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Type A Personality vs. Type B Personality — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 10, 2023
Type A Personality tends to be competitive and time-driven, while Type B Personality is more relaxed and less reactive to stress.
Type A Personality vs. Type B Personality — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Type A Personality and Type B Personality


Key Differences

Type A Personality is characterized by a high degree of competitiveness and a constant sense of urgency. On the contrary, Type B Personality individuals are typically more relaxed, patient, and possess a laid-back attitude.
People with Type A Personality often exhibit behaviors like multitasking, aggressiveness, and restlessness. Meanwhile, those with Type B Personality tend to be more reflective, appreciating one task at a time and remaining calm even under pressure.
The health implications of Type A Personality include a possible higher risk for heart disease due to chronic stress. In contrast, Type B Personality individuals usually have lower levels of stress, potentially leading to better overall health outcomes.
It's important to note that Type A Personality isn't inherently negative, as it can lead to high achievements and goal attainment. However, Type B Personality individuals can also achieve success, but usually without the same level of stress or urgency.
While Type A Personality might thrive in high-pressure jobs or situations demanding quick decisions, Type B Personality may excel in roles requiring patience, creativity, and steady focus.

Comparison Chart


Highly competitive
Less competitive

Reaction to Stress

High reactivity, can be impatient
Calm and relaxed

Health Implications

Higher risk of stress-related issues
Lower risk due to reduced stress

Work Approach

Urgent, multitasking
Reflective, focused on one task

Typical Behavior

Aggressive, restless
Patient, calm, and reflective

Compare with Definitions

Type A Personality

Type A Personality is characterized by high competitiveness.
Jane's Type A Personality drives her to be the top salesperson every month.

Type B Personality

People with Type B Personality often take things in stride.
With her Type B Personality, Rachel doesn't get easily upset by changes.

Type A Personality

Type A Personality is often linked to higher stress levels.
Tom's Type A Personality often leaves him feeling overwhelmed.

Type B Personality

Type B Personality is associated with a relaxed and patient demeanor.
Steve's Type B Personality allows him to stay calm during tight deadlines.

Type A Personality

People with Type A Personality tend to multitask frequently.
Sarah's Type A Personality makes her juggle multiple projects simultaneously.

Type B Personality

People with Type B Personality tend to focus on one task at a time.
Thanks to his Type B Personality, Sam enjoys delving deep into single tasks.

Type A Personality

Type A Personality individuals often feel a constant sense of urgency.
Due to his Type A Personality, Mark always feels like he's racing against the clock.

Type B Personality

Type B individuals are typically reflective and calm.
Anna's Type B Personality makes her a great listener and thoughtful friend.

Type A Personality

Type A individuals may exhibit aggressive behaviors.
Lisa's Type A Personality sometimes makes her come off as forceful during meetings.

Type B Personality

Type B Personality individuals usually do not react intensely to stress.
Despite the chaos, Mike's Type B Personality kept him collected.

Common Curiosities

What distinguishes Type A Personality from Type B Personality?

Type A Personality is competitive and urgent, while Type B Personality is relaxed and less reactive to stress.

Are individuals with Type A Personality always stressed?

No, but Type A Personality individuals may have higher reactivity to stress.

How do Type B Personality individuals typically react to challenges?

Type B Personality individuals tend to remain calm and reflective in the face of challenges.

Is it better to have Type A or Type B Personality?

Neither is inherently better; both have their strengths and weaknesses, and it's about individual fit and balance.

What's the work style of someone with Type B Personality?

Type B Personality individuals tend to be more reflective and focus on one task at a time.

Can someone with Type B Personality be ambitious?

Yes, Type B Personality individuals can be ambitious but usually without the stress associated with Type A Personality.

Are there health implications linked to Type A Personality?

Yes, Type A Personality might have a higher risk for heart disease due to chronic stress.

How do Type B Personality individuals handle criticism?

Generally, Type B Personality individuals handle criticism with calmness and reflection.

Can a person exhibit traits of both Type A Personality and Type B Personality?

Yes, personalities are complex, and some individuals may display characteristics of both types.

How does Type A Personality approach tasks?

Type A Personality often approaches tasks with urgency, multitasking, and a goal-oriented mindset.

Can environments influence the display of Type A or Type B Personality?

Yes, high-pressure environments might amplify Type A traits, while relaxed environments might emphasize Type B traits.

Do Type A Personality individuals always exhibit aggressive behaviors?

No, but they may be more prone to aggression or assertiveness compared to Type B Personality individuals.

What might be a suitable career for a Type A Personality individual?

Careers in sales, finance, or any high-pressure job might suit Type A Personality individuals.

And for a Type B Personality individual?

They might excel in roles like counseling, art, or research, where patience and reflection are valuable.

Are the classifications of Type A and Type B Personality universally accepted?

While widely recognized, personality is multifaceted, and many psychologists use more comprehensive models to assess it.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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