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Unassemble vs. Disassemble — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 20, 2024
Unassemble is the incorrect spelling of disassemble, which means to take apart a whole into its separate pieces.
Unassemble vs. Disassemble — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Unassemble or Disassemble

How to spell Disassemble?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Assemble" and "disassemble" are direct opposites, making "disassemble" the logical spelling when referring to taking something apart.
Remember that "dis-" is a common prefix in English used to indicate negation or removal, as in "disappear" or "disconnect".
Note that "un-" is typically used for reversing actions, as in "undo" or "unpack", not for taking apart.
Think of "disassemble" as "dis-" + "assemble", directly pointing to its meaning of taking something apart.

How Do You Spell Disassemble Correctly?

Incorrect: Can you help me unassemble this machine?
Correct: Can you help me disassemble this machine?
Incorrect: I tried to unassemble my new desk to move it.
Correct: I tried to disassemble my new desk to move it.
Incorrect: It's hard to unassemble the furniture without the right tools.
Correct: It's hard to disassemble the furniture without the right tools.
Incorrect: She mistakenly thought she needed to unassemble the entire device for cleaning.
Correct: She mistakenly thought she needed to disassemble the entire device for cleaning.
Incorrect: Unassemble the toy car.
Correct: Disassemble the toy car.

Disassemble Definitions

To undo the assembly of an object or group of objects.
They had to disassemble the stage after the concert.
To take apart a machine or structure.
To repair the clock, you must first disassemble it.
To dismantle or deconstruct systematically.
The team disassembled the old computer to understand its design.
To break down into components or parts.
He learned how to disassemble the engine in his auto mechanics class.
To separate the pieces of a complex idea or argument.
The professor disassembled the theory into simpler terms for the students.
Take (something) to pieces
The piston can be disassembled for transport
To take apart
Disassemble a toaster.
To come apart
The unit disassembles easily.
To break up in random fashion
The spectators began to disassemble.
To take to pieces; to reverse the process of assembly.
To perform the repair it was necessary to disassemble most of the mechanism.
(computing) To convert machine code to a human-readable, mnemonic form.
To take apart; to disconnect the parts of; to convert a whole into its constituent pieces.
To convert a computer program in machine language into an equivalent assembly-language file.
To be able to come apart easily; to be converted into constituent parts; as, the rifle disassembles into small pieces for concealment.
Take apart into its constituent pieces

Disassemble Meaning in a Sentence

We need to disassemble the computer to upgrade its components.
The children were taught to disassemble and reassemble their toys.
Please disassemble the shelves carefully to avoid damaging them.
It's easier to transport the table if we disassemble it first.
To clean the machine properly, you'll need to disassemble it.
It's a challenge to disassemble complex machinery without the manual.
Can you disassemble this model so we can see how it works inside?
Disassemble the puzzle and put it back in the box when you're done.
It took hours to disassemble the old barn safely.
She watched the video on how to disassemble the dryer for repairs.
The mechanic had to disassemble the entire motor to find the fault.
They learned how to disassemble the rifle safely during the training session.
Disassemble the packaging carefully so we can reuse it.
He documented how to disassemble the appliance step by step.
She found it difficult to disassemble the old sewing machine.
Disassemble the device and check all the wiring.
After the exhibition, the workers will disassemble the installations.
Make sure to label each part as you disassemble the equipment.
Before painting, disassemble the frame from the artwork.
You must disassemble the artifact with extreme care.

Disassemble Idioms & Phrases

Disassemble at a glance

Quickly take apart something to understand or inspect it.
With his expertise, he could disassemble the engine at a glance.

Disassemble on command

To take something apart immediately when instructed.
The team was ready to disassemble on command during the drill.

Disassemble and deliver

To take apart something and transport it in pieces.
The company will disassemble and deliver your furniture to your new home.

Disassemble with care

To meticulously take apart something to avoid damage.
You must disassemble the antique clock with care to preserve its parts.

Disassemble by the book

To follow strict guidelines or procedures when taking something apart.
He always makes sure to disassemble by the book to avoid mistakes.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in disassemble?

The stressed syllable in disassemble is the second one: dis-as-SEM-ble.

Why is it called disassemble?

Disassemble combines "dis-", a prefix meaning removal or negation, and "assemble", referring to the process of taking something apart.

How is disassemble used in a sentence?

Disassemble is often used to refer to the process of taking something apart, especially for analysis or repair.

What is the first form of disassemble?

The first form of disassemble is "disassemble".

What is the third form of disassemble?

The third form of disassemble is "disassembled".

How many syllables are in disassemble?

Disassemble has four syllables.

What is the singular form of disassemble?

The singular form of disassemble is "disassembles".

What is the verb form of disassemble?

Disassemble itself is a verb.

What is the pronunciation of disassemble?

Disassemble is pronounced as /dɪsəˈsɛmbəl/.

How do we divide disassemble into syllables?

Disassemble is divided into syllables as dis-as-sem-ble.

What part of speech is disassemble?

Disassemble is a verb.

What is the opposite of disassemble?

The opposite of disassemble is "assemble".

What is the root word of disassemble?

The root word of disassemble is "assemble".

What is the second form of disassemble?

The second form of disassemble is "disassembled".

What is another term for disassemble?

Another term for disassemble is "dismantle".

Is disassemble an adverb?

No, disassemble is not an adverb.

Is disassemble a negative or positive word?

Disassemble is a neutral word; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is the word disassemble Gerund?

Yes, "disassembling" would be the gerund form of disassemble.

Is the word disassemble imperative?

Disassemble can be used in the imperative form, as in instructions or commands.

Which determiner is used with disassemble?

Determiners are not typically used with verbs like disassemble.

Is disassemble a noun or adjective?

Disassemble is a verb.

Is disassemble a vowel or consonant?

The word "disassemble" begins with a consonant.

Is disassemble a countable noun?

Disassemble is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is disassemble a collective noun?

No, disassemble is a verb, not a noun.

Which vowel is used before disassemble?

Typically, no vowel is used before the verb disassemble.

What is the plural form of disassemble?

There is no plural form of disassemble as it is a verb.

Is disassemble an abstract noun?

No, disassemble is a verb, not a noun.

Is the disassemble term a metaphor?

No, disassemble is not used metaphorically; it refers directly to taking something apart.

Is the word “disassemble” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Disassemble is a verb and does not serve as an object.

Which preposition is used with disassemble?

The preposition "into" is often used with disassemble, as in "disassemble into parts".

Which conjunction is used with disassemble?

Conjunctions are not specifically associated with the verb disassemble.

Which article is used with disassemble?

Articles are not used with verbs like disassemble.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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