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Tuckus vs. Tuchus — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Rabia Sajjad — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 16, 2024
"Tuckus" is the incorrect spelling of "tuchus." "Tuchus" is a Yiddish term meaning buttocks or rear end.
Tuckus vs. Tuchus — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Tuckus or Tuchus

How to spell Tuchus?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Tuchus" aligns with the traditional Yiddish spelling, ending in "-us" similar to other Yiddish words.
The correct form "tuchus" often appears in informal contexts and aligns with its playful tone.

How Do You Spell Tuchus Correctly?

Incorrect: Don't just sit on your tuckus all day; get up and move!
Correct: Don't just sit on your tuchus all day; get up and move!
Incorrect: The kids were kicked in the tuckus out the door.
Correct: The kids were kicked in the tuchus out the door.
Incorrect: She gave him a swift kick in the tuckus.
Correct: She gave him a swift kick in the tuchus.
Incorrect: He slipped and landed on his tuckus.
Correct: He slipped and landed on his tuchus.
Incorrect: Be careful, or you'll fall on your tuckus.
Correct: Be careful, or you'll fall on your tuchus.

Tuchus Definitions

Can refer to the rear part of anything, not just a person.
The dog wagged its tuchus happily as we approached.
The backside or buttocks, especially in a humorous or informal context.
He joked about falling and hurting his tuchus.
A term of endearment or playful scolding related to one's backside.
Grandma pinched his tuchus and laughed.
Sometimes used metaphorically to suggest the bottom or end of something.
We finally reached the tuchus of the long procedure.
Used colloquially to refer to sitting or inactivity.
Get off your tuchus and help me with these boxes!
The buttocks, rear end, butt.

Tuchus Meaning in a Sentence

He complained about his sore tuchus after the long ride.
Sit down and rest your tuchus.
It's time you got up and moved your tuchus!
He tripped and landed right on his tuchus.
Her grandmother playfully swatted her tuchus.
The puppy wagged its tuchus excitedly.
She laughed as the toddler fell on his tuchus.
Don't just talk; move your tuchus and do something!
The comedian made a joke about his tuchus getting bigger.

Tuchus Idioms & Phrases

A pain in the tuchus

Something or someone that is annoying or bothersome.
This paperwork is a real pain in the tuchus.

Off one’s tuchus

To get up and start being active.
It’s time to get off one’s tuchus and start exercising.

Sit on one’s tuchus

To remain seated or inactive.
You can’t sit on your tuchus all day; you need to be productive.

Save one’s tuchus

To save oneself from a difficult situation or trouble.
Quick thinking saved his tuchus during the meeting.

Work one’s tuchus off

To work very hard or diligently.
He worked his tuchus off to finish the project on time.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called tuchus?

It is called "tuchus" from the Yiddish term, reflecting its humorous usage in referring to the buttocks.

How many syllables are in tuchus?

There are two syllables in "tuchus."

What is a stressed syllable in tuchus?

The stressed syllable in "tuchus" is the first: tu.

How do we divide tuchus into syllables?

"Tuchus" is divided into syllables as tu-chus.

How is tuchus used in a sentence?

"Tuchus" is used as a noun, informally referring to the buttocks or rear end.

What is the root word of tuchus?

The root word of "tuchus" is from Yiddish, derived from the Middle High German word "dūhs."

What is another term for tuchus?

Another term for "tuchus" is "butt" or "backside."

What is the verb form of tuchus?

"Tuchus" does not have a verb form as it is a noun.

Is tuchus a negative or positive word?

"Tuchus" is typically used in a light-hearted, humorous context, so it is neither strongly negative nor positive.

Is tuchus a vowel or consonant?

The word "tuchus" starts with a consonant.

Is the tuchus term a metaphor?

"Tuchus" can be used metaphorically to refer to the end of something, but it is primarily a literal term.

Which determiner is used with tuchus?

Determiners like "a," "the," or possessive pronouns like "his" or "her" can be used with "tuchus."

Which vowel is used before tuchus?

Typically, the article "a" is used before "tuchus," as it starts with a consonant sound.

What is the pronunciation of tuchus?

Tuchus is pronounced as /ˈtʊkəs/.

What is the plural form of tuchus?

The plural form is "tuchuses."

What is the opposite of tuchus?

There isn't a direct opposite of "tuchus" as it refers to a specific body part.

Is tuchus a noun or adjective?

"Tuchus" is a noun.

Is tuchus an abstract noun?

No, "tuchus" is a concrete noun referring to a physical part of the body.

Is tuchus a countable noun?

Yes, "tuchus" is a countable noun.

Is the word tuchus Gerund?

No, "tuchus" is a noun, not a gerund.

Is tuchus an adverb?

No, "tuchus" is not an adverb.

Is tuchus a collective noun?

No, "tuchus" is not a collective noun.

Is the word “tuchus” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In sentences, "tuchus" can be a direct object (e.g., She pinched his tuchus).

Which conjunction is used with tuchus?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can connect clauses involving "tuchus."

What part of speech is tuchus?

"Tuchus" is a noun.

What is the singular form of tuchus?

The singular form is "tuchus."

Is the word tuchus imperative?

No, "tuchus" as a noun does not serve as an imperative form.

Which preposition is used with tuchus?

Prepositions such as "on" (as in "sitting on his tuchus") or "with" (as in "slapped his tuchus with a towel") are used with "tuchus."

Which article is used with tuchus?

The article "a" is typically used with "tuchus," as in "a tuchus."

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Rabia Sajjad

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