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Witheld vs. Withheld — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Fiza Rafique — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 16, 2024
"Witheld" is the incorrect spelling of "withheld," which means to refuse to give or grant something.
Witheld vs. Withheld — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Witheld or Withheld

How to spell Withheld?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "withheld" contains a double 'h' in the middle, just like in "withhold" from which it derives.
Think of "held" as the past tense of hold, which needs an extra 'h' when combined with "with" to form "withheld."
The correct form "withheld" follows the pattern of other compound verbs like "upheld" (from uphold).

How Do You Spell Withheld Correctly?

Incorrect: The company witheld bonuses this quarter.
Correct: The company withheld bonuses this quarter.
Incorrect: He witheld his approval until he read the final draft.
Correct: He withheld his approval until he read the final draft.
Incorrect: Witheld the results of the experiment due to a confidentiality agreement.
Correct: Withheld the results of the experiment due to a confidentiality agreement.
Incorrect: She witheld information that was crucial to the investigation.
Correct: She withheld information that was crucial to the investigation.
Incorrect: The teacher witheld the grades until all tests were reviewed.
Correct: The teacher withheld the grades until all tests were reviewed.

Withheld Definitions

To refuse to give or grant something to someone.
The CEO withheld approval for the new project.
To keep back or hold from action, expression, or disclosure.
She withheld her opinions during the meeting.
To keep in one's possession; to hold back.
He withheld the documents needed for the audit.
To delay or suspend until a certain condition is met.
Payment was withheld until the work was completed.
To deduct (money) from someone's wages or income.
A portion of his salary was withheld for taxes.
To refrain from giving or granting
Withhold information.
Withhold judgment.
To keep in check; restrain
I was unable to withhold my laughter.
To deduct (withholding tax) from an employee's salary.
Simple past tense and past participle of withhold
That one has withheld; kept from the possession or knowledge of another.
His withheld hand stared down at my weakly outstretched one.
The names originally withheld from the report, have been leaked.
The former employee returned to demand his withheld check.

Withheld Meaning in a Sentence

The teacher withheld the test results until she had finished marking all the papers.
The company withheld the product launch due to regulatory concerns.
She withheld judgment until she had all the facts.
The athlete was withheld from the game due to a minor injury.
Withheld the necessary funds until the project met all its designated milestones.
He withheld his excitement until the surprise party was revealed.
Withheld approval for the proposal until it was reviewed by legal.
The government withheld aid until the country met certain conditions.
The CEO withheld information about the merger until the meeting.
The official withheld the files that were requested by the court.
The management team withheld the announcement until the stock market closed.
Withheld the rental deposit until the state of the apartment was assessed.
The news was withheld from the public to avoid panic.
The teacher withheld the homework until the end of the lesson.
The article's publication was withheld due to factual inaccuracies.
She withheld the treats until the dog completed the trick.
She withheld her consent until she understood all the implications.
Withheld his vote during the preliminary round of the election.
The permissions were withheld by the administrator.
The funds were withheld until all parties agreed to the terms.

Withheld Idioms & Phrases

Withheld information

Keeping certain information secret or not disclosed.
The witness withheld information that could have swayed the verdict.

Withheld judgment

Delaying forming an opinion until more information is available.
The jury withheld judgment until all evidence was presented.

Rights withheld

Denial of certain privileges or rights.
Voting rights were withheld from members who had not paid dues.

Emotions withheld

Not expressing feelings openly.
Despite her anger, she withheld her emotions during the meeting.

Withheld evidence

Concealing evidence that is crucial to a legal process.
The attorney was reprimanded for having withheld evidence during the trial.

Interest withheld

Not paying or receiving interest within the expected timeframe.
Interest was withheld due to an administrative error.

Withheld payment

Not paying someone until certain conditions are met.
They withheld payment until the work was completed to their satisfaction.

Withheld approval

Not giving consent or approval until further review.
The board withheld approval of the new policy pending further investigation.

Withheld taxes

Income taxes automatically deducted from wages.
A significant amount of his paycheck was withheld for taxes.

Withheld consent

Refusing to agree to something until conditions are satisfied.
She withheld her consent until she read the full contract.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called withheld?

Withheld is called so because it comes from the Middle English word withholden, meaning to hold back, retain, or detain.

What is a stressed syllable in withheld?

The stressed syllable in "withheld" is the second syllable, -held.

How do we divide withheld into syllables?

Withheld is divided into syllables as with-held.

How many syllables are in withheld?

There are two syllables in "withheld."

What is the first form of withheld?

The first form of "withheld" is "withhold."

What is the root word of withheld?

The root word of "withheld" is "hold."

What is the singular form of withheld?

The singular form of "withheld" is "withholds."

How is withheld used in a sentence?

"Withheld" is used to describe the act of holding back or refraining from giving something. e.g., The company withheld the bonuses this year.

What is the verb form of withheld?

"Withheld" is the past tense and past participle form of the verb "withhold."

What part of speech is withheld?

"Withheld" is a verb.

Is withheld an abstract noun?

"Withheld" is not a noun; it is a verb.

Is withheld a vowel or consonant?

The word "withheld" begins with a consonant.

Which vowel is used before withheld?

The vowel "i" is used before "withheld" in the word itself.

What is the pronunciation of withheld?

Withheld is pronounced as /wɪθˈhɛld/.

What is the third form of withheld?

The third form of "withheld" is "withheld."

What is the opposite of withheld?

The opposite of "withheld" is "disclosed" or "given."

Is withheld an adverb?

"Withheld" is not an adverb.

Is the withheld term a metaphor?

The term "withheld" is not typically used as a metaphor.

Is the word withheld imperative?

The word "withheld" is not imperative; it is the past tense of "withhold."

Is the word withheld Gerund?

The word "withheld" is not a gerund; it is the past tense of "withhold."

Is withheld a noun or adjective?

"Withheld" is a verb.

Which conjunction is used with withheld?

Conjunctions are not typically used directly with the verb "withheld."

What is the plural form of withheld?

The plural form of "withheld" is "withheld."

Is withheld a negative or positive word?

"Withheld" generally has a neutral to negative connotation, depending on context.

Is withheld a countable noun?

"Withheld" is not a noun; it is a verb.

Which article is used with withheld?

Articles are not used with verbs like "withheld."

What is the second form of withheld?

The second form of "withheld" is "withheld."

What is another term for withheld?

Another term for "withheld" is "retained."

Is withheld a collective noun?

"Withheld" is not a collective noun; it is a verb.

Is the word “withheld” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

The word "withheld" is not an object; it is a verb.

Which determiner is used with withheld?

Determiners are not typically used with verbs like "withheld."

Which preposition is used with withheld?

Prepositions like "from" or "by" can be used with "withheld," depending on context.

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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