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Violet Color vs. Indigo Color — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 7, 2023
Violet Color is a bright, purplish-blue hue, closer to purple. Indigo Color is a deep blue-purple, leaning more towards blue.
Violet Color vs. Indigo Color — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Violet Color and Indigo Color


Key Differences

Violet Color is a shade that sits on the spectrum between blue and purple, with a stronger inclination towards purple. Indigo Color, on the other hand, is more of a blend between blue and purple but leans more heavily towards blue, making it a darker shade.
Violet Color often evokes feelings of luxury, creativity, and inspiration due to its brightness and vibrancy. Conversely, Indigo Color, with its deep and rich tone, can bring about feelings of depth, wisdom, and stability.
In the context of the visible spectrum and rainbows, Violet Color is the outermost color, appearing after blue and before ultraviolet light. Indigo Color, meanwhile, slots right between blue and violet, presenting as a deeper blue with a hint of purple.
Historically, the color violet has been associated with royalty, due to the rarity and expense of violet dyes. Indigo Color also has its historical roots, primarily connected to the indigo dye which was a major trade commodity in ancient times.
In terms of pigmentation and art, Violet Color can be achieved by mixing red and blue, resulting in a brighter, purplish shade. Indigo Color, while still a mix of blue and red, contains a larger proportion of blue, leading to its darker, bluer appearance.

Comparison Chart

Position on Spectrum

Between blue and ultraviolet.
Between blue and violet.

Hue Inclination

Closer to purple.
Closer to blue.

Emotional Association

Luxury, creativity, inspiration.
Depth, wisdom, stability.

Historical Association

Royalty due to rare violet dyes.
Indigo dye trade commodity.

Artistic Pigmentation

A blend of red and blue, leaning purple.
A blend of blue and red, leaning blue.

Compare with Definitions

Violet Color

A bright hue between blue and purple on the visible spectrum.
The sky at dusk turned a mesmerizing shade of Violet Color.

Indigo Color

A deep blue-purple color leaning more towards blue.
His shirt was an Indigo Color, reflecting the deepness of the sea.

Violet Color

A color symbolizing luxury, creativity, and spirituality.
The room was adorned with fabrics of a rich Violet Color.

Indigo Color

A color that's a mixture of blue with a hint of red.
The artist painted the shadows with a deep Indigo Color.

Violet Color

A vibrant color resembling certain flowers of the same name.
Fields filled with Violet Color flowers stretched out before her.

Indigo Color

A shade synonymous with depth, wisdom, and intuition.
The Indigo Color of the night sky was filled with stars.

Violet Color

A blend of blue and red, with a dominance of purple.
She wore a Violet Color dress that stood out in the crowd.

Indigo Color

A color derived from the plant-based indigo dye.
Craftspeople dyed the fabric a rich Indigo Color using traditional methods.

Violet Color

A shade associated historically with royalty and nobility.
The king's robe was of a deep Violet Color, signifying his high status.

Indigo Color

A hue situated between blue and violet on the spectrum.
The rainbow displayed a brilliant band of Indigo Color.

Common Curiosities

How does Indigo Color differ from Violet Color?

Indigo Color leans more towards blue, making it a darker shade, while Violet Color is brighter and closer to purple.

Which color is closer to blue, Violet Color or Indigo Color?

Indigo Color is closer to blue.

Is Violet Color associated with any historical or cultural significance?

Yes, Violet Color has historically been linked to royalty due to the rarity of violet dyes.

What emotions might Indigo Color evoke?

Indigo Color often evokes feelings of depth, wisdom, and stability.

What is Violet Color?

Violet Color is a bright hue that sits between blue and purple on the spectrum, leaning towards purple.

What's the origin of the name "Indigo Color"?

The name "Indigo Color" comes from the indigo dye derived from plant sources.

Which color, between Violet Color and Indigo Color, is typically brighter?

Violet Color is typically brighter than Indigo Color.

Are there any flowers named after the Violet Color?

Yes, there are flowers named "violet" that resemble the Violet Color.

Can both Violet Color and Indigo Color be found in rainbows?

Yes, both colors are part of the rainbow, with Indigo Color sitting between blue and violet, and Violet Color appearing after blue.

How can Violet Color be achieved in art?

Violet Color can be achieved by mixing red and blue, leaning towards purple.

Which color would you find at the end of the visible spectrum?

Violet Color is found at the end of the visible spectrum.

Can Indigo Color be considered a shade of blue?

Yes, Indigo Color can be considered a deep blue-purple shade, leaning towards blue.

Do both colors, Violet Color and Indigo Color, appear in the traditional rainbow acronym "ROYGBIV"?

Yes, the "V" stands for Violet Color and the "I" stands for Indigo Color.

Are both Violet Color and Indigo Color primary colors?

No, neither are primary colors; they're both secondary or tertiary colors.

Is Indigo Color always darker than Violet Color?

Typically, Indigo Color is darker and bluer than Violet Color, but shades can vary.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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