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Youg vs. Young — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Youg" is an incorrect spelling, whereas "Young" refers to having lived for a short time or early in life.
Youg vs. Young — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Youg or Young

How to spell Young?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of popular phrases like "Forever Young" to help remember.
Picture a young child to remember the correct spelling.
Notice the similarity between "younger" and "youngest", which both contain the correct "young".
"Young" has the word "young" in it, which is correctly spelled with an 'n' before the 'g'.
Remember "Young" as similar to "hung", both ending in "ng".

How Do You Spell Young Correctly?

Incorrect: They moved here when they were very youg.
Correct: They moved here when they were very young.
Incorrect: Her youg daughter is starting school this year.
Correct: Her young daughter is starting school this year.
Incorrect: My youg brother always follows me around.
Correct: My young brother always follows me around.
Incorrect: He looks very youg for his age.
Correct: He looks very young for his age.

Young Definitions

Early in one's life or development.
She is young and full of energy.
Immature or inexperienced.
He's still young in his career.
Being in an early period of life, development, or growth.
Newly begun or formed; not advanced
A young biotech company.
Relating to, typical of, or suggestive of youth or early life
He is young for his age.
Lacking experience; immature
A young hand at plowing.
Being the junior of two people having the same name.
(Geology) Being of an early stage in a geologic cycle. Used of bodies of water and land formations.
Young persons considered as a group; youth
Entertainment for the young.
Offspring; brood
A lioness with her young.
In the early part of growth or life; born not long ago.
A lamb is a young sheep;
These picture books are for young readers
At an early stage of existence or development; having recently come into existence.
The age of space travel is still young;
A young business
(Not) advanced in age; (far towards or) at a specified stage of existence or age.
How young is your dog?
Her grandmother turned 70 years young last month.
Junior (of two related people with the same name).
(of a decade of life) Early.
Youthful; having the look or qualities of a young person.
My grandmother is a very active woman and is quite young for her age.
Of or belonging to the early part of life.
The cynical world soon shattered my young dreams.
(obsolete) Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak.
(often as if a plural noun) Offspring, especially the immature offspring of animals.
The lion caught a gnu to feed its young.
The lion's young are curious about the world around them.
To become or seem to become younger.
To cause to appear younger.
(geology) To exhibit younging.
Not long born; still in the first part of life; not yet arrived at adolescence, maturity, or age; not old; juvenile; - said of animals; as, a young child; a young man; a young fawn.
For he so young and tender was of age.
"Whom the gods love, die young," has been too long carelessly said; . . . whom the gods love, live young forever.
Being in the first part, pr period, of growth; as, a young plant; a young tree.
While the fears of the people were young.
Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak.
Come, come, elder brother, you are too young in this.
The offspring of animals, either a single animal or offspring collectively.
[The egg] bursting with kindly rupture, forth disclosedTheir callow young.
Any immature animal
United States film and television actress (1913-2000)
United States civil rights leader (1921-1971)
British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829)
United States jazz tenor saxophonist (1909-1959)
English poet (1683-1765)
United States baseball player and famous pitcher (1867-1955)
United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (1801-1877)
Young people collectively;
Rock music appeals to the young
Youth everywhere rises in revolt
(used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth;
Young people
(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity;
New potatoes
Young corn
Of or relating to youth or early life.
He is in his young days.
The offspring of parents.
A lioness and her young.
Being the newer or newest.
The young generation.

Young Meaning in a Sentence

When I was young, I used to play outside until it was dark.
Young people today are very tech-savvy.
Her young mind was full of curiosity and wonder.
The young tree will need support until its roots are established.
He's a young author with a lot of potential.
The young bird struggled to fly for the first time.
The young puppy was playful and energetic.
Young athletes require proper nutrition to grow strong.
As young adults, they moved to the city for better opportunities.
Young learners need encouragement and support.
Young minds are like sponges, absorbing everything around them.
The young scientist received an award for her innovative research.
The young prince learned about leadership from his father.
Young professionals often seek mentors to guide their careers.
She's too young to watch this movie.
His young voice was clear and strong.
The young plant sprouted its first leaves.
She reminisced about her adventures when she was young.
A group of young musicians formed a new band.
The novel's protagonist is a young girl with a vivid imagination.
They met when they were young and fell in love.
The young actress performed brilliantly in her debut film.
The young couple decided to start a family.
The young detective solved the case with her keen observation skills.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Young?

Pronounced as "yuhng".

Why is it called Young?

Derived from Old English "geong", meaning early in life or development.

What is the root word of Young?

The Old English word "geong".

What is the singular form of Young?

"Young" is the singular form.

Which vowel is used before Young?

"A", as in "a young child."

Which article is used with Young?

"The" or "a", as in "the young man" or "a young woman."

What is the verb form of Young?

Young is primarily an adjective and doesn't have a typical verb form.

What is the plural form of Young?

When referring to offspring, the plural can be "young", as in "a cat and her young". Otherwise, "young" is not typically pluralized.

Which preposition is used with Young?

"At", as in "at a young age."

Is Young an abstract noun?


Is Young a countable noun?

Not when used as an adjective. When used as a noun, it can be countable in contexts like "The cat had three young."

What is a stressed syllable in Young?

The entire word, "Young", is stressed as it's a one-syllable word.

Which determiner is used with Young?

"This", "that", "a", "the" can all be used depending on context.

Which conjunction is used with Young?

Standard conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used.

Is the word Young a gerund?


What is another term for Young?


Is the word Young imperative?


How do we divide Young into syllables?

Young is a one-syllable word.

Is Young a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but can be perceived positively or negatively depending on context.

Is Young a vowel or consonant?

Young is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the Young term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically.

What is the first form of Young?

Young (it's primarily an adjective and doesn't have verb forms).

How is Young used in a sentence?

"The young bird hasn't learned to fly yet."

Is Young a noun or adjective?

Primarily an adjective, but can be used as a noun in contexts like "a mother duck and her young."

Is Young an adverb?


Is Young a collective noun?

In some contexts, e.g., "a mother bird feeding her young."

Is the word “Young” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Can be a direct object, e.g., "She is a young."

How many syllables are in Young?

One syllable.

What part of speech is Young?

Adjective, occasionally a noun.

What is the opposite of Young?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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