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Warn vs. Worn — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 8, 2024
"Warn" is a verb meaning to inform someone of possible danger or trouble; "worn" is an adjective describing something damaged or diminished through use or aging.
Warn vs. Worn — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Warn and Worn


Key Differences

"Warn" involves the act of alerting or advising someone about potential risks or dangers, often to prevent harm, while "worn" describes the state of an object or material that shows evidence of extensive use or aging.
When you warn someone, you communicate impending danger or a precautionary suggestion; on the other hand, an object is described as worn when it has been degraded or lessened in quality from continuous use.
Warnings can be issued in various contexts, such as weather advisories or safety precautions, whereas items described as worn often refer to clothes, tools, or other physical objects.
The function of warning is preventive, aiming to protect from future damage or injury, whereas something that is worn shows past usage that has impacted its condition or effectiveness.
You might warn someone not to use a worn rope for climbing because its worn state indicates it may no longer be safe, illustrating how the concepts of warning and being worn can be interconnected yet distinct.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech



To inform about dangers or risks.
Showing signs of wear due to use or age.

Usage Context

Safety instructions, advice.
Describing physical condition of objects.


Preventative, to avoid harm.
Descriptive, indicating degradation.


"She warned him about the icy roads."
"His jeans are worn from years of use."

Compare with Definitions


To alert someone about a danger or risk.
He warned them of the approaching storm.


Tired or heavily used appearance.
The steps to the old library were worn smooth.


To caution against a specific action.
The sign warned against swimming in the lake.


Weakened by wear and tear.
His jacket had worn elbows from years of use.


To signal impending trouble.
Dark clouds warned of the coming rain.


Showing effects of damage or use.
The old flag was worn but still flew proudly.


To notify about possible adverse effects.
The doctor warned him about the side effects of the medication.


Used in reference to something repeatedly utilized.
The carpet in the hallway was worn thin by foot traffic.


To advise or inform someone in order to prevent harm.
She warned her kids not to speak to strangers.


Reduced quality from prolonged usage.
The bearings in the machine are worn and need replacement.


To notify or make aware in advance of something, especially of possible danger or misfortune
Warned boaters of the coming storm.
Warned me that they might be delayed.


Past participle of wear.


To make known (a warning)
Warned that the bolts needed to be replaced.


Affected or damaged by wear or use
The worn pockets on a jacket.


To advise or caution (someone) about a course of action
Warned us to be careful.
Warned us not to stay up too late.


Showing the wearing effects of overwork, worry, or suffering
A pale, worn face.


To notify (a person) to go or stay away
The ranger warned hikers away from the cliff.


Damaged and shabby as a result of much use.


(transitive) To make (someone) aware of (something impending); especially:


; exhausted.


(transitive) To make (someone) aware of impending danger, evil, etc.
We waved a flag to warn the oncoming traffic about the accident.
I phoned to warn him of the road closure.


Past participle of wear


(transitive) To notify or inform (someone, about something).
I warned him he'd be getting a huge box of birthday presents from me.


Affected by wear; damaged by long use;
Worn threads on the screw
A worn suit
The worn pockets on the jacket


(transitive) To summon (someone) to or inform of a formal meeting or duty.
The sheriff warned her to appear in court.


Showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering;
Looking careworn as she bent over her mending
Her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness
That raddled but still noble face
Shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face


To make a sound (e.g. clicking or whirring) indicating that it is about to strike or chime (an hour).


(transitive) To caution or admonish (someone) against unwise or unacceptable behaviour.
He was warned against crossing the railway tracks at night.
Don't let me catch you running in the corridor again, I warn you.


To advise or order to go or stay away.
A sign warns trespassers off/away from the site.


(intransitive) To give warning.


To refuse.


To make ware or aware; to give previous information to; to give notice to; to notify; to admonish; hence, to notify or summon by authority; as, to warn a town meeting; to warn a tenant to quit a house.
Cornelius the centurion . . . was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee.
Who is it that hath warned us to the walls?


To give notice to, of approaching or probable danger or evil; to caution against anything that may prove injurious.


To ward off.


Notify of danger, potential harm, or risk;
The director warned him that he might be fired
The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking


Admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior;
I warned him not to go too far
I warn you against false assumptions
She warned him to be quiet


Ask to go away;
The old man warned the children off his property


Notify, usually in advance;
I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions

Common Curiosities

What does worn mean?

Worn describes something that has deteriorated in quality, appearance, or functionality due to age or frequent use.

What are common items described as worn?

Common items described as worn include clothing, shoes, furniture, and tools that show signs of extensive use.

Why is it important to warn people?

Warning people is crucial for safety and prevention of harm, allowing them to take necessary precautions.

Can "warn" and "worn" be used interchangeably?

No, "warn" and "worn" cannot be used interchangeably as they belong to different parts of speech and have unrelated meanings.

How can something become worn?

Objects become worn through repeated use, exposure to environmental factors, or insufficient maintenance.

How is a warning delivered?

A warning can be delivered verbally, through written communication, or by signs and signals depending on the context.

What does it mean to warn someone?

To warn someone means to inform them of potential danger or to advise them against a risky action to prevent harm.

What should you do if you receive a warning?

Upon receiving a warning, it's advisable to take it seriously and act accordingly to avoid potential hazards.

What are the consequences of not heeding a warning?

Ignoring a warning can lead to accidents, injuries, or other adverse outcomes depending on the nature of the danger.

Is there a way to restore worn items?

Some worn items can be restored or repaired, while others may be too deteriorated to salvage and need replacing.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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