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Zodiac Sign vs. Rashi — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 6, 2023
Zodiac Sign is a western astrological symbol based on birth month, while Rashi is a Hindu astrological sign based on the moon's position at birth.
Zodiac Sign vs. Rashi — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Zodiac Sign and Rashi


Key Differences

Zodiac Sign, as part of Western astrology, comprises twelve signs representing different time frames throughout the year based on the sun's position. In contrast, Rashi, as part of Vedic or Hindu astrology, has twelve signs determined by the moon's position at the time of birth.
The Zodiac Sign system is largely solar-centric, emphasizing the sun's position in relation to Earth's orbit. On the other hand, Rashi emphasizes the moon's position and its influence on individuals, reflecting the lunar-centric nature of Hindu astrology.
Each Zodiac Sign, ranging from Aries to Pisces, represents specific personality traits and is linked to a month-long period. Rashi, ranging from Mesha to Meena, not only provides insight into personality but also offers predictions and remedies based on the moon's transit and position.
Zodiac Sign is popular in many Western countries and forms the basis of horoscopes in magazines and newspapers. Rashi is significant in India and nearby regions, often influencing decisions like marriage, naming ceremonies, and significant life events.

Comparison Chart


Western astrology
Vedic or Hindu astrology


Sun's position during birth month
Moon's position at birth

Number of Signs

Twelve (Aries to Pisces)
Twelve (Mesha to Meena)


Horoscopes, personality traits
Horoscopes, remedies, marriage compatibility

Popularity Region

Western countries
India and nearby regions

Compare with Definitions

Zodiac Sign

Represents the sun's position during one's birth month.
Her Zodiac Sign is Gemini, indicating her dual nature and adaptability.


A sign in Hindu astrology based on the moon's position.
His Rashi is Kumbha, influencing his innovative and humanitarian tendencies.

Zodiac Sign

One of twelve astrological signs in Western tradition.
As a Libra, she often seeks balance and harmony in her life.


One of twelve divisions in Vedic astrology.
She was born under the Vrishchika Rashi, indicating intensity and mystery.

Zodiac Sign

A symbol in Western astrology based on sun position.
Her Zodiac Sign, Leo, suggests she's outgoing and ambitious.


A lunar-based astrological sign in Hindu tradition.
With his Rashi being Simha, he possesses leadership qualities and confidence.

Zodiac Sign

A horoscopic sign indicating certain characteristics.
Born in March, his Zodiac Sign is Pisces, which signifies intuition and sensitivity.


Determines personality, predictions, and remedies in Hindu astrology.
Born under the Mithuna Rashi, he's curious, adaptable, and communicative.

Zodiac Sign

A division of the ecliptic signifying personality traits.
Being a Scorpio, he's known for his passion and determination.


Represents moon's transit and position at birth in Vedic system.
Her Rashi, Tula, suggests she's diplomatic and seeks balance.

Common Curiosities

Do both systems offer personality insights?

Yes, both Zodiac Sign and Rashi offer insights into personality traits.

Do Zodiac Sign and Rashi both have twelve signs?

Yes, both Zodiac Sign and Rashi have twelve signs each.

How does the Zodiac Sign influence daily horoscopes?

Daily horoscopes in Western tradition are often based on Zodiac Signs and planetary movements.

Is Rashi used outside of India?

While most popular in India, Rashi is also recognized in neighboring regions with Hindu influences.

Which Zodiac Sign corresponds to the months of January and February?

Aquarius and Pisces are the Zodiac Signs for January and February, respectively.

Is Zodiac Sign based on the sun or moon?

Zodiac Sign is based on the sun's position.

Which Rashi is associated with leadership qualities?

Simha (or Leo in Western astrology) is associated with leadership qualities.

Which celestial body determines Rashi?

Rashi is determined by the moon's position at the time of birth.

Are both Zodiac Sign and Rashi recognized worldwide?

While Zodiac Sign has global recognition, Rashi is more localized to India and areas with Hindu influences.

Is Zodiac Sign astrology solar-centric?

Yes, Zodiac Sign astrology is largely based on the sun's position relative to Earth.

Can Rashi influence marriage decisions in Hindu tradition?

Yes, Rashi plays a significant role in matchmaking and marriage decisions in Hindu culture.

What role does the moon play in Rashi?

In Rashi, the moon's position at birth determines the sign, reflecting its significance in Vedic astrology.

Can Rashi offer remedies for life problems?

Yes, Vedic astrology, through Rashi, often provides remedies for various life challenges.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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