S - Comparisons
Stock ROM vs. Custom ROM
Split System vs. Reverse Cycle
Should Be vs. Will Be
Summer Sausage vs. Salami
Super Glue vs. Epoxy
Saving vs. Investment
Social Media vs. Social Networking
Swift Code vs. Sort Code
Slavic Facial Features vs. Germanic Facial Features
Strong AI vs. Weak AI
Social Cognitive Theory vs. Behaviorism
Static Websites vs. Dynamic Websites
Salsa Sauce vs. Picante Sauce
Screen Printing vs. Sublimation Printing
Snooker Table vs. Pool Table
Self Esteem vs. Self Actualization
Spar Varnish vs. Spar Urethane
Symbiote vs. Parasite
Stimuli vs. Stimulus
Southern Blotting vs. Northern Blotting
Sale Deed vs. Conveyance Deed
Shaggy Carpets vs. Fluffy Carpets
Sine vs. Cosine
Soccer Cleats vs. Softball Cleats
Solvation Energy vs. Lattice Energy
Sprouts vs. Microgreens
SD vs. XD
Social Change vs. Cultural Change
Soccer Boots vs. Football Boots
Sculpture vs. Ceramics
Speaking vs. Thinking
Sweat vs. Sebum
System Unit vs. CPU
State Senator vs. US Senator
Supramolecular Chemistry vs. Molecular Chemistry
Steak vs. Entrecote
Scent vs. Sent
Security Guard vs. Security Officer
Sugar vs. Glucose
Solar Eclipses vs. Lunar Eclipses
Solid State Physics vs. Condensed Matter Physics
Soccer Cleats vs. Baseball Cleats
System Restore vs. System Recovery
Sahara Desert vs. Ladakh Desert
Shower Gel vs. Body Wash
Sulfone vs. Sulfoxide
Swift Code vs. IBAN Code
Sodium vs. Sodium Chloride