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Trimester vs. Quarter — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 8, 2024
A trimester divides a year into three parts, often used in academic settings and pregnancy tracking, while a quarter splits it into four, common in business and finance.
Trimester vs. Quarter — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Trimester and Quarter


Key Differences

A trimester is a term commonly used to divide an academic year or pregnancy period into three segments, each lasting about three months or twelve weeks. On the other hand, a quarter refers to one-fourth of a year, widely used in business and finance to report earnings and performance.
While trimesters are especially relevant in educational and medical fields, providing a framework for curriculum design and prenatal care, quarters are integral to the business world, offering a standardized timeframe for financial reporting and strategic planning.
Whereas trimesters can offer a more detailed view over shorter periods, which can be beneficial in closely monitoring progress, whether in academic achievements or pregnancy stages, quarters provide a consistent basis for year-over-year comparisons, crucial for assessing business trends and growth.
The choice between trimesters and quarters often depends on the specific context and objectives, with trimesters offering a closer look at shorter intervals and quarters facilitating broad, consistent financial and business assessments.

Comparison Chart

Divisions per Year


Common Usage

Academic settings, pregnancy
Business, finance


About three months or twelve weeks
Roughly three months


Tracking developmental stages, intensive courses
Financial reporting, strategic planning

Yearly Alignment

Less strict with calendar months
Closely aligned with calendar months

Compare with Definitions


One of the three divisions of an academic year.
She took extra courses during the fall trimester.


A three-month period in a calendar year.
We're planning a major product launch in the third quarter.


A period of three months.
The first trimester of pregnancy is crucial for the baby's development.


One-fourth of a year, used especially in financial contexts.
The company reported a significant profit increase in the last quarter.


A segment in pregnancy tracking, each lasting about twelve weeks.
The second trimester is often when mothers feel the most energetic.


A term used in business to divide the fiscal year.
Budget reviews are conducted at the end of each quarter.


A term used in education to describe a three-part division.
Our school operates on a trimester system to allow for more breaks.


A division used for reporting in finance and business.
The quarterly report showed an unexpected downturn in sales.


A division used to describe three equal parts of a specified period.
The project's completion was planned in trimesters.


A period used for strategic planning and analysis.
The marketing strategy will be reassessed next quarter.


A period or term of three months.


Each of four equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided
A page and a quarter
A quarter of a mile
She cut each apple into quarters


One of three terms into which an academic year is divided in some universities and colleges.


One fourth of a pound weight (avoirdupois, equal to 4 ounces).


A period of three months or about three months; financial quarter.
She is in the second trimester of her first pregnancy.


The haunches or hindquarters of a horse
They have strong, muscular quarters


One of the terms of an academic year in those learning institutions that divide their teaching in three roughly equal terms, each about three months long. Compare semester.
The school operates on a trimester schedule.


A part of a town or city having a particular character or use
A beautiful port city with a fascinating medieval quarter


A term or period of three months.


The direction of one of the points of the compass, especially as a direction from which the wind blows.


A period of three months; especially one of the three three-month periods into which human pregnancy is divided


Rooms or lodgings, especially those allocated to people in military or domestic service
They lived in RAF married quarters


One of three divisions of an academic year


Pity or mercy shown towards an enemy or opponent who is in one's power
The riot squad gave no quarter


Each of four or more roughly equal divisions of a shield separated by vertical and horizontal lines.


Divide into four equal or corresponding parts
Peel and quarter the bananas


Be stationed or lodged in a specified place
Many were quartered in tents


Range over or traverse (an area) in every direction
We watched a pair of kingfishers quartering the river looking for minnows


Display (different coats of arms) in quarters of a shield, especially to show arms inherited from heiresses who have married into the bearer's family
Edward III quartered the French royal arms with his own


One of four equal parts.


A coin equal to one fourth of the dollar of the United States and Canada.


One fourth of an hour; 15 minutes.


One fourth of a year; three months
Sales were up in the second quarter.


An academic term lasting approximately three months.


One fourth of the period of the moon's revolution around Earth.


One of the two phases of the moon at which the moon, as viewed from Earth, appears to be half illuminated by the sun. The quarter phases mark the quarter and three-quarter points of the moon's revolution about the Earth.


(Sports) One of four equal periods of playing time into which some games, such as football and basketball, are divided.


One fourth of a yard; nine inches.


One fourth of a mile; two furlongs.


