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Useless vs. Unuseful — Which is Correct Spelling?

Useless vs. Unuseful — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Useless or Unuseful

How to spell Useless?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Useless Definitions

Being or having no beneficial use; ineffective
This pen is useless because it's out of ink.
Having no purpose or reason; pointless; to no avail
It's useless to argue over matters of taste.
Incapable of acting or functioning effectively; ineffectual or inept
He panics easily and is useless in an emergency.
Without use or possibility to be used.
This fork's prongs are bent. It's useless now.
Unhelpful, not useful; pointless (of an action).
I think it's useless to keep this discussion going. It's like talking to a brick wall.
I tried my best to make him quit smoking, but my efforts were useless. He now smokes six packs a day.
Good-for-nothing; not dependable.
Bill never mows the lawn, takes out the trash or anything. He's useless, but I love him anyways.
Unable to do well at a particular task or thing. Useless is mildly insulting.
My brother is useless at most computer games, but he is an awesome PS2 player.
Why do you keep trying? You're obviously useless at it.
Having, or being of, no use; unserviceable; producing no good end; answering no valuable purpose; not advancing the end proposed; unprofitable; ineffectual; as, a useless garment; useless pity.
Not to sit idle with so great a giftUseless, and thence ridiculous.
Useless are all wordsTill you have writ "performance" with your swords.The other is for waiving.
Waiving all searches into antiquity, in relation to this controversy, as being either needless or fruitless.
Even our blessed Savior's preaching, who spake as never man spake, was ineffectual to many.
Having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully;
A kitchen full of useless gadgets
She is useless in an emergency
Not useful;
A curiously unhelpful and useless manual

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