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TIF vs. TIFF — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 17, 2023
TIF and TIFF both refer to the Tagged Image File Format, a common format for storing images; their difference lies only in their extension spelling.
TIF vs. TIFF — What's the Difference?

Difference Between TIF and TIFF


Key Differences

TIF and TIFF are terms commonly associated with the Tagged Image File Format, a popular format used to store image data. This format, which was created for the purpose of storing scanned raster graphics, can hold multiple images, including the header tags that describe and interpret the stored image data.
While TIF and TIFF represent the same format, the difference between them is simply in the spelling of their file extensions. Some systems and platforms prefer the shorter, three-letter version: TIF. Conversely, others use the longer, four-letter extension: TIFF.
Historically, the difference in extension lengths can be attributed to the old DOS systems, which had a three-letter limit for file extensions, making TIF more popular in such environments.
In modern computing, both TIF and TIFF are accepted, but the choice between them often boils down to system or software preference.

Comparison Chart

File Extension


Historical Use

Popular in old DOS systems.
More common in modern computing.

Letter Count

Three letters.
Four letters.

System Preference

Some systems/software.
Other systems/software.


Refers to Tagged Image File.
Refers to Tagged Image File.

Compare with Definitions


TIF can be used to store multiple images in one file.
This TIF contains both the original and edited versions of the picture.


TIFF is a common format for storing raster graphics.
Most scanned documents in our system are stored as TIFF.


TIF represents a file format used primarily for storing images.
The photograph archive mostly contains TIF files.


TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format.
I need the image in TIFF format for higher quality.


TIF is an abbreviation for Tagged Image File.
The scanned document was saved as a TIF.


TIFF supports lossless compression, preserving image details.
Use TIFF if you don’t want to compromise on image quality.


TIF is a versatile file format supporting multiple layers and tags.
Graphic designers often choose TIF due to its multi-layer support.


A fit of irritation.


TIF files can handle both lossless and lossy compression.
To retain image quality, save it as a lossless TIF.


A petty quarrel.


To quarrel.


A small argument; a petty quarrel.


Liquor; especially, a small draught of liquor.


(intransitive) To quarrel.


To deck out; to dress.


Liquor; especially, a small draught of liquor.


A fit of anger or peevishness; a slight altercation or contention. See Tift.


To be in a pet.
She tiffed with Tim, she ran from Ralph.


To deck out; to dress.


A quarrel about petty points


TIFF is a format often used by photographers and graphic artists.
For editing purposes, the artist requested a TIFF file.


TIFF can embed metadata and multiple images within one file.
The TIFF contained both the grayscale and colored versions.

Common Curiosities

What does TIF stand for?

TIF stands for Tagged Image File.

Is TIFF the same as TIF?

Yes, TIFF and TIF refer to the same image format, differing only in file extension spelling.

Are TIF and TIFF files compressed?

Both TIF and TIFF support lossless and lossy compression.

Why are there both TIF and TIFF extensions?

The TIF extension was historically used in older DOS systems, while TIFF is more common in modern computing.

Do TIF and TIFF support metadata?

Yes, both TIF and TIFF can embed metadata.

Can both TIF and TIFF store multiple images in one file?

Yes, both TIF and TIFF can contain multiple images.

What's the primary use case for TIF and TIFF files?

TIF and TIFF are primarily used for high-quality image storage and when editing is required without loss of quality.

Are TIF and TIFF suitable for professional photography?

Yes, both TIF and TIFF are often used by professionals due to their high-quality storage.

Can TIF and TIFF handle transparent backgrounds?

Yes, both TIF and TIFF support transparency.

Why would one choose TIF over TIFF or vice versa?

The choice between TIF and TIFF often depends on system or software preference.

Can I convert a JPEG to TIF or TIFF?

Yes, JPEG images can be converted to either TIF or TIFF format.

Are TIF and TIFF files larger than JPEGs?

Generally, TIF and TIFF files can be larger than JPEGs, especially if they use lossless compression.

Is there a quality difference between TIF and TIFF?

No, the quality is the same; the difference is only in the file extension.

Do all image viewers support TIF and TIFF?

Most modern image viewers support both TIF and TIFF, but it's always good to check the specific software.

Are TIF and TIFF preferred in any specific industries?

Both TIF and TIFF are popular in photography, graphic design, and the publishing industry due to their quality and flexibility.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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