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Wish vs. Regret — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 20, 2024
Wish expresses hope for a future occurrence, while regret conveys sorrow for past actions or decisions.
Wish vs. Regret — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Wish and Regret


Key Differences

A wish typically involves a desire or hope for something that has not yet occurred, reflecting an optimistic forward-looking attitude. In contrast, regret centers on a retrospective feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has already happened. This difference highlights how each term relates to time: wishes look ahead, whereas regrets look back.
Wishes often involve scenarios that one hopes to bring into reality, possibly through action or mere longing. On the other hand, regret stems from actions taken or not taken, decisions made, or opportunities missed, which are now beyond one's ability to change. Wishes are about possibilities and potential, whereas regrets are about realities and finalities.
People usually express wishes in the context of aspiration and optimism, such as wishing for success or happiness. Conversely, expressing regret is often tied to self-reflection and a critical reassessment of past choices, emphasizing a desire to have acted differently. Wishes fuel motivation, while regrets often serve as lessons.
Wishes can be about small, immediate desires or large, life-altering ambitions. Regrets, however, are typically associated with more significant and impactful moments or decisions that one perceives as mistakes or missteps in hindsight. Wishes can be whimsical or serious, whereas regrets are inherently serious and often poignant.
While wishes can be shared publicly as a way to express hope or build connections with others, regrets are often private and can carry a burden of personal guilt or responsibility. Sharing a wish can be uplifting and communal, but sharing a regret can be a vulnerable, introspective act.

Comparison Chart


A desire for something to happen or be true
Sorrow over past actions or decisions

Temporal Orientation


Emotional Tone

Optimistic and hopeful
Sorrowful and reflective

Context of Usage

Aspirational, hopeful
Reflective, often with a lesson learned

Nature of Expression

Can be public and communal
Often private and introspective

Compare with Definitions


Used in polite requests or formal expressions.
They send their best wishes for your new endeavor.


A negative reflection on a decision made.
Her decision to sell the house was filled with regret.


Expression of hope for someone's future wellbeing.
His birthday card was filled with wishes for joy and prosperity.


An expression of apology or sorrow.
He voiced his regrets over the misunderstanding.


Fictionally, a magical command.
In the story, her wish granted by the fairy was to become a princess.


Feeling of sadness about something done or not done.
He felt regret for not speaking to her one last time.


Desire for something that is not easily attainable.
She made a wish to visit Paris someday.


A polite declaration of inability to attend an event.
She sent her regrets for the wedding reception.


A customary gesture when seeing a shooting star or blowing out birthday candles.
He closed his eyes and made a wish.


Acknowledgment of missed opportunities.
Looking back, he had many regrets about his career choices.


A wish is a hope or desire for something. In fiction, wishes can be used as plot devices.


Regret is the emotion of wishing one had made a different decision in the past, because the consequences of the decision were unfavorable. Regret is related to perceived opportunity.


Feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that cannot or probably will not happen
He wished that he had practised the routines
We wished for peace


Feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that one has done or failed to do)
She immediately regretted her words
I always regretted that I never trained


Want to do something
They wish to become involved


A feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do
He had to decline, to his regret
She expressed her regret at Virginia's death


Hope that (someone) has to deal with someone or something undesirable
He wouldn't wish Arthur on anyone


To feel sorry, disappointed, distressed, or remorseful about
I regret not speaking to her before she left.


A desire or hope for something to happen
The union has reiterated its wish for an agreement
Her wish to be a mother


To feel regret.


A feeling that one would like to have or do something or to see something happen; a desire, longing, or strong inclination for a specific thing.


A feeling of sorrow, disappointment, distress, or remorse about something that one wishes could be different.


An expression of a desire, longing, or strong inclination
Carried out the wishes included in the will.


A sense of loss and longing for someone or something gone or passed out of existence
"We have both had flashes of regret for those vanished, golden people" (Anne Rivers Siddons).


An expression of desire for the happiness or success of another
Sent me his best wishes.


Regrets A courteous expression of regret, especially at having to decline an invitation.


Something desired or longed for
Finally got his wish to see the ocean.


To feel sorry about (a thing that has or has not happened), afterthink: to wish that a thing had not happened, that something else had happened instead.
He regretted his words.


To long for; want.


(more generally) To feel sorry about (any thing).
I regret that I have to do this, but I don't have a choice.


To feel or express a desire for
I wish them good luck. He wished her good night.


To miss; to feel the loss or absence of; to mourn.


To order, entreat, or request
I wish you to go. I wish it to be known that I disagree.


Emotional pain on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing.