One fourth of a pound; four ounces.


One fourth of a ton; 500 pounds. Used as a measure of grain.


Chiefly British A measure of grain equal to approximately eight bushels.


One fourth of a hundredweight; 25 pounds.


One fourth of a British hundredweight; 28 pounds.


One of the four major divisions of the compass.


One fourth of the distance between any two of the 32 divisions of the compass.


One of the four major divisions of the horizon as determined by the four major points of the compass.


A region or an area of the earth thought of as falling into such a specific division of the compass.


(Nautical) The general direction on either side of a ship located 45° off the stern.


The upper portion of the after side of a ship, usually between the aftermost mast and the stern.


The part of a yard between the slings and the yardarm.


(Heraldry) Any of four equal divisions of a shield.


One leg of an animal's carcass, usually including the adjoining parts.


Either side of a horse's hoof.


The part of the side of a shoe between the heel and the vamp.


Quarters A place of residence, especially the buildings or barracks used to house military personnel or their dependents.


Often quarters A proper or assigned station or place, as for officers and crew on a warship.


Often Quarter A specific district or section, as of a city
The French Quarter.


Often quarters An unspecified person or group
Information from the highest quarters.


Mercy or clemency, especially when displayed or given to an enemy.


Being one of four equal or equivalent parts.


Being one fourth of a standard or usual value.


To divide into four equal or equivalent parts.


To quartersaw.


To divide or separate into a number of parts.


To dismember (a human body) into four parts.


(Heraldry) To divide (a shield) into four equal areas with vertical and horizontal lines.


To mark or place (holes, for example) a fourth of a circle apart.


To locate and adjust (one machine part) at right angles to its connecting part within the machine.


To furnish with housing
Quartered the troops in an old factory building.


To traverse (an area of ground) laterally back and forth while slowly advancing forward.


To take up or be assigned lodgings.


To cover an area of ground by ranging over it from side to side.


A fourth part of something.


(in general sense) Each of four equal parts into which something can be divided; a fourth part.
A quarter of an hour.


A measure of capacity used chiefly for grain or coal, varying greatly in quantity by time and location.


A fourth part of a pound; approximately 113 grams.


(historical) A measure of length; originally a fourth part of an ell, now chiefly a fourth part of a yard.


A fourth part of the night; one of the watches or divisions of the night.


A fourth part of the year; 3 months; a term or season.


(time) A fourth part of an hour; a period of fifteen minutes, especially with reference to the quarter before or after the hour.


A fourth part of a hundredweight.


(heraldry) A fourth part of a coat of arms, or the charge on it, larger than a canton and normally on the upper dexter side, formed by a perpendicular line from the top meeting a horizontal line from the side.


(North America) A quarter-dollar, divided into 25 cents; the coin of that value minted in the United States or Canada.


(sport) One of four equal periods into which a game is divided.


A quarter of an acre or 40 roods.


Place or position.


A region or place.


Each of four parts into which the earth or sky is divided, corresponding to the four cardinal points of the compass.


A division or section of a town or city, especially having a particular character of its own, or associated with a particular group etc.


One's residence or dwelling-place; in plural rooms, lodgings, especially as allocated to soldiers or domestic staff.


A topic or area of endeavour.


(nautical) The aftmost part of a vessel's side, roughly from the last mast to the stern.


(farriery) The part on either side of a horse's hoof between the toe and heel, the side of its coffin.


(often plural) A section (of a population), especially one having a particular set of values or interests.
Opposition to the policy came from an unexpected quarter, as well as from certain quarters which had historically opposed it
All quarters of the socialist movement; praise from Conservative quarters


(obsolete) Relations between people.


Accommodation given to a defeated opponent; mercy; exemption from being killed.


Short forms.


A quarterback.


A quartermaster; a quartermaster sergeant.


A quarterfinal.


Pertaining to an aspect of a quarter.


(chiefly) Consisting of a fourth part, a quarter (4, 25%).
A quarter hour; a quarter century; a quarter note; a quarter pound


(chiefly) Related to a three-month term, a quarter of a year.
A quarter day is one terminating a quarter of the year.
A quarter session is one held quarterly at the end of a quarter.


(transitive) To divide into quarters; to divide by four.


(transitive) To provide housing for military personnel or other equipment.
Quarter the horses in the third stable.


(intransitive) To lodge; to have a temporary residence.


(transitive) To quartersaw.


