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Tory vs. Conservative — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 9, 2024
Tory refers to a member or supporter of the British Conservative Party, emphasizing traditional values and institutions, while Conservative, more broadly, encompasses right-leaning political ideologies focusing on maintaining existing social orders.
Tory vs. Conservative — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Tory and Conservative


Key Differences

Tory historically signifies a political faction in Britain that evolved into the modern Conservative Party, advocating for monarchy and the Anglican Church. Whereas Conservative, as a broader term, applies globally to individuals and parties favoring traditional values, economic liberalism, and minimal government intervention.
Tory members often prioritize the UK's national sovereignty and are typically associated with pro-Brexit stances, underscoring a distinct national identity. On the other hand, Conservatives worldwide might focus more on economic policies than on sovereignty issues, emphasizing fiscal conservatism over nationalistic concerns.
In the context of social issues, Tories are known for their cautious approach towards change, particularly valuing British traditions and social norms. Conversely, Conservatives in different countries may vary widely in their social stances, from very traditional to relatively moderate, depending on the cultural context.
While Tories are specifically linked to the UK's political landscape, advocating for policies that reflect British interests, Conservative ideologies can be found in various forms across international boundaries, adapting to local customs and political environments.
Tories and Conservatives alike tend to support free market principles, but Tory economic policies are often closely tied to the UK's specific needs and conditions, such as trade relationships influenced by Brexit. In contrast, Conservative economic strategies in other nations might prioritize broader issues like global free trade and deregulation without the same national focus.

Comparison Chart

Geographic Scope

Primarily UK


17th-century England, supporting the monarchy
Broadly applies to right-leaning ideologies

Key Issues

Brexit, UK sovereignty
Economic freedom, traditional values

Social Policy

Generally traditional, UK-centric
Varies by country, from traditional to moderate

Economic Policy

UK-focused, free market principles
Broad emphasis on free markets and deregulation

Compare with Definitions


A member of the UK Conservative Party.
The Tory MP advocated for stronger immigration policies.


Advocates for preserving traditional social institutions.
Conservatives often oppose radical changes to societal norms.


Pro-Brexit advocate within UK politics.
The Tory leadership campaigned vigorously for the UK to leave the EU.


Can be found in various international contexts.
Conservative parties in Europe sometimes differ greatly from those in the US.


Focuses on national sovereignty and identity.
The Tory stance emphasizes maintaining British sovereignty above all.


Stance on social issues varies widely.
Some conservatives support same-gender marriage, while others do not.


Often associated with upper-class conservatism in the UK.
The Tory party's base includes many from Britain's upper classes.


Values fiscal responsibility and economic liberalism.
He's conservative, advocating for balanced budgets and free trade.


Supporter of British traditionalism and monarchy.
As a Tory, he respects the Queen's role in society.


Prefers minimal government intervention in the economy.
The conservative policy aims for lower taxes and less regulation.


A Tory () is a person who holds a political philosophy known as Toryism, based on a British version of traditionalism and conservatism, which upholds the supremacy of social order as it has evolved in the English culture throughout history. The Tory ethos has been summed up with the phrase "God, Queen, and Country".


Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.


A member of a British political party, founded in 1689, that was the opposition party to the Whigs and has been known as the Conservative Party since about 1832.


Traditional or restrained in style
A conservative dark suit.


A member of a Conservative party, as in Canada.


Moderate; cautious
A conservative estimate.


An American who, during the period of the American Revolution, favored the British side. Also called Loyalist.


Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.


Often tory A supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of democratization or reform; a political conservative.


Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.


Alternative case form of Tory


Conservative Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political conservatism, especially in the United Kingdom or Canada.


Alternative case form of Tory


Conservative Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism.


A member of the conservative party, as opposed to the progressive party which was formerly called the Whig, and is now called the Liberal, party; an earnest supporter of existing royal and ecclesiastical authority.


Tending to conserve; preservative
The conservative use of natural resources.


One who, in the time of the Revolution, favored submitting to the claims of Great Britain against the colonies; an adherent to the crown.


One favoring traditional views and values.


Of or pertaining to the Tories.


A supporter of political conservatism.


An American who favored the British side during the American Revolution


Conservative A member or supporter of a Conservative political party.


A supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of reform; a political conservative


A person who favors maintenance of the status quo.


(politics) One who opposes changes to the traditional institutions of their country.


A person who favors decentralization of political power and disfavors interventionist foreign policy.


A fiscal conservative.


A social conservative.


Cautious, moderate.
The chef added a conservative amount of salt to the dish.


Tending to resist change or innovation.
The curriculum committee at this university is extremely conservative.


Based on pessimistic assumptions.
At a conservative estimate, growth may even be negative next year.


Supporting some combination of fiscal, political or social conservatism.


Relating to the Conservative Party.


Neither creating nor destroying a given quantity.


Having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste, or injury; preservative.


(Judaism) Relating to Conservative Judaism.


(clothing) Conventional, traditional, and moderate in style and appearance; not extreme, excessive, faddish, or intense.


(medicine) Not including any operation or intervention (said of a treatment, see conservative treatment)


Having power to preserve in a safe of entire state, or from loss, waste, or injury; preservative.


Tending or disposed to maintain existing institutions; opposed to change or innovation.


Of or pertaining to a political party which favors the conservation of existing institutions and forms of government, as the Conservative party in England; - contradistinguished from Liberal and Radical.
We have always been conscientiously attached to what is called the Tory, and which might with more propriety be called the Conservative, party.


One who, or that which, preserves from ruin, injury, innovation, or radical change; a preserver; a conserver.
The Holy Spirit is the great conservative of the new life.


One who desires to maintain existing institutions and customs; also, one who holds moderate opinions in politics; - opposed to revolutionary or radical.


A member of the Conservative party.


A person who has conservative ideas or opinions


Resistant to change


Opposed to liberal reforms


Avoiding excess;
A conservative estimate


Unimaginatively conventional;
A colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-gray world of business


Conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class;
A bourgeois mentality

Common Curiosities

Are all Tories Conservative?

In the modern context, yes, all Tories are considered Conservatives within the UK political spectrum, but not all Conservatives are Tories, as the term Conservative has a broader application.

Can a Conservative be from any country?

Yes, Conservative ideologies and parties exist in many countries worldwide, each adapting to their local context.

What does Conservative mean?

Conservative refers to a political ideology that values the maintenance of traditional social institutions, economic liberalism, and minimal government intervention.

Do Tories support Brexit?

Yes, the Tory party generally supported Brexit, advocating for the UK's departure from the European Union to reclaim national sovereignty.

Are Conservative values the same worldwide?

While there are common themes like traditionalism and economic liberalism, Conservative values can vary significantly from one country to another, reflecting local customs and political environments.

What is the historical origin of the term Tory?

The term Tory originates from the 17th century in England, initially describing a political faction supporting the monarchy and Anglican Church.

What is a Tory?

A Tory is a member or supporter of the British Conservative Party, often associated with traditional British values and institutions.

What are the key differences between Tories and Conservatives?

Tories are specifically associated with the UK's Conservative Party and its policies, while Conservatives represent a wider ideological spectrum across different countries, focusing on traditionalism and economic liberalism.

What unites Tories and Conservatives?

A shared belief in the importance of tradition, national identity, and economic liberalism unites Tories and Conservatives, despite variations in specific policies and cultural contexts.

Do Tories only exist in the UK?

Yes, the term Tory is specifically linked to the UK Conservative Party and its members or supporters.

How do Tories and Conservatives approach economic policy?

Both tend to support free market principles, but Tory economic policies are often more specifically tailored to the UK's needs, such as post-Brexit trade strategies.

How do Conservatives view government intervention?

Conservatives typically advocate for limited government intervention in both the economy and private lives, preferring a laissez-faire approach to governance.

What distinguishes a Tory from other types of Conservatives?

A Tory is distinguished by their specific affiliation with the British Conservative Party and its unique blend of nationalism, traditionalism, and policies tailored to the UK context.

Is the Conservative ideology only political?

While primarily political, Conservative ideology also influences social attitudes, emphasizing traditional values and caution against rapid societal changes.

How do social policies differ between Tories and Conservatives?

Tories in the UK often uphold traditional British social norms, while Conservative social policies elsewhere can range from traditional to relatively moderate, depending on cultural context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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