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With Regard To vs. With Regards To — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 24, 2023
"With Regard To" means concerning or about, while "With Regards To" is a less standard variant of the same phrase.
With Regard To vs. With Regards To — What's the Difference?

Difference Between With Regard To and With Regards To


Key Differences

In the English language, the phrase "With Regard To" is commonly used to mean 'concerning' or 'about'. It introduces a topic or subject matter in a conversation or writing. "With Regards To", on the other hand, is a variation that, while understood, is considered less standard.
Both "With Regard To" and "With Regards To" serve similar functions in terms of conveying the same general meaning. However, linguistic purists might argue that "With Regard To" is the more accepted form. "With Regards To" has seen increased usage, but still remains in the shadow of its singular counterpart.
From a grammatical perspective, "With Regard To" is typically preferred in formal writing and communication. The addition of the 's' in "With Regards To" can be seen as colloquial, and some might view it as an error. Despite this, in everyday speech, both phrases can often be heard interchangeably.
Though both expressions are used to refer to something specific or to introduce a topic, using "With Regard To" may appear more polished or correct. "With Regards To", although understood, can sometimes be flagged in formal contexts, suggesting that users should exercise caution when deciding which form to use.

Comparison Chart

Standard Usage

Preferred in formal contexts.
Seen as less standard.


Concerning or about.
Similar meaning, but less accepted variant.

Grammatical Acceptance

Generally seen as grammatically correct.
Often considered colloquial or less correct.

Frequency in Formal Writing

More commonly used.
Less frequent due to being viewed as less standard.

Colloquial Usage

Used in everyday speech.
Also used in everyday speech, though less recommended.

Compare with Definitions

With Regard To

An expression meaning 'concerning' or 'about'.
With Regard To your question, I'll need to consult my notes.

With Regards To

Denoting a subject matter in a less standard manner.
With Regards To the announcement, it will be made tomorrow.

With Regard To

Used to introduce a specific topic or focus.
I have some concerns With Regard To the proposed changes.

With Regards To

A colloquial variant indicating a topic of discussion.
With Regards To the event, we are still finalizing details.

With Regard To

A transitional phrase to pinpoint a topic.
With Regard To the budget, we are currently on track.

With Regards To

A less standard way to introduce a subject.
I received your note With Regards To the recent changes.

With Regard To

A phrase indicating a topic or subject of discussion.
With Regard To the upcoming meeting, please prepare the reports.

With Regards To

Expression denoting 'concerning' or 'about', though less accepted.
With Regards To the feedback, it has been noted.

With Regard To

Signifying the subject matter in context.
With Regard To the new policy, further discussion is needed.

With Regards To

A transitional phrase, albeit seen as less formal.
With Regards To the conference, all seats are filled.

Common Curiosities

Is "With Regard To" and "With Regards To" interchangeable?

While both are understood, "With Regard To" is more standard and preferred.

Why is "With Regards To" seen as less correct?

Linguistic purists view "With Regard To" as the more standard form.

Is there a difference in meaning between the two phrases?

No, both convey the idea of 'concerning' or 'about', but "With Regard To" is more standard.

Is "With Regards To" incorrect grammatically?

It's not strictly incorrect but is less preferred in formal writing.

When should I use "With Regard To" over "With Regards To"?

"With Regard To" is safer in formal writing or when seeking to sound polished.

Can I use "With Regards To" in formal writing?

It's recommended to use "With Regard To" in formal contexts for wider acceptance.

Will people understand me if I use "With Regards To"?

Yes, both phrases are understood, but "With Regard To" is more universally accepted.

Does "With Regards To" have the same meaning as "With Regard To"?

Yes, both mean 'concerning' or 'about', but "With Regards To" is less standard.

Are there other alternatives to these phrases?

Yes, alternatives include "regarding", "concerning", and "about".

Can "With Regards To" be seen as a colloquialism?

Yes, "With Regards To" can be viewed as more colloquial or informal.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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