth is the focus, such as in expressions of feelings, beliefs, or in affirming the validity of a statement.
Thoroughly often carries a connotation of diligence and meticulousness. It suggests a comprehensive approach to a task. Truly, in contrast, connotes sincerity and authenticity, often used to express genuine feelings or to confirm the veracity of a statement.
Thoroughly functions as an adverb modifying verbs, describing the manner in which an action is performed. Truly also serves as an adverb but is often used to modify adjectives or other adverbs, enhancing the sense of truth or authenticity in a statement.
When someone says they did something thoroughly, they imply extensive effort and attention to detail. When someone says something is truly so, they emphasize their honest belief or the undeniable truth of a matter.

Comparison Chart

Primary Function

Describes the extent and manner of an action.
Affirms sincerity, truth, or authenticity.

Typical Contexts

Used in tasks requiring detail and completeness.
Used in expressing genuine feelings or truths.


Implies diligence and meticulousness.
Suggests sincerity and genuineness.

Linguistic Role

Adverb modifying verbs.
Adverb modifying adjectives or adverbs.

Implication in Use

Indicates comprehensive effort in actions.
Indicates honesty or undeniable truth.

Compare with Definitions


Thoroughly means in a detailed and complete manner.
She thoroughly cleaned the room, leaving no corner untouched.


Truly means in a sincere or genuine manner.
She truly believed in the importance of education.


Thoroughly denotes the extent of thoroughness in action.
The instructions were thoroughly explained to avoid any confusion.


Truly is used to express heartfelt truth or authenticity.
His apology was truly heartfelt.


Thoroughly means to perform a task in a manner that covers all aspects.
The book was thoroughly reviewed for any errors.


Truly implies honesty and lack of pretense.
He truly respects his mentor's advice.


Thoroughly implies doing something with great care and attention to detail.
He thoroughly researched the topic before presenting.


Truly denotes genuine feelings or sincerity.
They were truly happy on their wedding day.


Exhaustively complete
A thorough search.


Sincerely; genuinely
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.


Painstakingly accurate or careful
Thorough research.


Truthfully; accurately
Reported the matter truly.


Absolute; utter
A thorough pleasure.


Truly ugly.


Variant of through.


Not truly civilized.


In a thorough or complete manner.
He went out in the rain and came back thoroughly drenched.
The editor looked thoroughly for any mistakes in the paper.


(manner) In accordance with the facts; truthfully, accurately.


In a thorough manner; fully; entirely; completely.


(modal) Honestly, genuinely, in fact, really.
That is truly all I know.
Truly, that is all I know.


In a complete and thorough manner (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly');
He was soundly defeated
We beat him good


(degree) Very.
You are truly silly.


In an exhaustive manner;
We searched the files thoroughly


In a true manner; according to truth; in agreement with fact; as, to state things truly; the facts are truly represented.
I can not truly say how I came here.


Thoroughly is used to describe an exhaustive or comprehensive approach.
The team thoroughly analyzed the data for accuracy.


Exactly; justly; precisely; accurately; as, to estimate truly the weight of evidence.


Sincerely; honestly; really; faithfully; as, to be truly attached to a lover; the citizens are truly loyal to their prince or their country.


Conformably to law; legally; legitimately.
His innocent babe [is] truly begotten.


In fact; in deed; in reality; in truth.
Beauty is excelled by manly graceAnd wisdom, which alone is truly fair.


In accordance with truth or fact or reality;
She was now truly American
A genuinely open society
They don't really listen to us


By right;
Baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime


With sincerity; without pretense;
She praised him sincerely for his victory
Was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience


In fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers);
In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire
Really, you shouldn't have done it
A truly awful book


Truly is used to affirm the truth or reality of something.
This is truly the best meal I've ever had.

Common Curiosities

What does thoroughly mean?

Thoroughly means completely and in great detail.

Is thoroughly a subjective term?

It can be, depending on the person's standards of thoroughness.

Can something be done too thoroughly?

Yes, if it goes beyond what is necessary or expected.

Is truly only used for positive statements?

No, truly can be used for both positive and negative contexts.

How is truly used in a sentence?

Truly is used to express genuineness or confirm truth.

Can truly be used to emphasize facts?

Yes, it's often used to stress the truth of a statement.

Can thoroughly be used to describe feelings?

Thoroughly is more about actions than emotions.

Does thoroughly imply a long process?

Often, as it involves comprehensive coverage.

Does truly relate to emotions?

Yes, it's often used in the context of sincere feelings.

Is truly a formal term?

It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

Can truly be used sarcastically?

Yes, depending on tone and context.

Is thoroughly related to time spent on a task?

Often, as thoroughness usually requires more time.

Are thoroughly and truly interchangeable?

No, as they have different meanings and uses.

Does thoroughly always mean perfection?

Not necessarily perfection, but a high level of completeness.

How does truly enhance a statement?

It adds a layer of sincerity or authenticity.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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