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Windmill vs. Wind Turbine — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 10, 2023
Windmills primarily grind grain or pump water using wind energy, while wind turbines convert wind energy into electricity.
Windmill vs. Wind Turbine — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Windmill and Wind Turbine


Key Differences

Windmills are iconic structures that harness the wind's power primarily for mechanical tasks. They have a rich history, with their iconic blades rotating to grind grain or pump water. Wind Turbines, on the other hand, are a more modern innovation specifically designed to generate electricity from the wind.
The design of a Windmill is often rustic and traditional, reminding us of older times when they dotted countrysides, aiding in agricultural processes. In contrast, Wind Turbines are sleek and optimized for efficiency, often found in large numbers at wind farms, producing power for the grid.
Windmills utilize a more mechanical approach; the wind turns the blades, which in turn operates machinery inside the structure. The Wind Turbine employs aerodynamic blades connected to a generator, and as the blades turn, electricity is produced.
The cultural significance of Windmills is profound, being immortalized in paintings, literature, and folklore. Wind Turbines, though less romanticized, symbolize the shift toward renewable energy solutions in a world grappling with environmental concerns.

Comparison Chart

Primary Purpose

Grind grain or pump water.
Convert wind energy to electricity.


Traditional, rustic appearance.
Sleek, modern, optimized for efficiency.


Mechanical tasks.
Electrical power generation.

Historical Significance

Old, rich history, cultural symbol.
Modern, symbol of renewable energy transition.


Often isolated, agricultural areas.
Large groups in wind farms, open areas.

Compare with Definitions


Windmill is a hallmark of traditional landscapes.
Tourists often visit the town to photograph the historic Windmill.

Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine generates power for the grid.
The new Wind Turbine farm will contribute significantly to the national grid.


Windmill is a structure that harnesses wind for mechanical tasks.
The old Windmill on the hill has been grinding grain for decades.

Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine is a device converting wind energy to electricity.
The Wind Turbine powers several homes in the village.


Windmill has blades connected to machinery.
As the Windmill's blades turned, the stones inside began grinding.

Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine can be found in both onshore and offshore settings.
The offshore Wind Turbine installations benefit from consistent wind speeds.


A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind.

Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine has aerodynamic blades for efficiency.
Each blade of the Wind Turbine is carefully designed for maximum power generation.


Something, such as a toy pinwheel, that is similar to a windmill in appearance or operation.

Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine is a part of renewable energy solutions.
The government is investing in Wind Turbine technology for a sustainable future.


To move or cause to move like the wheel of a windmill; rotate sweepingly.


A machine which translates linear motion of wind to rotational motion by means of adjustable vanes called sails.


The structure containing such machinery.


A child's toy consisting of vanes mounted on a stick that rotate when blown by a person or by the wind.


(basketball) A dunk where the dunker swings his arm in a circular motion before throwing the ball through the hoop.


(baseball) A pitch where the pitcher swings his arm in a circular motion before throwing the ball.


A guitar move where the strumming hand mimics a turning windmill.


A breakdancing move in which the dancer rolls his/her torso continuously in a circular path on the floor, across the upper chest, shoulders and back, while twirling the legs in a V shape in the air.


Any of various muscle exercises in which a large deal of the body makes a great circle, typically one where a kettlebell is raised overhead and the torso is rotated to the other side with the hand reaching its foot (hitting the core, glutes, hamstrings, trapezius, rhomboids, deltoids and rotator cuffs) but sometimes even a windshield wiper.


Any of various large papilionid butterflies of the genus Byasa, the wings of which resemble the vanes of a windmill.


(juggling) The false shower.


(metaphorical) An imaginary enemy, but presented as real.


To rotate with a sweeping motion.
She ran down the hill, windmilling her arms with glee.


(intransitive) Of a rotating part of a machine, to (become disengaged and) rotate freely.
The axle broke and the wheel windmilled in place briefly before careening through the wall.


A mill operated by the power of the wind, usually by the action of the wind upon oblique vanes or sails which radiate from a horizontal shaft.


A mill that is powered by the wind


Generator that extracts usable energy from winds


Windmill uses wind energy for specific applications.
The farmer used the Windmill to pump water for his crops.


Windmill often has a broader base and large blades.
The Windmill stood tall with its wide blades catching every breeze.

Common Curiosities

How does a Wind Turbine produce power?

A Wind Turbine converts wind energy directly into electricity.

Are all Wind Turbines large?

No, there are small-scale Wind Turbines for individual use and large-scale ones for commercial power generation.

Which is older in terms of origin, Windmill or Wind Turbine?

Windmills have an older history, primarily used for grinding grain or pumping water.

How long do Wind Turbines last?

With proper maintenance, a Wind Turbine can last up to 20-25 years.

What's the primary function of a Windmill?

A Windmill primarily grinds grain or pumps water using wind energy.

Can a Windmill generate electricity?

Traditionally, Windmills were not designed for electricity generation, but some have been retrofitted to do so.

Can you find Windmills in cities?

Typically, Windmills are found in rural areas, but some cities may have them as historical landmarks.

Are Windmills only used for grinding grains?

No, besides grinding grains, Windmills have historically been used for tasks like pumping water.

How efficient is a Wind Turbine?

Modern Wind Turbines can convert up to 40-50% of the wind's energy into electricity, depending on the design.

Are Wind Turbines a sustainable energy source?

Yes, Wind Turbines utilize renewable wind energy, making them a sustainable power source.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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