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Underarm vs. Armpit — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 7, 2024
Underarm refers to the area beneath the arm where it joins the shoulder, focusing on its position, while armpit specifically denotes the hollow or cavity under the arm, often emphasizing its anatomical aspect.
Underarm vs. Armpit — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Underarm and Armpit


Key Differences

Underarm is generally used to describe the location beneath the arm, especially in reference to its external surface or when talking about clothing and personal care products. For instance, underarm deodorants are applied to this area to prevent odor. On the other hand, armpit is used more in anatomical or biological contexts, referring to the hollow part beneath the junction of the arm and the body, where sweat glands are concentrated.
When discussing clothing, underarm measurements are crucial for ensuring a proper fit, particularly for sleeves and tops. This term helps tailor and wearers focus on the part of the garment that needs to fit snugly around this area. Whereas, the term armpit is less likely to be used in fashion, except when discussing issues like armpit stains or ventilation in garments to minimize sweat.
In sports and physical activities, underarm techniques or movements are common terms, emphasizing the use of the area beneath the arm for specific actions, such as underarm serves in tennis. Armpit, in contrast, might be mentioned in discussions about body odor issues faced by athletes or the need for breathable fabrics to reduce sweat accumulation in this area.
The underarm area is also significant in beauty and grooming, with discussions often focusing on shaving, waxing, or skin care for this sensitive region. Whereas, armpit health discussions might delve into more medical or hygienic practices, such as the prevention of infections or the importance of regular washing to maintain cleanliness.
Social and cultural attitudes towards the underarm and armpit vary, with the underarm often being a focal point in beauty and grooming industries, promoting products for odor control or skin lightening. On the other hand, the armpit can sometimes carry negative connotations, associated with sweat, odor, or hair, and thus be the subject of stigma or embarrassment in certain contexts.

Comparison Chart


Refers to the area beneath the arm, often in relation to its external surface or use in fashion and personal care.
Specifically denotes the hollow or cavity beneath the arm, with emphasis on anatomical features.

Usage in Context

Commonly used in fashion, personal care, and describing specific movements in sports.
More frequently used in medical, anatomical, and hygienic contexts.

Associated Terms

Underarm deodorants, underarm measurements in clothing.
Armpit sweat, armpit stains.

Cultural Perception

Often discussed in neutral or positive contexts, especially in beauty and grooming.
Can carry negative connotations due to associations with sweat and odor.

Health and Hygiene

Focuses on grooming and cosmetic concerns, like shaving or deodorizing.
Emphasizes medical or hygienic practices, such as washing to prevent infection.

Compare with Definitions


The area beneath the arm where it joins the shoulder.
She applied underarm deodorant after her shower.


The hollow beneath the arm at the shoulder.
He wiped sweat from his armpit.


Involves personal care practices.
He prefers natural underarm products.


Sometimes associated with negative connotations.
Armpit odor can be embarrassing in social situations.


A focus area in beauty and grooming.
There are many products for underarm skin care.


An area that can be prone to sweat and odor.
Breathable fabrics help keep the armpit area dry.


Used in clothing to describe parts or measurements around the arm area.
The dress fits perfectly across the underarm.


Subject to health and hygiene discussions.
Regular washing is essential for armpit hygiene.


Associated with movements in sports.
The player executed a perfect underarm serve.


Can indicate temperature or health issues.
She checked the baby's temperature under the armpit.


A person's armpit
She shaved her legs and underarms
Use an underarm deodorant


A hollow under the arm at the shoulder.


(of a throw or stroke in sport) made with the arm or hand below shoulder level
A good-length underarm serve
Bowling underarm


The hollow under the upper part of the arm at the shoulder.


(of a throw or stroke in sport) made with the arm or hand below shoulder level
A good-length underarm serve
Bowling underarm


(Slang) The most miserable or undesirable place in a particular area.


Located, placed, or used under the arm.


The cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder.


(Sports) Executed with the hand brought forward and up from below the level of the shoulder; underhand.


Somewhere or something considered unpleasant or undesirable.
The armpit of America


With an underarm motion or delivery.


The hollow beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder; the axilla.


The armpit.


The hollow under the arm where it is joined to the shoulder;
They were up to their armpits in water


The armpit.


(cricket) Old-fashioned and now outlawed style of bowling in which the arm is not swung over the shoulder.


For use under the arm.


(transitive) To supply with insufficient weaponry.


With hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level;
An underhand pitch
An underhand stroke


With the hand swung below shoulder level';
Throwing a ball underarm

Common Curiosities

What is the underarm?

The underarm is the area beneath the arm where it joins the shoulder, often discussed in the context of clothing, sports, and personal care.

How do underarm and armpit differ in usage?

Underarm is more commonly used in contexts related to fashion, beauty, and personal care, while armpit is used in more anatomical and medical discussions.

Why is underarm care important?

Underarm care is important for hygiene, comfort, and preventing odor, especially since this area is prone to sweating.

What is the armpit?

The armpit is the hollow or cavity beneath the arm at the shoulder, with discussions typically focusing on anatomical, hygienic, or medical aspects.

How do cultural perceptions of the underarm and armpit vary?

Cultural perceptions vary, with the underarm often seen in a more neutral or positive light due to beauty and grooming discussions, while the armpit can carry negative connotations.

Why might someone seek medical advice for their armpit?

Medical advice might be sought for issues like infections, unusual odors, or lumps in the armpit area.

Can "underarm" and "armpit" be used interchangeably?

While they can be used interchangeably in some contexts, their connotations and typical usage often differ, making them distinct in certain discussions.

What role does the underarm play in fashion?

In fashion, the underarm area is crucial for the fit and comfort of clothing, especially in designs of sleeves and tops.

What causes armpit odor?

Armpit odor is caused by bacteria breaking down sweat, which is why hygiene and products targeting odor are important.

Are there specific products for underarm use?

Yes, there are specific products designed for underarm use, including deodorants, antiperspirants, and skin care products.

Can underarm products cause irritation?

Yes, some underarm products can cause irritation, especially if the skin is sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients.

What are some natural remedies for underarm care?

Natural remedies for underarm care include using baking soda, lemon juice, or witch hazel to control odor and maintain hygiene.

Is it common to shave the underarm area?

Yes, shaving the underarm area is common in many cultures for aesthetic, hygienic, or personal preference reasons.

How does sweat production differ between the underarm and other body parts?

Sweat production can be higher in the underarm due to a higher concentration of sweat glands, making it a focus for odor control.

How can one maintain armpit hygiene?

Maintaining armpit hygiene involves regular washing, possibly using antiperspirant or deodorant, and keeping the area dry.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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