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Victorian Bulldog vs. English Bulldog — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 30, 2023
The Victorian Bulldog is a modern recreation of the 19th-century English Bulldog, while the English Bulldog is a recognized breed with a shorter muzzle and stockier build.
Victorian Bulldog vs. English Bulldog — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Victorian Bulldog and English Bulldog


Key Differences

The Victorian Bulldog and English Bulldog, though similar in appearance, have distinct histories and characteristics. The Victorian Bulldog is a breed revived from the bulldogs of the Victorian era, designed to be healthier and more athletic. The English Bulldog, in contrast, has evolved over time and is now a recognized breed, known for its distinctive wrinkles, stocky frame, and affectionate nature.
When discussing the origin, the Victorian Bulldog's history traces back to efforts by breeders in the late 20th century, trying to recreate the bulldogs seen in 19th-century paintings. The English Bulldog has its roots in ancient times, originally used for bull-baiting, and over the years, underwent selective breeding to accentuate certain traits, which gave rise to its current appearance.
Physically, the Victorian Bulldog tends to be taller and less bulky than the English Bulldog. The English Bulldog is more compact, with a broader head and a distinctly shorter muzzle, making it easily distinguishable.
Health-wise, the Victorian Bulldog was bred to address some of the health concerns associated with the English Bulldog. As a result, Victorian Bulldogs generally experience fewer respiratory and joint issues. English Bulldogs, with their compressed noses and heavy build, can have certain health challenges.
In temperament, both the Victorian Bulldog and the English Bulldog are known to be friendly, loyal, and great with families. However, the Victorian might have a slightly higher energy level, owing to its athletic build, compared to the more laid-back English Bulldog.

Comparison Chart


Recreated from 19th-century bulldogs
Ancient breed, modified over time

Physical Appearance

Taller, more athletic
Compact, broader head, shorter muzzle


Generally fewer health concerns
Can have respiratory and joint issues


Bred in the late 20th century
Used for bull-baiting, evolved over the years


Friendly, loyal, slightly higher energy
Friendly, loyal, more laid-back

Compare with Definitions

Victorian Bulldog

A modern recreation of the bulldogs from the 19th-century Victorian era.
The Victorian Bulldog resembles the dogs in old English paintings.

English Bulldog

Known to have certain health challenges due to its physical characteristics.
Regular check-ups are essential for my English Bulldog's well-being.

Victorian Bulldog

Bred primarily in the late 20th century to resemble older bulldog breeds.
The Victorian Bulldog breed is relatively new but looks old-fashioned.

English Bulldog

A recognized breed known for its distinctive wrinkles and stocky frame.
The English Bulldog's unique look makes it instantly recognizable.

Victorian Bulldog

Known for a friendly and loyal temperament, suitable for families.
Our Victorian Bulldog is a beloved member of the family.

English Bulldog

Originally used for bull-baiting and modified over time through selective breeding.
The aggressive traits of the early English Bulldog have been bred out over time.

Victorian Bulldog

A taller and less bulky counterpart to the English Bulldog.
Standing next to an English Bulldog, the Victorian Bulldog looks leaner.

English Bulldog

A loyal, affectionate, and often laid-back companion.
Our English Bulldog loves lounging on the couch with us.

Victorian Bulldog

A breed designed for better health and athleticism compared to some modern bulldogs.
My Victorian Bulldog is agile and energetic during play.

English Bulldog

Compact in build with a broad head and short muzzle.
The English Bulldog's face is its most distinguishing feature.

Common Curiosities

Are both breeds suitable for families?

Yes, both the Victorian Bulldog and the English Bulldog are known to be loyal and family-friendly.

Is the Victorian Bulldog an officially recognized breed?

Not by all major kennel clubs, as it's a more recent recreation.

Can both breeds live in apartments?

Yes, but both breeds need regular exercise, and the Victorian Bulldog might require more activity.

Why does the English Bulldog have so many wrinkles?

It's a trait that's been accentuated over time through selective breeding.

Is the Victorian Bulldog more active than the English Bulldog?

Generally, yes. The Victorian Bulldog tends to be more athletic and energetic.

Which bulldog has more health issues?

The English Bulldog tends to have more health concerns due to its physical structure.

How tall does a Victorian Bulldog grow?

Typically, taller than an English Bulldog, often around 17-19 inches at the shoulder.

Are bulldogs good guard dogs?

Both breeds can be protective but are generally more friendly than aggressive.

What is the main difference between the Victorian Bulldog and the English Bulldog?

The Victorian Bulldog is a modern recreation of 19th-century bulldogs, while the English Bulldog is a recognized, evolved breed.

Are both breeds prone to overheating?

Yes, due to their short snouts, care should be taken in hot climates.

Do these bulldogs get along with other pets?

Generally, yes. Both breeds are friendly, though early socialization helps.

How much should these bulldogs eat daily?

It varies by size, age, and activity level but always consult with a vet for a proper diet.

Which breed has a longer lifespan?

The Victorian Bulldog tends to have a slightly longer lifespan due to fewer health issues.

Why is the English Bulldog so popular?

Its distinctive appearance, loyal nature, and rich history contribute to its popularity.

How often should these bulldogs be groomed?

Regular grooming is essential, especially for the English Bulldog, to clean its wrinkles.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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