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Total vs. Gross — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 5, 2024
Total refers to the complete amount or sum of parts, whereas Gross typically signifies the entire amount before deductions like taxes or expenses.
Total vs. Gross — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Total and Gross


Key Differences

Total is a comprehensive term that encompasses the complete amount or sum of parts in any context, be it financial figures, quantities, or measurements. It represents the final sum after all calculations are performed. Gross, on the other hand, specifically refers to the whole amount of something before any deductions are made, such as taxes, expenses, or losses, often used in financial and commercial contexts to indicate earnings or weights before deductions.
When discussing finances, the total can signify the final amount after all additions and subtractions, including taxes and other deductions. Whereas gross income or gross weight indicates the initial figure before any deductions. This distinction is crucial for understanding financial statements and transactions.
In the context of calculations or aggregating measurements, total is the sum that includes all relevant figures, possibly after various operations like addition, subtraction, and adjustments. Gross, however, often remains a static figure, representing an unaltered total from which calculations begin, especially in financial accounts.
The terminology differs in application: total is universally applicable across various fields and calculations, signifying the end result of an aggregation process. Gross is predominantly used in financial and commercial contexts, highlighting the need to differentiate between pre-deduction figures and net values, which consider deductions.
While total encapsulates the concept of completeness in any numerical aggregation or finalization of accounts, gross serves as a starting point for financial calculations, emphasizing the importance of understanding the gross-to-net journey in financial analysis and budgeting.

Comparison Chart


The sum of all parts or the final amount.
The whole amount before any deductions.


Universal across various fields and scenarios.
Primarily financial and commercial contexts.


Represents completeness or finalization.
Indicates the initial figure before deductions.


Final sum after all additions and subtractions.
Starting figure for calculations, pre-deduction.


Broad, including financial, quantitative, etc.
Focused, often related to income, weight, or sales.

Compare with Definitions


The sum of all components or the final amount.
The total cost of the project exceeded the initial estimates.


Primarily financial and commercial.
Gross sales for the quarter were reported before deducting returns.


Signifies completeness or the end result.
The report displayed the total impact of the campaign.


The entire amount before deductions like taxes or expenses.
His gross salary was mentioned before tax deductions.


Applicable in various calculations and analyses.
The total volume of water was measured after combining two containers.


More specific than total, with a focus on pre-deduction figures.
The gross profit margin is a key indicator in financial analysis.


Indicates the final figure after calculations.
The total number of attendees was recorded at the end of the event.


Often used to describe earnings or measurements before subtractions.
The gross weight of the shipment includes the packaging.


Adaptable to different scenarios beyond finance.
The total score was calculated after the last game.


Serves as a starting point for net calculations.
The gross income is used to calculate net income after taxes.


Comprising the whole number or amount
A total cost of £4,000


Exclusive of deductions; total
Gross profits.


Complete; absolute
A total stranger
It is a matter of total indifference to me


Unmitigated in any way; utter
Gross incompetence.


The whole number or amount of something
In total, 200 people were interviewed
He scored a total of thirty-three points


So obvious or conspicuous as to cause or heighten offense
Gross injustice.


Amount in number to
They were left with debts totalling £6,260


Brutishly coarse, as in behavior; crude
"It is futile to expect a hungry and squalid population to be anything but violent and gross" (Thomas H. Huxley).


Damage (something, typically a vehicle) beyond repair; wreck
He almost totalled the car


Disgusting or offensive
Don't you think slugs are gross? He told a gross joke.


An amount obtained by addition; a sum.


Overweight; corpulent
"Sally is fat. She is gross. She must weigh twelve stone and more" (Margaret Drabble).


The whole amount of something; the entirety
The storm damaged the total of the housing units.


On a large scale; not fine or detailed
Gross anatomical similarities.
Gross motor skills.


Of, relating to, or constituting the whole amount; entire
The total population of the city.


Broad; general
The gross necessities of life.


Complete; utter; absolute
Total concentration.
A total effort.
A total fool.


Pl. gross·es The entire body or amount, as of income, before necessary deductions have been made.


To determine the total of; add up
They totaled the applications at 600.


Pl. gross Abbr. gr. or gro. A group of 144 items; 12 dozen.


To equal a total of; amount to
The week's receipts totaled more than $90,000.


To earn as a total income or profit before deductions
The store grossed $10,000 last month.


To wreck completely; demolish
The driver survived the crash but totaled the car.


(of behaviour considered to be wrong) Highly or conspicuously offensive.
A gross mistake;
Gross injustice;
Gross negligence; a gross insult


To add up; amount
It totals to $25.


(of an amount) Excluding any deductions; including all associated amounts.
Gross domestic product; gross income; gross weight


An amount obtained by the addition of smaller amounts.
A total of £145 was raised by the bring-and-buy stall.


Seen without a microscope (usually for a tissue or an organ); at a large scale; not detailed.
Gross anatomy


The total of 4, 5 and 6 is 15.


Causing disgust.
I threw up all over the bed. It was totally gross.


Entire; relating to the whole of something.
The total book is rubbish from start to finish.
The total number of votes cast is 3,270.


Lacking refinement in behaviour or manner; offending a standard of morality.


(used as an intensifier) Complete; absolute.
He is a total failure.


(of a product) Lacking refinement; not of high quality.


(mathematics) (of a function) Defined on all possible inputs.
The Ackermann function is one of the simplest and earliest examples of a total computable function that is not primitive recursive.


