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Tomato Sauce vs. Ketchup — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Published on October 25, 2023
Tomato Sauce is a seasoned sauce made from pureed tomatoes, while Ketchup is a sweet and tangy condiment often containing vinegar, sugar, and spices.
Tomato Sauce vs. Ketchup — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Tomato Sauce and Ketchup


Key Differences

Tomato Sauce is a staple in many cuisines, acting as a base for a variety of dishes. It's crafted from pureed tomatoes, often seasoned with herbs and spices. Ketchup, conversely, is a condiment, typically served on the side and used as a topping or dip.
Both Tomato Sauce and Ketchup originate from tomatoes, but their textures and flavor profiles differ. While Tomato Sauce has a more liquid consistency and a balanced flavor, Ketchup is thick, sweet, and tangy, owing to the addition of sugar and vinegar.
In cooking, Tomato Sauce is versatile; it's used in pasta dishes, pizzas, stews, and more. Ketchup, however, is rarely used as an ingredient in cooking; rather, it complements dishes like fries, burgers, and hot dogs post-cooking.
The preparation methods for Tomato Sauce and Ketchup also differ. Tomato Sauce is often simmered to meld flavors together, while Ketchup undergoes a more intricate process, involving cooking and blending with various additives.
When shopping, Tomato Sauce is usually found in cans or jars in the pasta or sauce aisle. Ketchup, on the other hand, is typically housed in bottles and located in the condiment section of stores.

Comparison Chart

Primary Use

Cooking ingredient

Flavor Profile

Balanced, tomato-forward
Sweet and tangy

Main Ingredients

Tomatoes, herbs, spices
Tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, spices


More liquid

Typical Packaging

Cans or jars

Compare with Definitions

Tomato Sauce

A pureed tomato base.
She added Tomato Sauce to the pasta dish.


A tomato-based condiment.
He poured Ketchup on his fries.

Tomato Sauce

Essential for many recipes.
The recipe called for two cups of Tomato Sauce.


Contains vinegar and sugar.
The tang in Ketchup comes from vinegar.

Tomato Sauce

Used in various cuisines.
Tomato Sauce is a staple in Italian cooking.


Popular in American cuisine.
Burgers in the U.S. are often paired with Ketchup.

Tomato Sauce

Seasoned with herbs and spices.
The Tomato Sauce had a hint of basil and oregano.


Sweet and tangy in flavor.
Ketchup adds a sweet touch to savory dishes.

Tomato Sauce

Can be homemade or store-bought.
She prefers homemade Tomato Sauce for its freshness.


Thick in consistency.
She squeezed the bottle, but the Ketchup took a moment to flow out.


A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.


(uncountable) A tomato-vinegar-based sauce, sometimes containing spices, onion or garlic, and (especially in the US) sweeteners.
Tomato ketchup
This diner serves ketchup in red bottles, and mustard in yellow ones.


Such a sauce more generally (not necessarily based on tomatoes, but with mushrooms, fish, etc.).


(transitive) To cover with ketchup.


A pureed table sauce made predominantly from tomatoes, flavored with onions, sugar, salt and spices; called also tomato ketchup. The term is also applied to pureed sauces containing mushrooms, walnuts, etc., being called in such cases mushroom ketchup, walnut ketchup, etc.


Thick spicy sauce made from tomatoes

Common Curiosities

Can you substitute Tomato Sauce for Ketchup in recipes?

Not always. While both are tomato-based, their flavor profiles differ significantly due to Ketchup's sweetness and tanginess.

Is Ketchup a type of Tomato Sauce?

No, Ketchup is a condiment, while Tomato Sauce is typically an ingredient in cooking.

What dishes commonly use Tomato Sauce?

Tomato Sauce is used in pasta dishes, pizzas, stews, and more.

Why is Ketchup so sweet?

Ketchup often contains added sugars, giving it its distinct sweet taste.

Can you eat Ketchup on its own?

While possible, Ketchup is typically used as a condiment to enhance other dishes.

Is Tomato Sauce the same as marinara?

While both are tomato-based, marinara is a type of Tomato Sauce that's typically seasoned with garlic, onions, and herbs.

Why is Ketchup so popular in the U.S.?

Ketchup's sweet and tangy profile appeals to American palates, making it a favored condiment for many dishes.

Is Tomato Sauce healthy?

In moderation, Tomato Sauce can be healthy, especially if it's homemade and doesn't contain added sugars or excessive salt.

Can I make my own Tomato Sauce at home?

Yes, Tomato Sauce can be made by simmering pureed tomatoes with desired herbs and spices.

How long can opened Ketchup last in the fridge?

Once opened, Ketchup can last about 6 months in the refrigerator.

Are there variations of Tomato Sauce?

Yes, there are various types of Tomato Sauce, like marinara, Bolognese, and arrabbiata, each with unique ingredients and flavors.

Is Tomato Sauce used in Mexican cuisine?

Yes, Tomato Sauce is used in various Mexican dishes, often seasoned with regional spices.

Can I use Tomato Sauce as a pizza base?

Yes, Tomato Sauce is commonly used as a base sauce for pizzas.

Are there sugar-free Ketchup options available?

Yes, some brands offer sugar-free or reduced-sugar Ketchup varieties.

Are there spicy versions of Ketchup?

Yes, some brands offer spicy or hot Ketchup varieties.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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