To desire (something bad) to happen to someone
I would not wish such an illness on anyone.


(obsolete) Dislike; aversion.


To have or feel a desire
Wish for a successful outcome.


(decision theory) The amount of avoidable loss that results from choosing the wrong action.


To express a wish.


Pain of mind on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing; grief; sorrow; especially, a mourning on account of the loss of some joy, advantage, or satisfaction.
What man does not remember with regret the first time he read Robinson Crusoe?
Never any prince expressed a more lively regret for the loss of a servant.
From its peaceful bosom [the grave] spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections.


A desire, hope, or longing for something or for something to happen.
Have a wish
Make someone's wish come true


Dislike; aversion.


An expression of such a desire, often connected with ideas of magic and supernatural power.
Make a wish


To experience regret on account of; to lose or miss with a sense of regret; to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction on account of (the happening or the loss of something); as, to regret an error; to regret lost opportunities or friends.
Calmly he looked on either life, and hereSaw nothing to regret, or there to fear.
In a few hours they [the Israelites] began to regret their slavery, and to murmur against their leader.
Recruits who regretted the plow from which they had been violently taken.


The thing desired or longed for.
My dearest wish is to see them happily married.


Sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment;
He drank to drown his sorrows
He wrote a note expressing his regret
To his rue, the error cost him the game


(transitive) To desire; to want.
I'll come tomorrow, if you wish it.


Feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about


To hope (+ object clause with may or in present subjunctive).


Feel sad about the loss or absence of


To hope (for a particular outcome), even if that outcome is unlikely to occur or cannot occur.
I wish I could go back in time and teach myself what I know now.


Decline formally or politely;
I regret I can't come to the party


(ditransitive) To bestow (a thought or gesture) towards (someone or something).
We wish you a Merry Christmas.


Be sorry;
I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard


To request or desire to do an activity.


(transitive) To recommend; to seek confidence or favour on behalf of.


To have a desire or yearning; to long; to hanker.
They cast four anchors out of the stern, and wished for the day.
This is as good an argument as an antiquary could wish for.


To desire; to long for; to hanker after; to have a mind or disposition toward.
I would not wishAny companion in the world but you.
I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper.


To frame or express desires concerning; to invoke in favor of, or against, any one; to attribute, or cal down, in desire; to invoke; to imprecate.
I would not wish them to a fairer death.
I wish it may not prove some ominous foretoken of misfortune to have met with such a miser as I am.
Let them be driven backward, and put to shame, that wish me evil.


To recommend; to seek confidence or favor in behalf of.
I would be glad to thrive, sir,And I was wished to your worship by a gentleman.


Desire; eager desire; longing.
Behold, I am according to thy wish in God a stead.


Expression of desire; request; petition; hence, invocation or imprecation.
Blistered be thy tongue for such a wish.


A thing desired; an object of desire.
Will he, wise, let loose at once his ire . . . To give his enemies their wish!


A specific feeling of desire;
He got his wish
He was above all wishing and desire


An expression of some desire or inclination;
I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave
His crying was an indirect request for attention


(usually plural) a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare;
Give him my kind regards
My best wishes


The particular preference that you have;
It was his last wish
They should respect the wishes of the people


Hope for; have a wish;
I wish I could go home now


Prefer or wish to do something;
Do you care to try this dish?
Would you like to come along to the movies?


Have in mind;
I will take the exam tomorrow


Make or express a wish;
I wish that Christmas were over


Feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of


Order politely; express a wish for


Invoke upon;
Wish you a nice evening
Bid farewell

Common Curiosities

What defines regret?

Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment about something that one has done or failed to do in the past.

What is a wish?

A wish is a desire or hope for something to occur in the future, often considered optimistic.

Can regrets be resolved?

Regrets can often be mitigated through reflection, making amends, or changing future behaviors.

How does culture influence the expression of wishes and regrets?

Cultural values and norms can shape how openly and in what manner people express wishes and regrets.

Can wishes change reality?

While wishes alone cannot change reality, they can inspire actions that may alter one's course.

What role does age play in the frequency of regrets?

Older individuals may experience more regrets as they reflect on a longer span of life decisions.

How can expressing wishes impact an individual's mood?

Expressing wishes can boost optimism and motivation, influencing one's mood positively.

In what way can regrets be beneficial?

Regrets can be beneficial by providing valuable lessons and insights from past experiences, fostering personal growth.

Is it more common to express wishes or regrets?

It depends on the context, but generally, people tend to share wishes more openly than regrets.

Are wishes always positive?

Wishes are generally positive, reflecting hopes and desires can be both positive and negative.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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