(of a person) Heavy in proportion to one's height; having a lot of excess flesh.


(transitive) To add up; to calculate the sum of.
When we totalled the takings, we always got a different figure.


Difficult or impossible to see through.


To equal a total of; to amount to.
That totals seven times so far.


(archaic) Not sensitive in perception or feeling.


To demolish; to wreck completely. (from total loss)
Honey, I’m OK, but I’ve totaled the car.


(obsolete) Easy to perceive.


(intransitive) To amount to; to add up to.
It totals nearly a pound.


Twelve dozen = 144.


Whole; not divided; entire; full; complete; absolute; as, a total departure from the evidence; a total loss.


The total nominal earnings or amount, before taxes, expenses, exceptions or similar are deducted. That which remains after all deductions is called net.


The whole; the whole sum or amount; as, these sums added make the grand total of five millions.


The bulk, the mass, the masses.


To bring to a total; also, to reach as a total; to amount to.


(transitive) To earn money, not including expenses.
The movie grossed three million on the first weekend.


To determine the total of (a set of numbers); to add; - often used with up; as, to total up the bill.


Great; large; bulky; fat; of huge size; excessively large.
A gross body of horse under the Duke.


To damage beyond repair; - used especially of vehicles damaged in an accident; as, he skid on an ice patch and totaled his Mercedes against a tree. From total loss.


Coarse; rough; not fine or delicate.


The whole amount


Not easily aroused or excited; not sensitive in perception or feeling; dull; witless.
Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear.


A quantity obtained by addition


Expressing, or originating in, animal or sensual appetites; hence, coarse, vulgar, low, obscene, or impure.
The terms which are delicate in one age become gross in the next.


Add up in number or quantity;
The bills amounted to $2,000
The bill came to $2,000


Disgusting; repulsive; highly offensive; as, a gross remark.


Determine the sum of;
Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town


Thick; dense; not attenuated; as, a gross medium.


Constituting the full quantity or extent; complete;
An entire town devastated by an earthquake
Gave full attention
A total failure


Great; palpable; serious; vagrant; shameful; as, a gross mistake; gross injustice; gross negligence.


Including everything;
The overall cost
The total amount owed


Whole; entire; total; without deduction; as, the gross sum, or gross amount, the gross weight; - opposed to net.


Without conditions or limitations;
A total ban


The main body; the chief part, bulk, or mass.
For the gross of the people, they are considered as a mere herd of cattle.


Complete in extent or degree and in every particular;
A full game
A total eclipse
A total disaster


The number of twelve dozen; twelve times twelve; as, a gross of bottles; ten gross of pens.


Twelve dozen


The entire amount of income before any deductions are made


Earn before taxes, expenses, etc.


Before any deductions;
Gross income


Visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)


Of general aspects or broad distinctions;
The gross details of the structure appear reasonable


Repellently fat;
A bald porcine old man


Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible;
A crying shame
An egregious lie
Flagrant violation of human rights
A glaring error
Gross ineptitude
Gross injustice
Rank treachery


Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers;
An arrant fool
A complete coward
A consummate fool
A double-dyed villain
Gross negligence
A perfect idiot
Pure folly
What a sodding mess
Stark staring mad
A thoroughgoing villain
Utter nonsense


Conspicuously and tastelessly indecent;
Coarse language
A crude joke
Crude behavior
An earthy sense of humor
A revoltingly gross expletive
A vulgar gesture
Full of language so vulgar it should have been edited

Common Curiosities

Is total always higher than gross?

Not necessarily; total refers to a final sum which could be less than gross when deductions are involved, such as net income being less than gross income.

What does total mean in calculations?

Total refers to the final sum or aggregate amount after performing all necessary calculations, including additions and subtractions.

Why is gross important in financial statements?

Gross figures are crucial for understanding the initial earning or expenditure before any deductions, essential for accurate financial analysis.

Can total and gross be the same?

In some contexts, total and gross can represent the same figure, especially if there are no deductions from the gross amount.

How is gross income different from total income?

Gross income is the entire income before any deductions like taxes, while total income could mean the sum after deductions.

Why differentiate between total and gross?

Differentiating helps in financial analysis, budget planning, and understanding the impact of deductions on the final amount.

What does gross weight mean?

Gross weight refers to the total weight of an item, including packaging and any material used for shipping or handling.

Can gross be used outside financial contexts?

While less common, gross can describe total quantities or measurements in non-financial contexts without deductions.

How does total revenue relate to gross revenue?

Total revenue can be synonymous with gross revenue, indicating total sales before deductions. The terminology may vary based on context.

Is gross profit the same as total profit?

Gross profit refers specifically to earnings before deducting operating expenses, while total profit may consider all deductions, showing net profit.

How do you calculate total expenses?

Total expenses are calculated by summing all individual expenses, including taxes, operational costs, and other expenditures.

Does total include taxes?

Total can include taxes if calculating the final amount payable or receivable, incorporating all relevant charges and deductions.

What role does total play in budgeting?

Total figures are crucial in budgeting for understanding overall expenses, income, and for making informed financial decisions.

How are total and gross used in accounting?

In accounting, total is used for final sums, and gross refers to amounts before deductions, aiding in detailed financial reporting and analysis.

Is gross margin different from total margin?

Gross margin specifically measures profitability before operating expenses, whereas total margin might not be a standard term, requiring context for clarity.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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