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Turnstyle vs. Turnstile — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Urooj Arif — By Sumaia Saeed — Updated on April 22, 2024
Turnstyle is the incorrect spelling of turnstile. Turnstile refers to a mechanical gate consisting of revolving horizontal arms fixed to a vertical post, allowing only one person to pass at a time.
Turnstyle vs. Turnstile — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Turnstyle or Turnstile

How to spell Turnstile?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the ending "-stile" as in "style," helping to recall the correct spelling.
Turnstile combines "turn," referring to the rotating action, and "-stile," a suffix used in words related to barriers or passages.
Link "turnstile" with other compound nouns ending in "-stile," reinforcing the pattern of the word formation.
Visualize the rotating arm of the turnstile as it resembles the letter 'T' standing on a post, which aligns with the spelling.

How Do You Spell Turnstile Correctly?

Incorrect: He walked through the turnstyle without paying.
Correct: He walked through the turnstile without paying.
Incorrect: The subway uses a turnstyle to manage crowd flow.
Correct: The subway uses a turnstile to manage crowd flow.
Incorrect: The installation of the new turnstyle was completed yesterday.
Correct: The installation of the new turnstile was completed yesterday.
Incorrect: She pushed the turnstyle too hard and it jammed.
Correct: She pushed the turnstile too hard and it jammed.
Incorrect: Every entrance was equipped with a turnstyle.
Correct: Every entrance was equipped with a turnstile.

Turnstile Definitions

A mechanical gate allowing one person to pass at a time.
The museum entrance was fitted with a turnstile to control visitor access.
A rotating barrier used in public transit systems to regulate pedestrian flow.
Turnstiles at the train station ensure that all passengers have tickets.
A barrier with arms that turn to admit one person at a time, often used for ticketed events.
Concert venues use turnstiles to count the number of attendees accurately.
Equipment designed to control access to a facility or location by means of rotating horizontal bars.
The new sports arena uses turnstiles at all its entries to streamline the flow of fans.
A form of gate which allows individuals to pass one after the other by rotating arms.
He installed a turnstile at his store's entrance to improve security.
A turnstile (also called a turnpike, gateline, baffle gate, automated gate in some regions) is a form of gate which allows one person to pass at a time. It can also be made so as to enforce one-way human traffic, and in addition, it can restrict passage only to people who insert a coin, a ticket, a pass, or similar.
A mechanical gate consisting of revolving horizontal arms fixed to a vertical post, allowing only one person at a time to pass through.
A gate having projecting bars that can be rotated to allow one person at a time to pass through, often having a mechanism to allow passage only in one direction or to require payment, as by means of a token.
A gate controlling access to a space by another mechanical or electronic means, as by panels that slide out of the way when a card is swiped.
A rotating mechanical device that controls and counts passage between public areas, especially one that only allows passage after a charge has been paid.
A similar device in a footpath to allow people through one at a time while preventing the passage of cattle.
The \vdash symbol used to represent logical entailment (deducibility relation), especially of the syntactic type; i.e., syntactic consequence. (Such symbol can be read as "prove(s)" or "give(s)". )
A similar arrangement for registering the number of persons passing through a gateway, doorway, or the like.
A gate consisting of a post that acts as a pivot for rotating arms; set in a passageway for controlling the persons entering

Turnstile Meaning in a Sentence

They counted the attendees as they passed through the turnstile.
Each turnstile beeped as passengers entered through it.
New turnstiles were installed at the subway to improve efficiency.
The turnstile clicked each time someone passed through.
Everyone must go through the turnstile to enter the fair.
He had trouble pushing the turnstile because his hands were full.
A malfunctioning turnstile caused a delay this morning.
Tickets are checked electronically when you pass through the turnstile.
The turnstile at the park entrance ensures that all visitors are counted.
The old turnstile was replaced with a more modern version.
She swiped her card at the turnstile before entering.
Technicians came to fix the jammed turnstile.
The turnstile design prevents people from passing without authorization.
A special turnstile was installed for VIP entry at the concert.
The turnstile allows the venue to control the crowd effectively.
He jumped over the turnstile to avoid paying the fare.
During the event, the turnstile was used to monitor the number of exits and entries.
Each turnstile is equipped with a counter for statistical purposes.
The child tried to squeeze through the turnstile alongside his parent.
Maintenance is required to ensure the turnstile operates smoothly.
She found it difficult to push her bicycle through the turnstile.
The turnstile spun freely when it was unlocked.
The turnstile at the train station was a new addition to prevent fare evasion.
The guard stationed next to the turnstile helped people with accessibility issues.

Turnstile Idioms & Phrases

Through the turnstile

Referring to the action of passing through a turnstile.
Thousands of fans went through the turnstile on the game day.

Turnstile technology

Technological advancements in the design and functionality of turnstiles.
Modern turnstile technology includes features like biometric scanners.

Hit the turnstile

To pass through a turnstile.
As soon as the gates opened, everyone hit the turnstile to get the best seats.

