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Translucentness vs. Translucency — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
Translucentness is an incorrect spelling of Translucency. Translucency refers to the quality of allowing light to pass through, diffusing it to create a blurred view.
Translucentness vs. Translucency — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Translucentness or Translucency

How to spell Translucency?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

“Translucency” and “Clarity” both contain the letter “c,” and both pertain to visibility, making "Translucency" the correct spelling.
Recall that “-ency” is a common suffix (like in "Agency" or "Frequency"), thus “Translucency” is correct.
Think of “Translucency” as it sounds, with a “-cy” ending, just like “fancy.”
Remember that many quality-describing nouns end in “-cy,” like “Democracy” or “Accuracy.”
Associate “Translucency” with “Transparent,” both start with “Trans-.”

How Do You Spell Translucency Correctly?

Incorrect: Artists often explore the idea of translucentness in their work with materials like frosted glass.
Correct: Artists often explore the idea of translucency in their work with materials like frosted glass.
Incorrect: The glass displayed a remarkable level of translucentness, softly diffusing the sunlight.
Correct: The glass displayed a remarkable level of translucency, softly diffusing the sunlight.
Incorrect: The fabric's translucentness made it perfect for the light, airy curtains she wanted.
Correct: The fabric's translucency made it perfect for the light, airy curtains she wanted.
Incorrect: In the lab, they measured the translucentness of various samples to determine their suitability.
Correct: In the lab, they measured the translucency of various samples to determine their suitability.
Incorrect: Her skin had a certain translucentness that was almost ethereal under the soft lighting.
Correct: Her skin had a certain translucency that was almost ethereal under the soft lighting.

Translucency Definitions

A characteristic of material that diffuses light.
Materials with translucency can be backlit effectively.
Describing an object’s ability to permit light through but not detailed images.
The window’s translucency provided privacy while allowing light in.
A quality that doesn’t allow clear visibility but lets light in.
Glass often possesses a degree of translucency.
The property of being semi-transparent.
Translucency allows light to pass through, providing a partially clear vision.
Referring to something that is neither fully transparent nor opaque.
The fabric's translucency softly diffused the sunlight.
Transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to prevent perception of distinct images.
The quality of being translucent
The quality of allowing light to pass diffusely

Translucency Meaning in a Sentence

Jellyfish have an intriguing translucency that makes them fascinating to observe.
Frosted glass is valued for its translucency, offering light without sacrificing privacy.
She loved the translucency of the fabric, perfect for her summer dress design.
The translucency of the curtains filtered the sunlight, casting a warm glow in the room.
The translucency of thin ice on a pond can be both beautiful and dangerous.
Many flowers have petals with a degree of translucency, which sunlight can pass through.
The artist used layers to achieve a beautiful translucency in her watercolor landscapes.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Translucency?

Derived from Latin "translucens," meaning "shining through," Translucency describes the characteristic of allowing light through but not detailed images.

What is the root word of Translucency?

The root is the Latin word "translucens."

Which vowel is used before Translucency?

A vowel is not necessarily used before Translucency.

What is the verb form of Translucency?

The verb form could be considered "transluce," although it's not commonly used.

What is the plural form of Translucency?


Which conjunction is used with Translucency?

No specific conjunction is paired with Translucency.

Is Translucency a negative or positive word?


Which preposition is used with Translucency?

"Of" can be used, as in “translucency of the material.”

What is the pronunciation of Translucency?


What is the singular form of Translucency?


Which article is used with Translucency?

"The" can be used, as in "the translucency."

Is Translucency an adverb?

No, Translucency is a noun.

Is Translucency a collective noun?

No, Translucency is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in Translucency?

Four syllables.

What part of speech is Translucency?

Translucency is a noun.

Is the word Translucency imperative?

No, Translucency is not imperative.

Is the word “Translucency” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Translucency can be a direct object.

Is Translucency a noun or adjective?

Translucency is a noun.

What is the opposite of Translucency?


What is the first form of Translucency?

Translucency does not have verb forms.

How is Translucency used in a sentence?

"The translucency of the frosted glass provided enough privacy while still letting light filter through."

Is Translucency a countable noun?

Generally no, but can be counted in terms of types (e.g., different translucencies).

What is a stressed syllable in Translucency?

The second syllable "lu" is stressed.

What is another term for Translucency?


Which determiner is used with Translucency?

No specific determiner is required.

What is the second form of Translucency?

Translucency does not have verb forms.

Is Translucency an abstract noun?

Yes, Translucency can be considered an abstract noun.

Is Translucency a vowel or consonant?

Translucency is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is the Translucency term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is the word Translucency a Gerund?

No, Translucency is not a gerund.

How do we divide Translucency into syllables?


What is the third form of Translucency?

Translucency does not have verb forms.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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