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Turnout vs. Turnup — Which is Correct Spelling?

Turnout vs. Turnup — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Turnout or Turnup

How to spell Turnout?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Turnout Definitions

The number of people attending or taking part in an event, especially the number of people voting in an election
We reckon that thirty-five per cent is a good turnout for local elections
A road turning
I couldn't find the lake at first—I drove past the turnout
A carriage or other horse-drawn vehicle with its horse or horses.
The way in which a person or thing is equipped or dressed
His turnout was exceedingly elegant
The ability to rotate the legs outward in the hip socket
She has good natural turnout
The number of people who participate in a particular event or activity
The peace march attracted a large turnout. Shopper turnout was enormous.
A number of things produced; output.
The act or an instance of turning out
Her quick turnout of another novel.
A labor strike.
A laborer on strike.
An outfit or array of equipment, especially that worn by a fire fighter.
An outfit of a carriage with its horse or horses; equipage.
A railroad siding.
A widening in a highway to allow vehicles to pass or park.
The rotation of a dancer's legs from the hip sockets.
The act of coming forth.
The number or proportion of people who attend or participate in an event (especially an election) or are present at a venue.
(US) A place to pull off a road.
When towing a trailer, use the turnouts to let faster traffic pass.
A place where moveable rails allow a train to switch tracks; a set of points.
(dated) A quitting of employment for the purpose of forcing increase of wages; a strike.
(dated) A striker.
That which is prominently brought forward or exhibited; hence, an equipage.
A man with a showy carriage and horses is said to have a fine turnout.
Net quantity of produce yielded.
The act of putting out to pasture.
Duties include feeding and turnout of horses.
The group that gathers together for a particular occasion;
A large turnout for the meeting
A part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park
A short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass
What is produced in a given time period
A set of clothing (with accessories);
His getup was exceedingly elegant
Attendance for a particular event or purpose (as to vote in an election);
The turnout for the rally
(ballet) the outward rotation of a dancer's leg from the hip

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