(obsolete) To drive a carriage so as to prevent the wheels from going into the ruts, or so that a rut shall be between the wheels.


One of four equal parts into which anything is divided, or is regarded as divided; a fourth part or portion; as, a quarter of a dollar, of a pound, of a yard, of an hour, etc.
Scouts each coast light-armed scour,Each quarter, to descry the distant foe.


A division of a town, city, or county; a particular district; a locality; as, the Latin quarter in Paris.


Proper station; specific place; assigned position; special location.
Swift to their several quarters hasted thenThe cumbrous elements.
The banter turned as to what quarters each would find.


A station or encampment occupied by troops; a place of lodging for soldiers or officers; as, winter quarters.
He magnified his own clemency, now they were at his mercy, to offer them quarter for their lives.
Cocks and lambs . . . at the mercy of cats and wolves . . . must never expect better quarter.


Friendship; amity; concord.
In quarter, and in terms like bride and groom.
I knew two that were competitors for the secretary's place, . . . and yet kept good quarter between themselves.


To divide into four equal parts.


To divide; to separate into parts or regions.
Then sailors quartered heaven.


To furnish with shelter or entertainment; to supply with the means of living for a time; especially, to furnish shelter to; as, to quarter soldiers.
They mean this night in Sardis to be quartered.


To furnish as a portion; to allot.
This isle . . . He quarters to his blue-haired deities.


To arrange (different coats of arms) upon one escutcheon, as when a man inherits from both father and mother the right to bear arms.


To lodge; to have a temporary residence.


To drive a carriage so as to prevent the wheels from going into the ruts, or so that a rut shall be between the wheels.
Every creature that met us would rely on us for quartering.


One of four equal parts;
A quarter of a pound


A district of a city having some distinguishing character;
The Latin Quarter


One of four periods of play into which some games are divided;
Both teams scored in the first quarter


A unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour;
It's a quarter til 4
A quarter after 4 o'clock


One of four periods into which the school year is divided;
The fall quarter ends at Christmas


A fourth part of a year; three months;
Unemployment fell during the last quarter


One of the four major division of the compass;
The wind is coming from that quarter


A quarter of a hundredweight (25 pounds)


A quarter of a hundredweight (28 pounds)


A United States coin worth one fourth of a dollar;
He fed four quarters into the slot machine


An unspecified person;
He dropped a word in the right quarter


The rear part of a ship


Piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp


Provide housing for (military personnel)


Pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him;
In the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes


Divide into quarters;
Quarter an apple


Divide by four; divide into quarters

Common Curiosities

Why are trimesters used in pregnancy?

Trimesters are used in pregnancy to track the developmental stages of the fetus and the health of the mother.

What is a quarter?

A quarter refers to one-fourth of a year, commonly used in business and finance for fiscal periods.

Can trimesters and quarters overlap in usage?

While they might occasionally overlap, trimesters and quarters are usually specific to their contexts—pregnancy/academics and business/finance, respectively.

What is a trimester?

A trimester is a period of three months, often used to divide an academic year or pregnancy into three parts.

How long is a trimester?

A trimester typically lasts about three months or twelve weeks.

How long is a quarter in a year?

A quarter in a year is roughly three months long.

How are trimesters calculated in pregnancy?

Trimesters in pregnancy are calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period, divided into three periods of roughly twelve weeks each.

Why are quarters important in business?

Quarters are crucial in business for financial reporting, performance assessment, and strategic planning.

Can trimesters apply outside of pregnancy and academia?

While less common, trimesters can be applied to any period divided into three equal parts for specific tracking or planning purposes.

How do trimesters benefit education?

Trimesters can benefit education by allowing for more intensive courses and frequent breaks, providing flexibility in curriculum design.

What role do quarters play in financial planning?

Quarters play a significant role in financial planning by providing regular intervals for budget review, forecasting, and strategy adjustment.

How do businesses use quarters for growth assessment?

Businesses use quarters to assess growth by comparing financial metrics and performance indicators with previous quarters and years.

Are quarters aligned with specific calendar months?

Quarters are typically aligned with specific calendar months, starting in January, April, July, and October.

How do trimesters affect academic schedules?

Trimesters can affect academic schedules by determining the timing and duration of courses, exams, and breaks.

What is the significance of the fiscal quarter in reporting?

The fiscal quarter is significant in reporting as it provides a standardized period for companies to report earnings and assess financial health.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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