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Unprotected Pick NBA vs. Protected Pick NBA — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 8, 2023
An Unprotected Pick NBA has no conditions—it's traded as-is. A Protected Pick NBA has conditions, often ensuring the original team retains the pick if it falls within a certain range.
Unprotected Pick NBA vs. Protected Pick NBA — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Unprotected Pick NBA and Protected Pick NBA


Key Differences

In the NBA, draft picks are valuable assets. The Unprotected Pick NBA refers to draft picks that have been traded without any conditions attached to them. This means that once the pick is dealt, the receiving team owns it outright, regardless of where it lands in the draft order. These are clear-cut trades with no strings attached, giving the receiving team certainty in their future draft position.
On the other hand, the Protected Pick NBA has stipulations set on it. When teams trade a protected pick, they're essentially saying, "You can have this draft pick, but only if it falls outside of a specified range." This can be advantageous for teams that want to trade assets but also want to retain some insurance in case they end up having a higher draft position than anticipated.
To illustrate, let's consider an example. Team A trades its first-round pick to Team B, but it's a top-10 protected pick. This means that if Team A's pick ends up being in the top 10, they retain it, and Team B doesn't get it for that year. If it's 11 or beyond, Team B gets the pick. The Protected Pick NBA offers a safety net for teams, ensuring they don't inadvertently give away a potentially high-value pick.
The Unprotected Pick NBA and Protected Pick NBA are tools that general managers use to strategize. Both have their merits. Unprotected picks are straightforward and can command higher immediate value due to their lack of conditions. In contrast, protected picks allow teams to hedge their bets, providing flexibility in the unpredictable world of sports.

Comparison Chart

Conditions Attached

Specific conditions related to draft position

Trade Clarity

Clear-cut, no uncertainties
Depends on conditions set

Value in Trade

Typically higher due to no restrictions
Varies based on the protection range


Provide certain assets to another team
Trade assets with a safety net


None after traded
Provides flexibility based on outcome of draft order

Compare with Definitions

Unprotected Pick NBA

An NBA draft pick traded without conditions.
The team decided to take a risk and send an Unprotected Pick NBA to their rivals.

Protected Pick NBA

An NBA draft pick traded with specific conditions.
The team used a Protected Pick NBA to safeguard against potential high draft positions.

Unprotected Pick NBA

No chance of reverting back to the original team.
Once the Unprotected Pick NBA was dealt, there was no turning back.

Protected Pick NBA

Allows original team to retain the pick based on set criteria.
The Protected Pick NBA meant they could still hope for a top-5 player.

Unprotected Pick NBA

Often holds higher trade value due to certainty.
The Unprotected Pick NBA was a prime asset in the negotiations.

Protected Pick NBA

Used to mitigate risks in trades.
Including a Protected Pick NBA in the deal provided some peace of mind.

Unprotected Pick NBA

Ensures receiving team gets the pick regardless of draft order.
With the Unprotected Pick NBA, the franchise had clarity for their future.

Protected Pick NBA

Can delay transfer to a future year based on conditions.
If the conditions aren't met this year, the Protected Pick NBA might convey next year.

Unprotected Pick NBA

Straightforward and uncomplicated in trades.
The deal was simple, thanks to the inclusion of an Unprotected Pick NBA.

Protected Pick NBA

Offers strategic depth in trade discussions.
The general manager cleverly used the Protected Pick NBA to navigate the negotiations.

Common Curiosities

How specific can protections on a Protected Pick NBA be?

Very specific. Protections can range from top-1 protected, top-5, top-10, and so on.

Can an Unprotected Pick NBA revert back to the original team?

No, once traded, it's owned by the receiving team.

What happens if a Protected Pick NBA doesn't convey?

It often rolls over to the next year, potentially with different or reduced protections.

Are picks always first round?

No, both unprotected and protected picks can be from any round.

Why would a team trade an Unprotected Pick NBA?

They might feel confident about their upcoming season or want to secure an immediate asset.

Which type of pick is more valuable in trades?

Unprotected Pick NBA usually holds more value due to certainty.

Are there other types of protections besides draft position?

The most common is draft position, but other conditions could potentially be negotiated.

Do all sports leagues use protected picks?

No, the concept varies by league and sport.

How often are protected picks used in trades?

Fairly often, as they provide flexibility and risk mitigation.

Can a Protected Pick NBA become unprotected in future years?

Yes, protections can diminish over time, eventually becoming unprotected.

Can there be multiple layers of protection on a pick?

Yes, a pick might be top-5 protected one year, top-3 the next, and so on.

Why don't teams always trade unprotected picks?

They might want to hedge against unforeseen poor performance or injuries.

Can a team remove protection from a pick after a trade?

No, once terms are agreed upon, they can't be altered unless a new trade is made.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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