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Oriental Food vs. Continental Food — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 13, 2023
Oriental Food refers to dishes from East Asia, often rich in spices and flavors, while Continental Food pertains to European dishes, emphasizing simplicity and rich sauces.
Oriental Food vs. Continental Food — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Oriental Food and Continental Food


Key Differences

Oriental Food is derived from the culinary traditions of countries in East Asia, like China, Japan, and Korea. Continental Food, conversely, has its roots in European cuisines, particularly from Western Europe.
While Oriental Food often incorporates a myriad of spices, herbs, and seasonings, creating intricate flavors and aromas, Continental Food tends to prioritize simplicity, often focusing on fewer ingredients to bring out the natural tastes.
Common ingredients in Oriental Food include rice, noodles, soy, and various vegetables. Continental Food, on the other hand, often centers around meats, dairy, and breads.
Cooking techniques also vary. Oriental Food frequently uses stir-frying, steaming, and deep-frying. Continental Food, in contrast, might lean towards baking, grilling, and stewing.
Presentation is another distinguishing factor. Oriental Food often comes in shared dishes for communal eating. Continental Food typically is served in individual portions, with emphasis on plating aesthetics.

Comparison Chart


East Asia
Western Europe

Flavor Profile

Rich in spices and flavors
Simplicity with rich sauces

Common Ingredients

Rice, noodles, soy
Meats, dairy, breads

Cooking Techniques

Stir-frying, steaming
Baking, grilling


Shared dishes for communal eating
Individual portions, plated

Compare with Definitions

Oriental Food

Dishes often rich in spices and flavors.
Dim sum is a variety of Oriental Food with diverse tastes.

Continental Food

Focuses on simplicity and natural tastes.
Grilled steak with minimal seasoning showcases the Continental Food approach.

Oriental Food

Frequently incorporates stir-frying and steaming.
Stir-fried vegetables are common in Oriental Food.

Continental Food

Dishes originating from Western Europe.
Spaghetti is a classic example of Continental Food from Italy.

Oriental Food

Emphasizes rice, noodles, and soy-based ingredients.
Fried rice is a staple in many Oriental Food cuisines.

Continental Food

Centrally involves meats, dairy, and breads.
Cheese platters are a favorite in Continental Food.

Oriental Food

Culinary traditions from East Asia.
Sushi is a popular type of Oriental Food from Japan.

Continental Food

Emphasizes baking, grilling, and stewing.
Baked lasagna is a staple in Continental Food.

Oriental Food

Often served in shared dishes.
In many Asian countries, a meal of Oriental Food is meant for sharing.

Continental Food

Served in individual portions with an emphasis on presentation.
In Continental Food restaurants, each dish is carefully plated.

Common Curiosities

Does Continental Food use a lot of spices?

Continental Food usually emphasizes simplicity with fewer spices compared to Oriental Food.

What region does Continental Food primarily represent?

Continental Food primarily represents Western European cuisines.

How is Oriental Food usually presented?

Oriental Food is often presented in shared dishes for communal eating.

From where does Oriental Food originate?

Oriental Food originates from East Asian countries.

Are pastas and pizzas considered Oriental Food?

No, pastas and pizzas are examples of Continental Food.

Is tofu commonly used in Oriental Food?

Yes, tofu is a common ingredient in many Oriental Food dishes.

Can croissants be categorized under Oriental Food?

No, croissants are part of Continental Food, originating from France.

How do cooking techniques differ between Oriental and Continental Food?

Oriental often uses stir-frying and steaming, while Continental leans towards baking and grilling.

What are typical ingredients in Oriental Food?

Typical ingredients in Oriental Food include rice, noodles, soy, and various vegetables.

Is sushi considered Oriental or Continental Food?

Sushi is considered Oriental Food as it originates from Japan.

What's a popular Oriental Food dessert?

Mooncakes or mochi are popular desserts in Oriental Food.

How important is plating in Continental Food?

Plating is highly emphasized in Continental Food, focusing on aesthetics.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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