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Unahppy vs. Unhappy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 1, 2024
"Unahppy" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Unhappy," which describes a feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction.
Unahppy vs. Unhappy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Unahppy or Unhappy

How to spell Unhappy?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think: "un-" (not) + "happy" = "unhappy."
The prefix "un-" simply negates, so focus on spelling "happy" correctly.
Visualize the word "happy" and just add "un-" before it.
Remember that "happy" has only one "a," so "unhappy" will too.
Note the single "a": "unHAppy" is not the way to happiness.

How Do You Spell Unhappy Correctly?

Incorrect: He was unahppy with the final project results.
Correct: He was unhappy with the final project results.
Incorrect: The customers were unahppy with the service.
Correct: The customers were unhappy with the service.
Incorrect: She felt unahppy after the argument.
Correct: She felt unhappy after the argument.
Incorrect: They were unahppy about the cancellation of the trip.
Correct: They were unhappy about the cancellation of the trip.
Incorrect: I'm unahppy about having to work late.
Correct: I'm unhappy about having to work late.

Unhappy Definitions

Feeling or showing sadness or discontent.
He was unhappy about the results.
Not contented or satisfied.
Unhappy customers complained about the service.
Not suitable; inappropriate.
It was an unhappy choice for the occasion.
Unfortunate; unlucky.
An unhappy coincidence led to the confusion.
Producing feelings of unease or discontent.
The movie had an unhappy ending.
Not happy or joyful; sad or sorrowful
Unhappy over his friend's departure.
Not satisfied; displeased or discontented
Unhappy with her raise.
Not attended by or bringing good fortune; unlucky
An unhappy development.
Not suitable; inappropriate
An unhappy choice of words.
Not happy; sad.
Not satisfied; unsatisfied.
An unhappy customer is unlikely to return to your shop.
Not lucky; unlucky.
The doomed lovers must have been born under an unhappy star.
Not suitable; unsuitable.
An individual who is not happy.
Not happy or fortunate; unfortunate; unlucky; as, affairs have taken an unhappy turn.
In a degree miserable or wretched; not happy; sad; sorrowful; as, children render their parents unhappy by misconduct.
Marked by infelicity; evil; calamitous; as, an unhappy day.
Mischievous; wanton; wicked.
Experiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent;
Unhappy over her departure
Unhappy with her raise
After the argument they lapsed into an unhappy silence
Had an unhappy time at school
The unhappy (or sad) news
He looks so sad
Generalized feeling of distress
Causing discomfort;
The unhappy truth
Marked by or producing unhappiness;
Infelicitous circumstances
Unhappy caravans, straggling afoot through swamps and canebrakes

Unhappy Meaning in a Sentence

The child felt unhappy being away from home.
She was unhappy with her test score.
The team was unhappy about losing the game.
She expressed her unhappiness in a letter.
Unhappy customers often leave negative reviews.
He became unhappy at his job and decided to quit.
The dog looked unhappy in its small cage.
They were unhappy with the quality of the food.
Moving to a new city made him feel unhappy at first.
Being stuck in traffic makes me unhappy.
Unhappy childhood experiences can have long-lasting effects.
The weather can make people feel unhappy during winter.
She was unhappy that her friend forgot her birthday.
They were unhappy with the room's cleanliness.
The news made many people unhappy.
The decision left the employees feeling unhappy.
The lack of communication made the team unhappy.
Many were unhappy with the new policy changes.
Unhappy relationships can affect one's mental health.
Unhappy marriages often lead to divorce.
He felt unhappy about not being included.
Parents are unhappy when their children are sick.
She was unhappy about the changes in the schedule.
He was unhappy with the outcome of the negotiations.
The announcement made the investors unhappy.

Unhappy Idioms & Phrases

Unhappy coincidence

An unfortunate or unfavorable coincidence.
It was an unhappy coincidence that they both wore the same dress to the party.

Unhappy ending

An ending that is not happy or satisfactory.
The movie had an unhappy ending that left the audience in tears.

Make someone unhappy

To cause someone to feel unhappy or dissatisfied.
The constant criticism from her boss made her unhappy at work.

Unhappy camper

A person who is dissatisfied or disgruntled with a situation.
After the long delay, there were a few unhappy campers at the airport.

To be in an unhappy state

To be in a situation or condition of dissatisfaction or misery.
After the news broke, the community was in an unhappy state.

Unhappy with oneself

Dissatisfied with one's own actions or choices.
After the mistake, he was really unhappy with himself.

Unhappy medium

A compromise or situation that satisfies no one; a play on the phrase "happy medium."
The decision was an unhappy medium that left both sides feeling dissatisfied.

Unhappy marriage

A marriage in which the partners are dissatisfied or miserable.
They tried counseling to salvage their unhappy marriage.

Unhappy about

Dissatisfied or displeased with something.
She was unhappy about the changes made to her project.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Unhappy?

"An," as in "an unhappy outcome."

Why is it called Unhappy?

It's called "Unhappy" because it denotes a state of not being happy.

What is the singular form of Unhappy?

"Unhappy" is already singular.

What is the verb form of Unhappy?

"Unhappy" is an adjective, and there isn't a direct verb form. However, "displease" can convey a similar meaning.

Which preposition is used with Unhappy?

"With," as in "unhappy with the decision."

What is the root word of Unhappy?


Is Unhappy a noun or adjective?


Is Unhappy an abstract noun?

No, but it describes an abstract feeling.

Is Unhappy a negative or positive word?


What is the pronunciation of Unhappy?

Pronounced as "uhn-HAP-ee."

What is the plural form of Unhappy?

"Unhappies" can be used, but it's rare and context-specific.

Which article is used with Unhappy?


Which conjunction is used with Unhappy?

No specific conjunction is tied solely to "Unhappy."

Is the word “Unhappy” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Typically neither, as it's an adjective.

What is another term for Unhappy?

Sad or displeased.

What is the first form of Unhappy?

Unhappy is not a verb, so it doesn't have verb forms.

Is Unhappy an adverb?


Is the Unhappy term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

How many syllables are in Unhappy?

Three syllables.

Is Unhappy a collective noun?


Is the word Unhappy a Gerund?


What is a stressed syllable in Unhappy?

The second syllable, "hap."

What is the opposite of Unhappy?


Which determiner is used with Unhappy?

The determiner can vary, but "this" can be used, as in "this unhappy situation."

Is Unhappy a vowel or consonant?

"Unhappy" is a word, containing both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide Unhappy into syllables?


Is Unhappy a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is the word Unhappy imperative?


What part of speech is Unhappy?


How is Unhappy used in a sentence?

"She was unhappy with the unexpected changes at work."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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