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White Corn vs. Yellow Corn — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 31, 2023
White Corn and Yellow Corn are varieties of maize, differing primarily in kernel color, with White Corn having white kernels and Yellow Corn, yellow kernels.
White Corn vs. Yellow Corn — What's the Difference?

Difference Between White Corn and Yellow Corn


Key Differences

White Corn and Yellow Corn are both popular maize varieties consumed globally. While they both come from the same species, Zea mays, the evident difference is the color of their kernels. White Corn, as the name suggests, has pale white-colored kernels, giving it a subtle appearance. In contrast, Yellow Corn has vibrant yellow kernels, making it instantly recognizable.
The taste and texture of White Corn and Yellow Corn also differ slightly. Generally, White Corn has a slightly sweeter taste and a softer texture. Yellow Corn, on the other hand, possesses a fuller corn flavor, with a bit more of a starchy texture. This difference in taste and texture makes each type suitable for different culinary uses. For instance, White Corn is often preferred for certain dishes, like white corn tortillas, due to its delicate flavor. Yellow Corn, with its robust taste, is commonly used in heartier dishes and is the primary type used for commercial cornmeal.
Nutritionally, White Corn and Yellow Corn have subtle differences. Yellow Corn is rich in beta-carotene, which gives it its yellow hue. This compound is converted to vitamin A in the body, providing added health benefits. White Corn lacks the high beta-carotene content of its yellow counterpart but is still nutritious, offering a range of essential vitamins and minerals.
In terms of global cultivation, both White Corn and Yellow Corn are extensively grown. However, regional preferences can dictate which variety is more dominant. In some areas, White Corn is the staple, especially in certain parts of Mexico and Africa. Yellow Corn, on the other hand, is more widespread in the U.S. and is often the choice for industrial uses, including livestock feed.

Comparison Chart

Kernel Color



Slightly sweeter
Fuller corn flavor


More starchy

Nutritional Difference

Lower in beta-carotene
Rich in beta-carotene

Popular Usage

White corn tortillas, hominy
Cornmeal, livestock feed

Compare with Definitions

White Corn

A maize variety with pale white kernels.
White Corn is often used to make delicate tortillas.

Yellow Corn

Corn with a slightly starchier texture when cooked.
Yellow Corn holds up well in hearty stews.

White Corn

A sweeter-tasting variant of corn.
She prefers the mild sweetness of White Corn in her salad.

Yellow Corn

Maize that's rich in beta-carotene, contributing to its color.
The yellow hue of Yellow Corn is due to its beta-carotene content.

White Corn

Corn that lacks the vibrant yellow hue due to lower beta-carotene.
You can distinguish White Corn from its pale appearance.

Yellow Corn

A common type of corn used in industrial applications and feeding livestock.
Most of the cornmeal in stores comes from Yellow Corn.

White Corn

Corn that is predominantly cultivated in certain regions like parts of Mexico and Africa.
In some cultures, White Corn is a staple food.

Yellow Corn

A variant of maize with bright yellow kernels.
Yellow Corn adds a vibrant touch to any dish.

White Corn

Maize that is softer in texture when cooked.
White Corn makes for a creamier corn soup.

Yellow Corn

Corn known for its fuller, robust flavor.
The hearty taste of Yellow Corn makes it perfect for grilling.

Common Curiosities

Which corn is more commonly used for tortillas?

White Corn is often preferred for making white corn tortillas.

How do White Corn and Yellow Corn differ in appearance?

White Corn has white kernels, while Yellow Corn has yellow kernels.

Can I use White Corn and Yellow Corn interchangeably in recipes?

While they can be used interchangeably, the taste and texture differences might slightly alter the dish.

Is there a significant taste difference between the two?

Yes, White Corn is slightly sweeter, while Yellow Corn has a fuller corn flavor.

Is Yellow Corn the primary type used in commercial cornmeal?

Yes, Yellow Corn is commonly used for commercial cornmeal.

Which corn variety contains more beta-carotene?

Yellow Corn is richer in beta-carotene compared to White Corn.

Which corn type is softer when cooked?

White Corn generally has a softer texture when cooked.

Can you make popcorn with both types?

Yes, both White Corn and Yellow Corn can be used for popcorn, but popcorn-specific varieties exist.

Which is more widespread in the U.S.?

Yellow Corn is more widespread, especially for industrial uses.

Do they have different culinary applications?

Yes, due to taste and texture differences, they're suited for different dishes.

Are there nutritional benefits unique to each type?

Yellow Corn is rich in beta-carotene, while both types offer essential vitamins and minerals.

Is White Corn commonly used as livestock feed?

Yellow Corn is more commonly used for livestock feed.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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