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Unaffected vs. Uneffected — Which is Correct Spelling?

Unaffected vs. Uneffected — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Unaffected or Uneffected

How to spell Unaffected?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Unaffected Definitions

Feeling or showing no effects or changes
The walks are suitable only for people who are unaffected by vertigo
Without artificiality or insincerity
Her effortless, unaffected charm
Not changed, modified, or affected.
Marked by lack of affectation; unpretentious or sincere.
Not affected or changed.
Since I work from home, I was unaffected by the office move.
Lacking pretense or affectation; natural.
Someone not affected, as by a disease.
Simple past tense and past participle of unaffect
Not affected or moved; destitute of affection or emotion; uninfluenced.
A poor, cold, unspirited, unmannered,Unhonest, unaffected, undone fool.
Free from affectation; plain; simple; natural; real; sincere; genuine; as, unaffected sorrow.
Undergoing no change when acted upon;
Entirely unaffected by each other's writings
Fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment
(followed by `to' or `by') unaware of or indifferent to;
Insensible to the suffering around him
Free of artificiality; sincere and genuine;
An unaffected grace
Not touched emotionally;
Was left untouched by the music

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