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Uncommited vs. Uncommitted — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Uncommited" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Uncommitted," which means not dedicated or obligated to a cause or action.
Uncommited vs. Uncommitted — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Uncommited or Uncommitted

How to spell Uncommitted?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "commit" and remember it has double 't' before adding the prefix "un-."
Remember "commitment" also has double 't'.
Use mnemonic: "I'm uncommitted to the single 't'."
The root word "commit" has double 't'; so does "uncommitted."
The word "uncommitted" retains the double 't' from its root "commit."

How Do You Spell Uncommitted Correctly?

Incorrect: Their uncommited approach could result in missed opportunities.
Correct: Their uncommitted approach could result in missed opportunities.
Incorrect: The team noticed her uncommited attitude towards the project.
Correct: The team noticed her uncommitted attitude towards the project.
Incorrect: Many voters are still uncommited before the election.
Correct: Many voters are still uncommitted before the election.
Incorrect: Being uncommited in a relationship can lead to problems.
Correct: Being uncommitted in a relationship can lead to problems.
Incorrect: He remains uncommited to any political party.
Correct: He remains uncommitted to any political party.

Uncommitted Definitions

Not obligated or bound.
Uncommitted voters are still making up their minds.
Not engaged or involved.
The funds are still uncommitted.
Lacking determination or decisiveness.
He has an uncommitted attitude towards work.
Not having made a promised commitment.
The team is uncommitted to the project's timeline.
Not pledged or dedicated to a specific cause or action.
He remains uncommitted about his plans for the future.
Not pledged to a specific cause or course of action
An uncommitted delegate.
Not inclined toward either side in a matter under dispute.
Not bound or pledged to a cause, party etc.
Not yet written to disk and logged.
Any uncommitted changes will be lost if you disconnect from the source control system.
Not bound or pledged
Not associated in an exclusive sexual relationship
Not busy; not otherwise committed;
He was not available for comment
He was available and willing to accompany her

Uncommitted Meaning in a Sentence

The company remained uncommitted on the issue of remote work.
Their uncommitted stance on environmental issues is concerning.
Despite the discussion, she stayed uncommitted to any decision.
As a freelancer, I prefer to remain uncommitted to any single employer.
The athlete is uncommitted, considering offers from several teams.
His uncommitted response left everyone guessing.
Being uncommitted to a specific outcome can sometimes be an advantage.
They were uncommitted about attending the event until the last minute.
He is still uncommitted about his future career path.
Uncommitted voters could swing the election result.
Remaining uncommitted now gives us flexibility later.
Without a clear plan, their efforts seemed uncommitted and disjointed.
The negotiation team is currently uncommitted to any specific terms.
Their uncommitted nature makes them hard to predict.
Being uncommitted in early stages of planning is not unusual.
The government was criticized for being uncommitted to reform.
He’s uncommitted to any political ideology, preferring to remain independent.
The director is still uncommitted about who will star in the film.
Parents were uncommitted about sending their children to summer camp.
Remaining uncommitted to a deadline allowed them more creative freedom.
Uncommitted resources give us room to maneuver in emergencies.
She prefers to keep her options open, remaining uncommitted.
Her uncommitted opinion on the matter surprised many.
An uncommitted jury complicates the trial process.
The committee is uncommitted about the best course of action.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Uncommitted?

"A" as in "an uncommitted."

What is the verb form of Uncommitted?

The verb form is "commit."

What is the root word of Uncommitted?


Is Uncommitted a noun or adjective?


Why is it called Uncommitted?

It is called "Uncommitted" because it denotes a lack of commitment or obligation.

What is the pronunciation of Uncommitted?

Pronounced as "uhn-kuh-MIT-id."

What is the singular form of Uncommitted?

"Uncommitted" is already singular.

Which article is used with Uncommitted?


Is Uncommitted a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is Uncommitted a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Uncommitted?

Four syllables.

What is another term for Uncommitted?


What is the opposite of Uncommitted?


What is the plural form of Uncommitted?

There isn't a standard plural form for "uncommitted" as it's typically used as an adjective.

Which preposition is used with Uncommitted?

Prepositions can vary, but "to" is common, as in "uncommitted to a cause."

Which conjunction is used with Uncommitted?

No specific conjunction is tied solely to "Uncommitted."

Is the word Uncommitted imperative?


Is the word Uncommitted a Gerund?


Is Uncommitted a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but context can determine connotation.

How is Uncommitted used in a sentence?

"The manager was concerned about the uncommitted attitude of the new employee."

Is Uncommitted a vowel or consonant?

"Uncommitted" is a word, containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word “Uncommitted” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It's typically used as an adjective, not an object.

How do we divide Uncommitted into syllables?


What part of speech is Uncommitted?


Which determiner is used with Uncommitted?

It varies by context, but "an" can be used.

What is the first form of Uncommitted?

The verb "commit" is the base form.

What is the third form of Uncommitted?


Is Uncommitted an adverb?


Is Uncommitted an abstract noun?


Is the Uncommitted term a metaphor?


What is a stressed syllable in Uncommitted?

The third syllable, "mit."

What is the second form of Uncommitted?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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