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Visting vs. Visiting — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Visting" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Visiting," which refers to the act of going to see someone or somewhere.
Visting vs. Visiting — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Visting or Visiting

How to spell Visiting?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Visit" is the root, and the correct spelling retains both 'i's: "Visiting."
"Visit" + "ing" ensures you have the correct letters in place.
If you're "in" to "visit," make sure you're "Visiting."
Remember the word "visit" and simply add "ing."
Consider the phrase: "It's worth VISITING with an extra 'i'."

How Do You Spell Visiting Correctly?

Incorrect: Are you visting the new museum exhibit?
Correct: Are you visiting the new museum exhibit?
Incorrect: We enjoyed visting the old castle during our trip.
Correct: We enjoyed visiting the old castle during our trip.
Incorrect: They're looking forward to visting us next month.
Correct: They're looking forward to visiting us next month.
Incorrect: I'm visting my grandparents this weekend.
Correct: I'm visiting my grandparents this weekend.
Incorrect: She's been visting schools before making a decision.
Correct: She's been visiting schools before making a decision.

Visiting Definitions

The act of going to see someone or a place.
We spent the day visiting museums.
Temporarily staying with or working at a place.
He's a visiting professor from Spain.
Spending time with someone as a guest.
I’m visiting my grandparents this weekend.
Relating to a visitor.
The visiting team won the match.
To go to see or spend time with (someone); call on socially
Visit friends.
To go to see in order to aid or console
Visit the sick and dying.
To stay with (someone) as a guest.
To go to see in an official or professional capacity
Visited the dentist.
A priest visiting his parishioners.
To go to see or spend time at (a place) with a certain intent
Visit a museum.
Visited London.
To access (a website).
To occur to or occupy the mind of
Was visited by a bizarre thought.
To consider or discuss
Has she visited that topic on her blog?.
To afflict or assail
A plague visited the village.
To inflict or impose
In the Bible, God visits his wrath on the sinful.
(Archaic) To inflict punishment on or for; avenge
The sins of the ancestors were visited on their descendants.
To make a visit.
(Informal) To converse or chat
Stay and visit with me for a while.
The act or an instance of visiting a person or place.
A stay or sojourn as a guest.
Present participle of visit
The act of someone or something that visits.
The activity of making visits;
Visiting with the neighbors filled her afternoons
Staying temporarily;
A visiting foreigner
Guest conductor
Act of going to view something specifically.
The family is visiting the gravesite today.

Visiting Meaning in a Sentence

They love visiting new places every year.
We're visiting the local zoo this afternoon.
Visiting old friends can be very refreshing.
Visiting the seaside is my favorite way to relax.
He's visiting relatives in another city.
The family is visiting the Grand Canyon on their road trip.
She's considering visiting a few colleges over the summer.
She's visiting from out of town for a few days.
I've been thinking about visiting the new coffee shop downtown.
Are you interested in visiting the art gallery with me?
Visiting the ancient ruins was the highlight of our trip.
He enjoys visiting historical sites when traveling.
We are planning on visiting a national park next weekend.
The kids are excited about visiting the aquarium.
They've been visiting family members across the country.
Visiting different cultures is an eye-opening experience.
He's visiting for a business conference next week.
She found visiting the botanical gardens very peaceful.
Visiting a friend in the hospital can lift their spirits.
I'm visiting the capital for the first time next month.
I remember visiting my aunt's farm when I was younger.
I'm looking forward to visiting the science museum.
They're visiting all the major cities in Europe this summer.
Are you guys visiting for the holidays?
We had a great time visiting the theme park.

Visiting Idioms & Phrases

Visiting hours

Specific times when visitors are allowed in institutions like hospitals or prisons.
Make sure to arrive during visiting hours to see your grandfather.

Visiting scholar

A scholar from one institution who visits another to research, teach, or engage in scholarship.
The department is hosting a visiting scholar who specializes in medieval literature.

Visiting professor

A professor invited to teach at a college or university where they do not hold a permanent position.
The university welcomed a visiting professor from France for the semester.

Visiting team

The team or group that travels to compete in a location away from their home base.
The visiting team received a warm welcome despite the competitive atmosphere.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Visiting?

It's derived from the verb "visit," indicating the action of going to see someone or somewhere.

What is the root word of Visiting?


Which preposition is used with Visiting?

"to," as in visiting to a place.

What is the verb form of Visiting?


What is the plural form of Visiting?

"Visitings" (rarely used).

What is the pronunciation of Visiting?


Which conjunction is used with Visiting?

Depends on context, but can be "and" or "but."

Which vowel is used before Visiting?


Which article is used with Visiting?

"the," as in the visiting team.

Is Visiting a vowel or consonant?

"Visiting" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Visiting a collective noun?


What is the singular form of Visiting?

"Visiting" itself.

Is the Visiting term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is the word Visiting imperative?


Is the word “Visiting” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Can be a direct object. E.g., "I enjoy visiting."

What is another term for Visiting?

Calling on.

How do we divide Visiting into syllables?


Is Visiting an adverb?


Is Visiting an abstract noun?


Is Visiting a countable noun?

Generally, no.

Is the word Visiting a gerund?


How many syllables are in Visiting?


What part of speech is Visiting?

Can be a verb (gerund form) or adjective.

Is Visiting a noun or adjective?

It can be both, depending on the context.

Is Visiting a negative or positive word?


What is a stressed syllable in Visiting?


Which determiner is used with Visiting?

"this," as in this visiting scholar.

What is the third form of Visiting?


How is Visiting used in a sentence?

"She's visiting her aunt in California next month."

What is the opposite of Visiting?


What is the first form of Visiting?


What is the second form of Visiting?


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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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