Turnstile counter

A device or system that counts the number of people passing through a turnstile.
The turnstile counter helps us track attendance accurately.

Turnstile system

The complete setup and network of turnstiles at a location.
The stadium's turnstile system was upgraded to improve entry times.

Turnstile moment

A significant point or event involving a turnstile.
The turnstile moment came when they realized the system could handle double the crowd.

Lock the turnstile

To secure a turnstile so it cannot be used.
They lock the turnstile after hours to prevent unauthorized access.

Turnstile jumper

Someone who skips paying the fare by jumping over the turnstile.
Turnstile jumpers risk getting fined by transit authorities.

Turnstile access

The ability or permission to pass through a turnstile.
Turnstile access was restricted to ticket holders only.

Turnstile operation

The process or manner in which a turnstile functions.
Proper turnstile operation is essential for crowd control.

Turnstile maintenance

The care and repairs required to keep turnstiles operational.
Regular turnstile maintenance prevents breakdowns during operation.

Turnstile queue

The line of people waiting to pass through a turnstile.
The turnstile queue moved quickly thanks to efficient staff.

Beyond the turnstile

The area or aspects that lie past a turnstile.
Once you go beyond the turnstile, the entire exhibition is free to explore.

Man the turnstile

To operate or supervise a turnstile.
Staff needed to man the turnstile during peak hours to assist attendees.

Turnstile strategy

Plans or methods utilizing turnstiles effectively.
Their turnstile strategy reduced wait times dramatically.

Turnstile efficiency

The effectiveness of a turnstile in managing flow and access.
Turnstile efficiency is critical during large public events.

Through one turnstile

Used to describe something that affects or involves everyone passing through a single point.
All complaints must go through one turnstile before they are addressed.

At the turnstile

At the point of entry where the turnstile is located.
Please have your tickets ready at the turnstile.

First through the turnstile

The first to enter or take advantage of something.
Early birds are often the first through the turnstile for sales events.

Turnstile policy

Rules or regulations governing the use of turnstiles.
The new turnstile policy requires all visitors to scan their badges.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called turnstile?

The term "turnstile" comes from the turning arms or barriers ("turn") that function like a stile (a step or low barrier), allowing one person to pass at a time.

How do we divide turnstile into syllables?

Turnstile is divided into syllables as turn-stile.

What is a stressed syllable in turnstile?

The stressed syllable in turnstile is the first syllable, "turn."

How many syllables are in turnstile?

Turnstile has two syllables.

How is turnstile used in a sentence?

Turnstile is used as a noun, usually referring to a type of gate that controls access, such as in subways or stadiums.

What part of speech is turnstile?

Turnstile is a noun.

What is the pronunciation of turnstile?

Turnstile is pronounced as \ˈtərn-ˌstīl.

What is the root word of turnstile?

The root words of turnstile are "turn," referring to the rotating action, and "stile," a term used for a step or a passageway.

What is the singular form of turnstile?

The singular form of turnstile is "turnstile."

Is turnstile an abstract noun?

No, turnstile is a concrete noun, as it refers to a physical barrier or gate.

Is turnstile a negative or positive word?

Turnstile is a neutral word; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is turnstile a countable noun?

Yes, turnstile is a countable noun; you can have one turnstile or multiple turnstiles.

What is the verb form of turnstile?

Turnstile is a noun and does not have a verb form.

Is the word turnstile Gerund?

No, turnstile is not a gerund; it remains a noun.

Is the word “turnstile” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Turnstile can be used as either a direct object or an indirect object depending on its grammatical role in a sentence.

What is the opposite of turnstile?

The opposite of a turnstile might be considered an "open doorway" or "unrestricted passage," as turnstiles are designed to control access.

Is turnstile an adverb?

No, turnstile is not an adverb.

Is the turnstile term a metaphor?

No, the term turnstile is not used metaphorically; it specifically refers to the type of gate.

Which determiner is used with turnstile?

Determiners such as "the," "a," and "every" can be used with turnstile.

Which vowel is used before turnstile?

The article "a" is commonly used before turnstile.

Which preposition is used with turnstile?

Prepositions like "through," "at," and "beyond" are commonly used with turnstile.

What is the plural form of turnstile?

The plural form of turnstile is "turnstiles."

What is another term for turnstile?

Another term for turnstile could be "rotary gate" or "baffle gate."

Is turnstile a noun or adjective?

Turnstile is a noun.

Is turnstile a vowel or consonant?

The word turnstile starts with a consonant.

Is turnstile a collective noun?

No, turnstile is not a collective noun; it refers to individual items.

Is the word turnstile imperative?

No, turnstile is not an imperative; it is a noun describing a type of gate.

Which conjunction is used with turnstile?

Conjunctions such as "and," "or," and "but" can be used when discussing aspects of turnstile.

Which article is used with turnstile?

The definite article "the" and the indefinite "a" are commonly used with turnstile.

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Written by
Sumaia Saeed
Edited by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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