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Unatural vs. Unnatural — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Unatural" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Unnatural," referring to something that is not normal or typical.
Unatural vs. Unnatural — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Unatural or Unnatural

How to spell Unnatural?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Nature" has a "t," so does "Unnatural."
Note the two 'n's: "un" and "natural" combined is "unnatural."
Use mnemonic: "Nature isn't UNaTural without a 't'."
The prefix "un-" simply negates, so focus on spelling "natural" correctly.
Remember: "natural" + "un-" = "unnatural."

How Do You Spell Unnatural Correctly?

Incorrect: The silence in the forest seemed unatural.
Correct: The silence in the forest seemed unnatural.
Incorrect: She had an unatural way of speaking that made people listen.
Correct: She had an unnatural way of speaking that made people listen.
Incorrect: His behavior was very unatural in that situation.
Correct: His behavior was very unnatural in that situation.
Incorrect: The colors in the painting looked unatural.
Correct: The colors in the painting looked unnatural.
Incorrect: It felt unatural to wake up so early on a Saturday.
Correct: It felt unnatural to wake up so early on a Saturday.

Unnatural Definitions

Artificial or manufactured.
The park was filled with unnatural structures.
Not in accordance with nature or normalcy.
His smile seemed forced and unnatural.
Contrary to the ordinary course of nature; abnormal.
The cat's unnatural behavior worried its owner.
Not related to natural feelings or instincts.
There was an unnatural silence in the room.
Not in accordance with what usually occurs in nature
A tree with an unnatural shape.
Not included in nature; artificial
Hair that had been dyed an unnatural color.
Deviating from a behavioral or social norm
A child's unnatural attachment to a doll.
Brutal or unfeeling
Unnatural cruelty.
Stilted, affected, or awkward
An unnatural smile.
Not natural.
Not occurring in nature, the environment or atmosphere
Going against nature; perverse.
Not natural; contrary, or not conforming, to the order of nature; being without natural traits; as, unnatural crimes.
Not in accordance with or determined by nature; contrary to nature;
An unnatural death
The child's unnatural interest in death
Speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
Distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous;
Tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
Twisted into monstrous shapes
Not genuine; feigned or affected.
She had an unnatural tone in her voice.

Unnatural Meaning in a Sentence

There was an unnatural glow in the sky last night.
The plant's growth was accelerated by unnatural means.
His smile was stiff and unnatural, not reaching his eyes.
The quiet in the usually bustling city felt unnatural.
She moved with an unnatural speed that startled me.
The actors' laughter seemed forced and unnatural.
Their politeness to each other was obviously unnatural.
It's unnatural for a cat to dislike fish so much.
He was wearing an unnatural amount of cologne.
It felt unnatural to ignore the problems we were facing.
The machine made an unnatural humming noise.
There was an unnatural calm before the storm hit.
The lighting in the room gave everything an unnatural tint.
For such a lively dog, his silence was unnatural.
There's something unnatural about a city so quiet.
The chemical gave the food an unnatural color.
The stillness of the air was almost unnatural.
It's unnatural for him to be so quiet; he's usually so talkative.
The forest had an eerie, unnatural feel to it at night.
The sweetness of the drink was clearly unnatural.
The way the clouds moved was almost unnatural.
The flowers had an unnatural, almost neon, hue.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Unnatural?

There isn't a direct verb form of "unnatural." However, the verb for "natural" can be "naturalize."

What is the root word of Unnatural?


Which vowel is used before Unnatural?

"An," as in "an unnatural event."

Why is it called Unnatural?

It's called "Unnatural" because it denotes something contrary to what is considered natural or typical.

What is the pronunciation of Unnatural?

Pronounced as "uhn-NAT-ur-ul."

Which preposition is used with Unnatural?

"For," as in "unnatural for him."

Which conjunction is used with Unnatural?

No specific conjunction is tied solely to "Unnatural."

Which article is used with Unnatural?


What is the singular form of Unnatural?

"Unnatural" is already singular.

What is the plural form of Unnatural?

"Unnatural" is typically an adjective and doesn't have a standard plural form.

Is Unnatural an abstract noun?


Is Unnatural a negative or positive word?

It generally has a negative connotation.

Is Unnatural a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is the Unnatural term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is the opposite of Unnatural?


Is Unnatural an adverb?


Is the word Unnatural a Gerund?


Is the word “Unnatural” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Typically neither, as it's an adjective.

How do we divide Unnatural into syllables?


What is the first form of Unnatural?

Unnatural is not a verb, so it doesn't have verb forms.

Which determiner is used with Unnatural?

The determiner can vary, but "this" can be used, as in "this unnatural phenomenon."

How is Unnatural used in a sentence?

"It was unnatural to see the usually vibrant square so empty and quiet."

Is Unnatural a vowel or consonant?

"Unnatural" is a word, containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Unnatural imperative?


How many syllables are in Unnatural?

Four syllables.

What part of speech is Unnatural?


What is another term for Unnatural?


Is Unnatural a noun or adjective?


Is Unnatural a collective noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Unnatural?

The second syllable, "nat."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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