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Throught vs. Thorough — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Throught" is an incorrect spelling. The correct word is "Thorough," meaning comprehensive and complete in attention to detail.
Throught vs. Thorough — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Throught or Thorough

How to spell Thorough?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "Thorough" as through something with full attention.
Visualize thorough work as scrutinizing every "rough" edge.
Associate "Thorough" with "Though," both containing "ough."
"Thorough" ends in "ough," unlike "through" which indicates passage.
Remember "Thorough" has "rough" at the end, indicating completeness.

How Do You Spell Thorough Correctly?

Incorrect: His work is always done in a throught manner.
Correct: His work is always done in a thorough manner.

Thorough Definitions

Very thorough; exhaustively complete;
An exhaustive study
Made a thorough search
Thoroughgoing research
Complete with regard to detail or extent.
His analysis was thorough and accurate.
Conducted or done comprehensively and diligently.
She did a thorough job cleaning the house.
Exhaustively comprehensive.
The thorough examination left no topic untouched.
Absolute, utter.
That was a thorough disaster.
Exhaustively complete
A thorough search.
Painstakingly accurate or careful
Thorough research.
Absolute; utter
A thorough pleasure.
Variant of through.
Painstaking and careful not to miss or omit any detail.
The Prime Minister announced a thorough investigation into the death of a father of two in police custody.
He is the most thorough worker I have ever seen.
The infested house needs a thorough cleansing before it will be inhabitable.
Utter; complete; absolute.
(obsolete) Through.
A furrow between two ridges, to drain off the surface water.
Passing through; as, thorough lights in a house.
Passing through or to the end; hence, complete; perfect; as, a thorough reformation; thorough work; a thorough translator; a thorough poet.
Painstakingly careful and accurate;
Our accountant is thorough
Thorough research

Thorough Meaning in a Sentence

The doctor gave the patient a thorough examination to determine the cause of her symptoms.
The police conducted a thorough search of the area for the missing person.

Thorough Idioms & Phrases

Thorough understanding

Having a complete grasp of a subject or topic.
He has a thorough understanding of the legal system, which makes him an excellent lawyer.

Thorough review

Carefully checking or inspecting something in detail.
The editor promised a thorough review of the manuscript before its publication.

Thorough cleanup

Cleaning an area or space meticulously.
After the party, a thorough cleanup was necessary to restore order to the house.

Thorough preparation

Preparing for something with great care and attention to detail.
Thorough preparation was key to her success in the competition.

Thorough approach

Tackling something with depth and completeness.
His thorough approach to research earned him a reputation for reliability.

Thorough briefing

Providing comprehensive and detailed information in preparation for a task or event.
Before the mission, the team received a thorough briefing.

Thorough job

Completing a task with a high level of detail and quality.
She always does a thorough job, which is why her clients are satisfied.

Thorough cleaning

Cleaning something with great detail and effort.
The old painting underwent a thorough cleaning, revealing vibrant colors hidden by decades of grime.

Thorough questioning

Asking detailed and comprehensive questions.
The witness was subjected to thorough questioning to uncover the truth.

Thorough analysis

A detailed and comprehensive examination of data or information.
The report includes a thorough analysis of the market trends.

Thorough discussion

Discussing something in depth, covering all aspects.
The team had a thorough discussion about the project's direction.

Thorough check

A meticulous verification or examination.
Make a thorough check of your work before submitting it.

Thorough investigation

A comprehensive and detailed investigation.
A thorough investigation into the allegations will be conducted by the committee.

Thorough research

Conducting deep and comprehensive study or investigation into a subject.
Her thesis was based on thorough research and provided significant insights into the topic.

Thorough revision

Revising or reviewing work comprehensively to improve it.
Her essay improved significantly after a thorough revision.

Thorough inspection

Examining something closely and in detail.
The car received a thorough inspection to ensure it was safe to drive.

Thorough testing

Rigorously testing or evaluating something to ensure it meets all required standards.
The new software underwent thorough testing before its release.

Thorough workout

A workout that targets all major muscle groups comprehensively.
He completed a thorough workout at the gym, leaving no muscle group unworked.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Thorough?

The root word is "Thorough" itself, originating from Middle English.

Why is it called Thorough?

The term "Thorough" comes from Middle English, meaning “through,” and indicates completeness.

What is the pronunciation of Thorough?

Thorough is pronounced as /ˈθʌr.oʊ/.

Which conjunction is used with Thorough?

Any conjunction can be used with "thorough," depending on context, e.g., "and," "but," "or."

Which vowel is used before Thorough?

The vowel "a" can be used, as in "a thorough."

Is Thorough an abstract noun?

No, Thorough is an adjective and not a noun.

What is the plural form of Thorough?

Thorough is an adjective and does not have a plural form.

Is Thorough a noun or adjective?

Thorough is an adjective.

What is the verb form of Thorough?

"Thorough" is primarily an adjective and doesn't have a verb form. However, "thoroughly" is an adverb form.

Which preposition is used with Thorough?

"In" can be used, as in "thorough in his work."

Is Thorough a collective noun?

No, Thorough is not a noun and thus not a collective noun.

Is the word Thorough a Gerund?

No, Thorough is not a verb and does not have a gerund form.

What is the singular form of Thorough?

Thorough itself is in singular form.

Is Thorough a negative or positive word?

"Thorough" generally has a positive connotation, indicating completeness and diligence.

What is a stressed syllable in Thorough?

The first syllable, "tho-," is stressed.

Which determiner is used with Thorough?

Determiners like "the" or "a" can be used with "thorough."

How many syllables are in Thorough?

"Thorough" has two syllables.

What part of speech is Thorough?

Thorough is an adjective.

What is the opposite of Thorough?

The opposite could be "superficial" or "cursory."

How is Thorough used in a sentence?

"The detective conducted a thorough investigation into the case."

Is Thorough a vowel or consonant?

"Thorough" is a word, starting with the consonant "Th."

Is Thorough a countable noun?

No, Thorough is not a noun.

Is the word Thorough imperative?

No, it's an adjective and cannot be used as an imperative verb.

Is the word “Thorough” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Thorough is an adjective and cannot function as a direct or indirect object.

How do we divide Thorough into syllables?

Thorough can be divided as tho-rough.

What is another term for Thorough?

Another term could be "comprehensive" or "meticulous."

Which article is used with Thorough?

Either "a" or "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is Thorough an adverb?

"Thorough" itself is not an adverb, but "thoroughly" is its adverbial form.

Is the Thorough term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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